update « Cache « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate doesn't notice database updates made from other source    stackoverflow.com

I have a small system consisting of a .net client and a java web service. The .net client inserts an object into the database, and then calls the web service. The web ...

2. Does Hibernate 2nd-Level cache invalidate when running a JPQL update statement    stackoverflow.com

When you run a JPQL update or delete query, is Hibernate smart enough to invalidate the 2nd-level cache for the entity that is changed? Contrived example: You have the JPQL:

update Product p set ...

3. Updating database without seriously screwing things up?    stackoverflow.com

I've built apps in the past where in order to test things, I've had to manually issue SQL to the database and then try to read these changes via Hibernate. The ...

4. [Hibernate]: Second Lv Cache (with Async Updates)    coderanch.com

Dear Ranchers, I have this peculiar requirement to cache objects in an application. These objects cached are data mainly used for gui-construction. The problem here is that these data can be updated by the same application, but the changes in the database should not effect till the user forces a refresh on the cache. Currently, I've tried to do this using ...

6. Cache update    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I am using the query cache feature to avoid hitting the database for data that does not change frequently. Everything goes fine with retrieval and updates, since Hibernate knows when the object's state changed. However, what can I do regarding inserts? When I insert a new object the cache is not notified (so it seems) and I have to wait ...

7. Cached object updated via SP    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everyone, I unfortunately have to lauch some SP in my webapp for some heavy data updates. I'm using ehcache as second level cache. I'm actually launching the SP with JDBC. So of course ehcache doesn't know about it and my cached persistent objects are getting out of date. I'm looking for a good elegant way to handle this pb. I ...

8. Second-level cache and updates    forum.hibernate.org

Wouldn't it work if I load the object to be updated from cache, apply the changes (which could be none) and perform call update() within the same transaction? The object loaded from cache would not be dettached in such a scenario and it would be considered equal when update() is called. Is this a correct assumption?

9. Question about update cache objects    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I am using Hibernate 2.1 final version, and I used to use ECache for read- only cache objects, it worked ok, but now I am deciding to update these cache objects, so I am wandering if I am able to do it, is there any advantages/disadvantages for letting the cache objects update the database? Or do I need to ...

10. caching of Collections during save/update?    forum.hibernate.org

I noticed that collections are only put into cache during loading. during update and insert they are only evicted from the cache. Why is that? Is there a reason that the collection is not cached during insert and update like every other entity. The thing that I have a major performance issue because of that. thanks Mike

11. Caching not taking place on update    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to update some data, but its not being put in cache. I tried to debug and found that the following is happening - 1. TreeCache PUT Region = /net/sf/hibernate/cache/UpdateTimestampsCache Key = T_TKOP_OPER_PROFILE 2. Hibernate: update T_TKOP_OPER_PROFILE set LST_NM=? where OPER_ID=? 3. TreeCache REMOVE Region = /test/TTkopOperProfile Key = OP10 I dont understand why TreeCache.REMOVE is getting called instead ...

12. Objects not updating in cache    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I have a second level cache which I am using with my hibernate sessions. I am getting my session factory from JNDI and creating a session each request as described in "Hibernate In Action". I am having a problem though after I delete or update an object. The changes can be immediately seen in the database. But, the references ...

13. Session cache and updating    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0 I'm verifying an hibernate behavior that I don't think to be appropriate, but maybe there's some configuration that I don't realize. When an object is loaded (session.load()) this object is stored on session cache. If I do some modification on object, and after load it again the hibernate updates this object against database (and don't make an other ...

14. Update first level cache    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, many thank for replying because I have a great problem with hibernate. I have developed a web application with hibernate 3, struts, common controls and deploy the application to a tomcat server. Within a browser session I have no problems to update my data. The data is persistent into the database and I can reload the correct data. If I ...

15. Update/invalidate session cache    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, With this I update my help request. Based on the demo application CaveaTemptor I build a web application with Tomcat, Mysql, Hibernate 3 and Common Controls. Within one browser session everything from update, select and delete works without any problems. If I have second or third browser session the updates of data in one session is not propagated to the ...

16. Hibernate newbie : session cache not being updated    forum.hibernate.org

I've created a web app using hibernate and am experiencing problems when editing records. The data on the web page after an edit operation looks unaltered. Examining the underlying database with an SQL query shows the data has been changed successfully however. The web page will not show the correct values until the application server (Tomcat in this case) has been ...

17. Java 5->6 Updated - Now Hibernate's Cache Stays ReadOnly    forum.hibernate.org

Hello all! First, let me give a quick rundown on the software set up that I am using: - App Server: Jboss 4.2.2.GA - Hibernate 3 - Spring - Java 1.5 / 1.6 - Eclipse IDE - Appserver resides on a Solaris 10 machine I am fairly new with Hibernate myself, but I have been working on a project for quite ...