identity « Column « JPA Q&A

1. How To conditionally generate a non-key identity column

The requirements are that the database column should be generated based on the presence of data in other attributes in the object. Otherwise, it will be set to -1 (a value to indicate there is no value) Is it possible to initiate conditional generation from a User Type? Can this be achieved via hbm mapping only? The identity column is not ...

2. Attempt to modify identity column IDUSER


3. Table having Primary Key and Identity Column

I have a table which an identity column and a primary key. CREATE TABLE &LIB/TABLE_STATE ( ROWID NUMERIC(16) UNIQUE GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (CACHE 20 CYCLE ORDER), USERID CHAR(10) NOT NULL, CODE_TYPE VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (USERID, CODE_TYPE), ); Code: @Entity @Table(name = "TABLE_STATE") public class TableState implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; ...

4. Update identity column using hibernate

5. Identity column being set

Author Message kureckam Post subject: Identity column being set Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:06 am Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:58 am Posts: 4 I'm getting the following exception but I can't figure out why it is happening. Test code is below. Code: Caused by: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Agent' when ...

6. MS Access Dialect - supporting Identity column issue

Hi, I am trying to use Hibernate with ms access. I extended Dialect calss as below: public class MSAccessDialect extends Dialect { ..... public String getIdentityColumnString() { return "AutoIncrement NOT NULL"; } ..... } DDL statement I get buy runing SchemaExport looks like this: create table Books (ID INTEGER AutoIncrement NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(255) null, primary key (ID)) How can I ...

7. Identity in not id column

create table Abc ( counter int not null identity(1, 1), IDabc1 int not null, -- --> Abc1.IDabc1 IDabc2 int not null, -- --> Abc2.IDabc2 blabla varchar(20), primary key (IDabc1, IDabc2) )

9. as400 and identity columns

When using identity as an id generation strategy, I figured out (looked in the code :)) that to retrieve the id the fixed sql string "select identity_val_local() from sysibm.sysdummy1" is used. However we generally use the "system" naming strategy instead of the "sql" naming strategy. We specify no libraries in the mapping files and specify a library list. The approach gives ...

10. onPreInsert veto and identity columns

I've got a PreInsertEventListener that in some cases 'vetos' the insert by returning true. This seems to work fine when my entity's id is mapped to a sequence, but when the id is mapped to an identity column, I get the following exception. Code: FULL STACK TRACE: org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: null identifier at org.hibernate.engine.EntityKey.( at org.hibernate.engine.PersistenceContext.checkUniqueness( ...

11. Identity Column and Hibernate

Background Info: Hibernate 2.1.6 Database MS SQL Server Domain Model: xxxDeal (has primary key called internal_id of type varchar (36)) extends Deal Mapping file for xxxDeal: ...

12. Can I use identity columns in element sets?

I want to set up a simple collection (set probably, but a list or array will do fine) of integers, where the integer is allocated by the DB in a strictly incrementing way. That is, the table implementing the set will have only two columns: one being the foreign key to the containing table, and the other is an identity column ...

13. Retrieving Identity column

14. Identity Column with HSQL

I have a data object, Person, which stores the first and last name of a person. It also has a field, long id. This ID should be auto-incremented by the DB when a person is inserted into the database, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Details below... Hibernate version: 3 Name and version of the database you are using: HSQL ...

15. Identity column problem

Hi I'm trying to save one row to table which got one column set to identity. While trying to save data and commit transaction there is exception: Error while commiting the transaction javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while comiting the transaction ... Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not insert: [entities.WorkingDayEntry] ... java.sql.SQLException: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'WorkingDayEntry' when IDENTITY_INSERT is ...

16. Caused by: ERROR 42Z23: Attempt to modify an identity column

Hi, I'm new to hibernate and I encounter an error when I'm trying to save a new persistent data. Here is my sample code: From my client: DataStore data = new DataStore("data3", "types3"); DatabaseDemoService.Util.getInstance().populateData(data, new AsyncCallback() { ... } this my server implementation: public void populateData(DataStore data) { try { final DataStore data1 = new DataStore(data); Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); ...

18. IDENTITY column next value?

Hi, How can I run this kind of a query? SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'table_name' This query shows mysql table status and I want to take auto_increment current value for showing next value. 16:33:15,287 INFO [STDOUT] sql: SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'pr_staff' 16:33:15,287 ERROR [STDERR] 21991095 [http-] INFO org.hibernate.type.StringType - could not read column value from result set: TABLE_NAME; Column 'TABLE_NAME' ...

19. Value already present for Identity column

Hello all I reverse engineered my database to produce entity classes for me. For one particular entity, i have a coloumn as follows @Entity Person @javax.persistence.Id @javax.persistence.Column(name = "PID", unique = true, nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true) public int getPID(){ .. } In the database the column is an Identity column When I try to instantiate an ...

20. JPA and Derby and "Attempt to modify an identity column"

This really seems like a simple problem, but I can't find any solutions posted anywhere. The basic gist is that I have a Derby( database that contains a table with a primary key that is an IDENTITY. I then create a JPA annotated class to represent that table and try to insert it into the table via an EntityManager.persist. I get ...