name « Column « JPA Q&A

1. Will I get in trouble for changing table and column names from upper to camelcase with JPA?

The column and table names that JPA providers create when you're not using @Column tags and the like, are always capitalized. I think the JPA spec even says they should. But ...

2. Get column name in jpa

I have a query factory that takes a column name as an attribute in order to search for that column. Right now I'm passing the name of the column as a ...

3. Is there a way to tell JPA/Hibernate to transform column names from camcel case to _'s?

Is there a generic way to tell JPA/Hibernate to transform all column names of the form: emailAddress to the form: email_address ? I'd rather not have to use a @Column annotation for hundreds of columns. I ...

4. Is it possible create column name with white spaces using hibernate?

I am building data base system for electronic components. Unfortunatly other programs, that will use some of my tables need to have white spaces in column names. Ive tried in my ...

5. Is it possible to dynamically define column names in Hibernate / JPA?

So i have this existing DB schema with a number of tables that i want to model with JPA/Hibernate. Each table has the same group of 30 additional columns ( to allow ...

6. Need column name in hibernate

Odd. Why do you have a list of values, rather than an object encapsulating the values? That aside, if you really want the column names, you could do it via JDBC, as Mark suggests, or you could re-parse the mapping file and file out the column from the property name. Neither should be necessary if you are using Hibernate in a ...

8. Column name not found in JoinColumns.referencedColumnName

@Entity @Table(name="timescheduledata") public class TimescheduleData implements Serializable { @Id private TimescheduleDataId id; } @Embeddable public class TimescheduleDataId implements Serializable { @Column(name="projectBudget") private String projectBudget; @Column(name="version") private int version; @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) private Date date; }

9. Column name not found in JoinColumns.referencedColumnName

Author Message bjornbak Post subject: Column name not found in JoinColumns.referencedColumnName Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:18 am Newbie Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:47 am Posts: 1 I try to change some old sqlj (native sql insert directly into java files in a not editor way) into EJB Entity and JPA. But I keep getting org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Column name ...

10. column name mismatch

I have Two tables Table A and Table B with a many is to one relation. There are no explicitly defined constraints between the tables. A.cMake & A.cModel holds the value of B.make and B.model respectively. I'm trying to create a mapping file A.hbm.xml, such that A.getB() returns a Set (or Map?). ...

11. How to pass column name through criteriabuilder.function()

I am trying to call the CONTAINS function of the oracle database through the criteriabuilder.function() method. The code looks like: criteriabuilder.function("CONTAINS", Integer.class, criteriabuilder.literal("ADDRESS"), criteriabuilder.literal("text-to-search"), ...) The log shows that "binding parameter [1] as [VARCHAR] - ADDRESS". While the syntax of the CONTAINS function shows that the first parameter of the CONTAINS function is a column name whose type is not VARCHAR. ...

12. 1-many, many-1 with differnt column names - need example

After browsing around on the froum I have found lots of people having this problem but no clear example. Suppose I have a Parent and Child in classic one-to-many and many-to-one relation. The relation is NOT using the same column name. So, how do I specify the one-to-many block in the parent mapping file and how the many-to-one in the child ...

13. Column name not found in result set

Beginner Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:48 pm Posts: 31 hi all, spring 1.0.1 hibernate 2.1.2 firebird firebirdSQL 1.5 - jdbc driver hibernate.dialect = net.sf.hibernate.dialect.FirebirdDialect I use native SQL method: Code: public List getAdminSurveysByMasterUsernameSQL(final String userName) throws DataAccessException { return getHibernateTemplate().executeFind( ...

14. How to get column names with in the app.

In my cuurnet project, I have a need to log information whenever a column is updated (for auditing purposes). So for a given object and a property, I need to log the TableName, ColumnName, OldValue, NewValue. I am experimenting with the MetaData API and EntityPersister class to get the Table Name and ColumnName. While I could easily get the TableName using ...

15. Getting column Names

Hi I have a requirement where I need to get the Column names from the table so that I can write a generic method which receives a query, executes it and after it gets the results, I need to put a logic that needs the column names. In JDBC, it will be ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName(). I need something similar in Hibernate. Can someone ...

17. How to get a column name

Hi together, probably I'm doing something very wrong, but I have no guess how to do better. I want to have a like Expression on a java Integer. This brings up an hibernate ClassCastException... While doing an sql query it's perfectly fine to have a like operation on a DB int column. So my next guess was to do an SQL ...

18. retrieving column names from a table

19. How to get column names (I need example please)

20. get Table column names

21. Being able to format a columns name

Hi, I am new to Hibernate and I was wonder if it was possible to be able to set some meta data to a column of a table. Lets say I have a table Shoe and it has a column shoe_lace, I want to be able to retrieve a "clean cut" name for that column such as 'Shoe Lace'. Also I ...

22. Hibernat and column names with SPACES

How does hibernate take into account column names with spaces? Example: Table: Person Column name : First Name in DB2: create table person ("First Name" varchar(30)) Hibernate xml file: ... column= "First Name" Will it take what is inside there and put it inot an sql command with just that string there (i.e. First Name) this will not work on the ...

26. Can a column name be replaced by named parameter?

String queryString = "from Promotion p where :date between p.startDate AND p.endDate AND p.status = :status" + " AND (:show like :id1 OR :show like :id2 OR :show like :id3 OR p.showPPO like '' OR p.showto like 'message.promotion.showto.both')"; Query hqlQuery = session.createQuery(queryString).setDate("date", new Date()).setString("status", ""); hqlQuery.setString("show", ...

27. More than one column having same name.

Author Message massep Post subject: More than one column having same name. Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:38 am Regular Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:28 am Posts: 63 Hi, To make a long story short, H3 generates the same column alias twice in the one SQL. Sybase doesn't like that. Here's the two column involved in the problem: ...

28. Strange problem of column names in Hibernate 3.1 release.

I had a strange problem while migrating from Hibernate 3.0 to 3.1. ... ... Above is one of the fields in my class. Hibernate 3.1 uses "type" instead of "protocol_type" as column name, so I got "Unknown column" error. The mapping worked fine with Hibernate 3.0.

29. Rerturn Columns names

Not sure why you would want to get the column names - because the whole purpose of using H would be to NOT to deal with column names and just deal with properties. However, if you insist, you can do this in 2 ways: 1. Use straight JDBC // get teh JDBC connection Connection conn = session.connection(); DatabaseMetadata dbmd = conn.getMetaData(); ...

30. Same logical column name referenced several times

Regular Joined: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:54 pm Posts: 60 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1.1 Mapping documents: Code: ...

31. Getting the table name and column name using the class name

for (Iterator it1 = config.getClassMappings(); it1.hasNext(); ) { PersistentClass pc = (PersistentClass); System.out.println("Table is " + pc.getTable().getName()); for (Iterator it2 = pc.getPropertyIterator(); it2.hasNext(); ) { Property property = (Property); System.out.println("Property is " + property.getName()); for (Iterator it3 = property.getColumnIterator(); it3.hasNext(); ) { ...

32. Return column name

QueryTranslator qt = (QueryTranslator) HibernateUtility.getSession().createCriteria(Aluno.class); String[][] string = qt.getColumnNames(); for(int i=0; i<=string.length; i++){ for(int j=0; j<=string.length; j++){ System.out.println(string[i][j]); ...

33. column names - DelegatingReverseEngineeringStrategy

Hi :) our database contains tables with column names using following naming convention: "FacilityKey", "FacilityID", "DataSource", ... I am using hbm2hbmxml to generate all my data beanss with: ******************************************************** ******************************************************** the output hibernate configuration file looks like: ****************************************************** ...

34. How to get column name of table in Hibernate

Hi Everybody I need equivalent code in hibernate for the following code in JDBC /*********************************************************** public static String[] getColumnInfo(Connection con, String tableName) { String dataColname = ""; String dataTypename = ""; int dataLength = 0; int dataScale = 0; String cols[] = null; try { Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from parsedmirheader"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); cols ...

35. many-to-one, but different column names

36. Upper case in column names

37. matter of getting the names of columns...

38. Case sensitive table and column names

39. Hibernate/Postgres & Mixed Case Table/Column names?

I am not using Hibernate, but am in a project where another group *is* and I'm being told that Hibernate cannot handle mixed case table/column names in a PostgreSQL database. I'm having a hard time believing this, and so am posting here as a sanity check. The claim is that the produced Java will not compile. At this point I don't ...

40. Problem with table and column name hyphen ( ).

@Entity @Table(name="\"sim-empresa-prof\"", schema="PUB") public class EmpresaProfissionalDTO implements Serializable { @Id @Column(name = "\"num-empresa-prof\"") private String sqEmpresaProfissional; @Column(name = "cargo") private String cargo; @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="\"num-profissional\"", insertable = false, updatable = false) private ProfissionalDTO profissional; ...

41. column name issue

I have a group table in MySQL. Apparently it is keyword in the MySQL so I cannot insert anything with hibernate. when I tried it it gives SQL syntax error then I added catalog="" but at this time I had a problem with column name, limit. Then I changed the name and it is fixed. Is there any way to do ...

42. Global table/column name quoting.

Hi there. Hibernate doesn't quote table and column names by default [and that's evil]. Instead, it suggests adding `` to each name that you need to quote. I wonder if there is some way to globally enable quoting so I do not need to bother about manual quoting. Manual qouting has two troubles: 1) you must remember to add it. 2) ...

43. Dashes in table names and columns

I am trying to use Hibernate with a Progress 10.1 database. This database has been around for many years and many of the table names and column names have dashes in them. I am trying to see if I can configure Hibernate to allow for this. For example, one table name is part-file. So if I wanted to extract a record ...

44. Wrong Column names

Hi, I have a native sql query like this Code: SELECT DISTINCT , AS table2id FROM table1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ON cond1 AND condi2. .... When i get the result array .. the two row object which should be having the following data row[0] row[1] has instead this values row[0] ...

45. Escaping dashes in column names

46. How can I get the "metadata" or the column name?

47. Quote table and column names

You were right! It did the trick! Thanks a lot. For anyone who might be interested, here's what I did: 1. create a custom naming strategy class: Code: package com.mdpframework.dataaccess.hibernate; import org.hibernate.cfg.DefaultNamingStrategy; import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect; public class DefaultQuotedNamingStrategy extends DefaultNamingStrategy { private static Dialect _dialect = new MySQLInnoDBUTF8Dialect(); @Override public String classToTableName(String className) ...

48. @Column name with Capital and lower case letters ignored

@Entity @Table(name = "keyvaluetable") public class Property { @Id @Column(name = "ID", length = 50, nullable = false) private String key; @Lob @Column(name = "content", nullable = false) private String value; @Column(name = "lastUpdateAt", nullable = false) private Date lastUpdateDate; //Getter and setters... ...