Database « Column « JPA Q&A

1. JPA 2.0 CriteriaBuilder using locate function for db column holding numerical values

I'm using JPA 2.0 criteria api to build dinamically a query according to the filter values the user insert into the UI. I'm using the equal operator for date column and everything ...

2. How to tell hibernate to not update certain columns

I have an application that will give a user an opportunity to update certain values. I want to send just the info on those columns to the user and take ...

3. Column privileges for different database users?

Hi I have a PostgreSQL 8.4 database that makes heavy use of column privileges to limit what columns particular user roles may modify. Column access control enforcement is done using different user logins at the database level, via groups (roles in Pg speak) assigned different column privileges. I'm building a J2SE app that uses Hibernate (3.5 via JPA2 and Annotations-style mapping) ...

4. reverse engineering db join column from other catalog

Dear developers! I have a db with 2 schemas. Some foreign keys in schema1 points to columns in schema2 (with read access). When I use hibernate tools to reverse engineer the db to get entity classes, these foreign keys not mapped to joined columns automatically, they remain simple columns with type Integer. Is there a way to configure it, or it ...

6. Database independant Column/Table name escaping?

Thanks for your help. I think this only solves part of the problem. How should I know which names are reserved keywords (those are database server dependant, are they?)? I would need to escape each table/column name in the descriptor just to be on the safe side. Couldn't this be done by some Hibernate configuration? Regards, Andreas

7. update column with same value to fire trigger in Db failing

Hi - We're using Hibernate 2 with Spring for a J2EE app using Weblogic server 8. I'm trying to update a column on a table with the same value so that a trigger in the database will fire - this works fine when updating the value via the database. I am calling getHibernateTemplate().update(myObject) from a DAO but the code doesn't seem ...

8. How to get Column Names of Database Table using Hibernate

Dear All, As per my project, I need to display all the column names of a table on JSP. i.e i need to display fields on JSP dynamically.depends upon user credentials, user should get registration page& the fields on the page should come from database. My table is like : Id | First Name | Last Name | -----|---------------|----------------- 1 | ...