Bulk « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Bulk delete with composite key    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, Im trying to execute an simple bulk delete estatement in a table that has an composite primary key and it is not working. Suppose I have an entity (Table1VO) that have an pk mapped attribute to a PK class (Table1PK) that have an id_1 and id_2 fields. My hql is : delete Table1VO where pk.id_1 = ? Hibernate tell ...

2. bulk delete syntax and composite keys    forum.hibernate.org

By "table aliases" I assume you really mean "class aliases"... They can still be (optionally) used. There is a plethora of test cases in the test suite testing this (as for all things relating to HQL updates and deletes, org.hibernate.test.hql.BulkManipulationsTest is the gospel). As for the composite id issue, it very well could be that these are not handled correctly. If ...

3. Bulk operations fails when using composite id    forum.hibernate.org

uncategorized SQLException for SQL [delete from MyObject where (id, rev) IN (select id, rev from HT_MyObject)]; SQL state [37000]; error code [-11]; Unexpected token: , in statement [delete from MyObject where (id, rev) IN (select id, rev from HT_MyObject)]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Unexpected token: , in statement [delete from MyObject where (id, rev) IN (select id, rev from HT_MyObject)] java.sql.SQLException: ...

4. Should bulk delete cascade to list of composite-elements?    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Fri May 26, 2006 10:55 am Posts: 4 I'm getting an error when I bulk delete an entity with a list of composite-elements. The list has cascade="all-delete-orphan" set. If the elements of the lists are removed first (and the session flushed), deleting the entities succeeds. Have I configured my model wrong for the deletion of the entities to cascade ...

5. Bulk Update (3.2.2) problem with Composite-id    forum.hibernate.org

I have a problem trying to do a bulk update to a class with composite-id, the generated sql was wrong. (Hibernate 3.2.2) Parts of HBM's: Code: ...

6. BUG?Hibernate bulk operation does not work with composite id    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, All: I tried to do some bulk operations without using the cache. But I found very simple updates cannot be handled by Hibernate 3 if the composite ID is used. Below is my mapping file for the table: [b] ...

7. Bulk Insert and composite id field    forum.hibernate.org
