parent « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Should 'composite' classes reference 'parent' class?

First time poster, long(ish) time lurker. I am attempting to develop a simple Project Management program as a learning exercise and trying to learn and follow good programming practices (coding to interfaces, ...

2. Parent / Child with Composite Child Keys

I have a parent entity object that contains three lists of child records. Each of the three lists are represented by their own entity object class with the primary key for these child entities being a composite key that contains the parent's unique identity primary key. Parent ParentId - Identity/Unique Sequence Column, managed by Hibernate ChildEntityA ParentId RecordType ChildEntityB ParentId oldStatus ...

3. parent-child mapping problem with sets and composite-id

The problem I am in having is having a parent class successfully load a set of child objects. I set up one parent record, and one child record in the database. The child record's key1 and key2 values match it's parents. When I run the find find("from com.idexx.cstone.core.domain.TestParent tp " +"left join fetch tp.children"); I get back a valid parent TestParent ...

4. parent-child issue with composite keys

I've already read documentation, FAQs and previous postings. However, I've not found this one. I have a parent-child relationship between two tables, the foreign table has a composite key which includes the foreign key to the primary table. I have a problem while trying to save in cascade. Reads and deletions work fine. I've found a workaround ( which I describe ...

5. child table column refers only a part of parent composite-id

hi, pls. consider this scenario, parent ====== id int id1 int name varchar suppose composite key here is (id,id1,name) and the related mapping is child ==== child_id int (refers id of parent) id1 int child_name varchar suppose composite key here is (child_id,id1,name) If we map like,

6. Person/addresses: parent-children or composite element?

javacoda wrote: I'd probably map the Address as a composite Object. There is a good example of this in Hibernate in Action & it explains why you would choose one over the other quite clearly. It is worth reading the book, it really explains a lot. I will read the book and get the full explanation. What put me off the ...

7. Parent child mapping with composite ids

Hibernate version: Hibernate2 HEAD 2005-02-08 Hi, I am trying to map from a parent table to a child table with composite Ids. I am not using a unique key because the tables are intended to be updated manually. It is easier to add new pages by adding the feature number and the page number than it is to remember a generated ...

8. Parent update problem in Parent-Child (with composite ids)

Hello, I am using Spring + Hibernate + Struts. My DB is IBM DB2 for OS/390 with driver: I am trying to buid an application having insert/delete/update for both parent and child tables. I have implemented the application. Everything is fine, i can see records of both parent and child. I can edit, delete and update a child. but when ...

9. Problem with composite-id when parent id part of child id

Newbie Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:39 am Posts: 1 I have several entities which can have unique named properties. These are stored in a PROPERTY table with a composite-id of refType (which type of entity has the property), refId (The id of the entity instance which has the property) and the property name. With two example entities FirstEntity and SecondEntity, ...

10. Parent/Child with just one table (composite keys, too!)

Hi all, I'm new to Hibernate and have the following problem: Basically, all I'd like to map is a Parent/Child relationship on a legacy app. The table "Tree" looks like --------------------------------------------------------- | id1 | id2 | name | parent_id1 | parent_id2 | --------------------------------------------------------- where id1 and id2 is a composite key and parent_id1 and parent_id2 are foreign keys to the same ...

11. Does work with composite-element in maps/sets

I'm hoping to get a reference to the containing class from all objects in a map. Here's a partial mapping file: Code: ...

12. Problem with composite-id and foreign key(parent/child rel.)

Hi all, I'm newbie to hibernate and couldnot find a solution for this problem: I have a table fld_field to realize a parent/child(composite) relationship. The tables primary key consists of 2 columns fld_oid_high and fld_oid_low(composite-id) and the parent-relationship is realized through the the foreign key(s) fld_parent_high/ fld_parent_low. That's the table: CREATE TABLE fld_field(fld_oid_high BIGINT NOT NULL,fld_oid_low BIGINT NOT NULL,fld_parent_high BIGINT, fld_parent_low ...

13. My Stoopid composite-id and parent child problem... Hangs

Hello, I'm pullin my hair out here. I've used Hibernate with java for a couple of projects. I've kept to the simple stuff and it's been a joy. I'm now using NHibernate with Dot Net, but on legacy databases. I have a parent child relationship I need to model,,, this is the schema (some irrevant bist cut out

14. Parent and child(with composite-id)

Hello Forum, I'm developing a application using Hibernate. My question is the follow: I have got three entities: Ubicacio, Utilitari and Moviment, each one represent places, articles and movements translated to english. So, one Ubicacio (place) has more Moviment (movements), and one Utilitari (article) has more Moviment (movements) and Movement is composed by one Ubicacio (place), one Utilitari (article) and a ...

15. Legacy parent/child with composite id


16. Parent/Child and composite keys using Annotations

I previously posted this on the JBoss EJB3 forums, but I thought it might be more relevant to these forums: I have a fairly common scenario which I am having trouble getting to work as I expect. I have searched through the documentation and forums, but have not yet found any information which helped be with my issue. I have two ...

17. composite-id with a foreign key to parent

hello Hibernate users! I'm new to hibernate, and I'm hoping this forum can be as helpful to me as it was for others. I'm in the design stage, and would like to know if my design is applicable. This is what I want to achieve: Relationship of grandpa, parent, child. parent has a foreign key constraint on a property (not part ...