criteria « Component « JPA Q&A

1. Retrieve emebedded or component using Hibernate Criteria api

I have this class mapped as a entity, lets call it Person. Person has an embedded/component relation to Address. I am having trouble using a Criteria that would return Address objects. ...

2. Criteria Query + component

Author Message samith143 Post subject: Criteria Query + component Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:40 am Newbie Joined: Thu Nov 05, 2009 7:10 am Posts: 1 Hi All, I'm getting following error, when i try to retrieve a component object, please help me to solve this, org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryException: property does not map to a single column: audit; nested exception is ...

3. criteria when using component

I try use criteria to search with component field. example class House public class House { private int id; private String ower; private Adress adress; getter.... setter..... } class Adress public class Adress{ private String street; private String city; } My House table SCM_HOUSE ID int OWER varchar2(50) STREET varchar2(50) CITY varchar2(30) House.hbm.xml ...

4. Criteria using component property

Hi, this might be a stupid question... I have a mapping ... Code: ...

5. Criteria Query, component and FetchMode.EAGER

Hi all. We have a MileageVoucher class, one of its attributes is a Audit component. This component has two attributes one of which, user, is a reference to a InfoUser class. This InfoUser class has an attribute principalOffice that is a reference to the Office class. We are making a consultation using Criteria and we would need that the attribute principalOffice ...

6. Cannot apply Criteria object to dynamic-component

Hi, The Criteria object seem not to support dynamic-component(s). The following code, for example: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria( MyClass.class); criteria.addOrder(Order.asc(dynComp)); // dynComp is a dynamic-component criteria.list(); // <<< exception here will result in the following exception: could not resolve property: dynComp of: MyClass Is there a known solution/workaround for this problem (other than hand-coding in HQL)? Thanks, Gilad Haimov BMC Software ...

7. Does the Criteria support dynamic-component ?

Hello, Does the Criteria support dynamic-component ? I have following codde: Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria( MyClass.class); criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("dynComp.String['name of field']")); // dynComp is a dynamic-component criteria.list(); and I reveice exception: could not resolve property: dynComp.String['name of field'] of: MyClass I tried also others possibilities e.g. criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("dynComp.name_of_field_in_db"])); More details Hibernate 3.2.1 Application-Server: Tomcat 5.5 DB: mysql hibernate file:

8. Criteria: createCriteria with Component

9. Joining to a collection of components with criteria

I'm getting this error when doing that: org.hibernate.MappingException: collection was not an association' I've searched for it in the web and I got this sentence from Hibernate currently does not support joining a collection of components or other value types with Criteria. Use HQL or submit a patch that implements this functionality. Has it been implemented already? Or do we ...

10. property of a component with Criteria

11. property of a component with Criteria

12. Hibernate: Criteria with Component object

The fact is that the name attribute is an component object type. When I try to do this same query with another kind of object I get what I want, but with a component object I can't get it to work. I've read in the "Java Persistence with Hibernate" book this: "Hibernate fails with an exception and tells you that the ...