OneToOne « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. @OneToOne annotation within composite key class is not working

Maybe somebody can clarify what is wrong with the code below. When I create one-to-one association within embedded class (it is composite primary key) like in the code below:

public class ...

2. Hibernate OneToOne association using composite key

Consider the following model. Assume a Book can have only one Note of type author.

class Book {
    private Note authorNote;

    @JoinColumnsOrFormulas ...

3. JPA OneToOne association where 2 entities use composite primary keys but use different column names?

We are trying to use Hibernate with a database that uses a lot of composite keys and it's been causing us a lot of headaches. Unfortunately, we can't change the schema so ...

4. OneToOne mapping with 2 composite keys using JPA

TableA has a 3 column composite primary key, TableB has a 2 column composite key primary key (these 2 columns are in TableA) and TableC has a single column primary key but has a composite foreign key from TableB. This is an inherited table structure which I cannot change. TableA 1:1 TableB TableB M:1 TableA TableB 1:M TableC TableC M:1 TableB ...

5. OneToOne composite key and org.hibernate.TypeMismatchEx

public class Product implements Serializable { public static class ProductID implements Serializable { @Column(name = "ID_A", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "integer") private Integer idA; @Column(name = "ID_B", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "integer") private Integer idB; } @EmbeddedId private ProductID productID = new DocumentID(); getter/setter @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, optional = true) @JoinColumns({ @JoinColumn(name="ID_A", referencedColumnName="ID_A", nullable = ...

6. @OneToOne annotation, composite key, Reverse Engineering

I generated my annotated code from an existing DB using the RevEng tool. I have a TblDetail table that has a composite primary key: @Embeddable public class TblDetailId { String mission; String type; int num; } I have a TblOrbit table that also has a composite primary key, with the same fields: @Embeddable public class TblOrbitId { String mission; String type; ...

7. OneToOne mapping with 2 composite keys using JPA

TableA has a 3 column composite primary key, TableB has a 2 column composite key primary key (these 2 columns are in TableA) and TableC has a single column primary key but has a composite foreign key from TableB. This is an inherited table structure which I cannot change. TableA 1:1 TableB TableB M:1 TableA TableB 1:M TableC TableC M:1 TableB ...