number « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Indirectly generate sequence numbers for composite primary keys with JPA

I have a JPA entity class with a composite primary key (uid,lid) that in the database should look like this;

UID | LID | ...
1   | 1   | ...

2. HIbernate Composite Key problem: foreign key has wrong number of columns

I am new to Hibernate and JPA, and am having difficulty setting up a composite key, as defined below:

@Table(name = Entity.TABLE) 
public class MyEntity extends Entity {


3. JPA, Mixed surrogate key with foreign key and sequence number

I've got two tables:


Entries in the database might look like this: Document:
DOC_ID | . . .
1      | . . .
2    ...

4. HibernateMapping Exception: Foreign key must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key

I'm getting a mapping exception immediately after launching my Hibernate application that says a "foreign key must have same number of columns as the referenced primary key", even though I've included ...

5. hibernate composite key containing sequence number

Just jumped into Hibernate - following is a typical newbie question software used: latest version of hibernate Oracle 9i database jdk 1.4 I have a table called txn_log transaction_id number pk status_cd varchar2(5) pk message clob .....etc I would like to know what settings need to be done in the mapping xml file for this table to support this composite primary ...

6. Composite key with sequence number.How to code solution?

from FAQ: Q: I have a composite key where one column holds a generated value - how can I get Hibernate to generate and assign the value? A: We regard this as an extremely strange thing to want to do. If you have a generated surrogate key, why not just make it be the primary key? However, if you must do ...

7. generate composite key by using-1 of keys as sequence number

please help me how to generate composite key by using one of keys as a sequence number(which increments 1,2,3...). Other key I'm getting the value from Browser side(Employer ID) I'm thinking we need to write one user class to generate this composite key, please help me how to generate composite key by using 2 keys-Employer ID, CallerSeqNo.