NonUniqueObjectException « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. NonUniqueObjectException: cascadings 1-to-m, composite-id

this is my setup: parent A (Derde) -> 1-to-m to child B (DerdeRol) -> 1-to-m to child C (DerdeRolErk) they have composite-ids, and I implemented an Interceptor like the example in the manual in section 9.4. Inverse=""true", lazy="false",cascade="all" in the mapping files. I used bags as collection. When testing my methods to interact with the dbase, this is a piece of ...

2. Get NonUniqueObjectException with use of composite-id

Hi, im new to hibernate and am experiencing problems with use of composite-id, i cant figure out what to do now, used several hours without result. I have 2 foreign keys in this table ("PropertyForAirPlane"). i get an exception when trying to save (insert) into this PropertyForAirPlane. I have implemented both the equals and and hashcode methods in PropertyForAirPlane and Property ...