pattern « Composite « JPA Q&A

1. Single class Composite Pattern mapping with Hibernate

I wonder how to map single class composite pattern with annotations in Hibernate? An human object can contains children, and each child can have his/her own children. Thank you. Human domain class:

public ...

2. Hibernate and the composite pattern

Hello everyone, I have the following issue, that I already spent a couple of hours on: Scenario: I have a class Person that is subclassed into father and son. The Person class holds a list of Person class (all the relations a Person has) Code: public class Person{ //yada yada yada private List children = new List private List parents = ...

3. Hibernate Composite Pattern

Hello I am implementing a material list. Which means that I do have kind of a tree structure like in the composite pattern. I have Material which may be a part or a parset whilst a partset may consist out of parts or other partsets (tree structure) I do want TABLE_PER_CLASS strategy, so there should only be a table for part ...

4. Implementing the composite pattern

Hi all!! I've been wondering about this one for the last few days: Many of the recent projects I've been on require some sort of structure to hold information in a hierarchical fashion. I think its time we found a more reusable way and for this I think the composite pattern is the key. The main idea is to have ...

5. How to use the Composite design pattern with Hibernate

Essentially I have an object which contains other objects(which could be other containers or a leaf object) and I am using the Composite design pattern and need help using and mapping this with Hibernate. public abstract class Component{ int id; String name; someOperation(); ... } public class Composite extends Component{ ... List items; //Contains all subComponents someOperation(); ... } public class ...

6. Problems with composite pattern

I'm using hibernate version 2.1.3 and mySQL My situation: Abstract Class Component | | Abstract Class CompositeComponent extends Component | | Class StdComposite extends CompositeComponent And I also use the composite pattern. When I type this into Java Code: Component comp1 = new StdComposite("name","description"); Component comp2 = new StdComposite("name","description"); comp1.setParent((CompositeComponent) comp2); //=>setParent ... //store it with hibernate on the usual way: ...

7. Composite Pattern and Composite IDs

We are trying to apply the composite pattern to an Entity which has a composite ID. (For the purpose of this question, please assume that we cannot use surrogate keys) Please consider the following: Entity Parent has composite-id A,B Parent can have many children of type Parent Question: Could someone demonstrate how to map this type of association? We currently have ...

8. Composite Pattern

Looking for some advice on implementing persistence for a set of classes that implement the Composite Pattern (Gang of Four). It would seem that I have to use a discriminator column for the subclasses, though it will have no use. Not clear on why persistence can't be through the baseclass if there are no additional properties in the sub.

9. hibernate composite pattern problem

Newbie Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:59 am Posts: 4 It was in my hash function. Hibernate works like a charm. The reduced problem was to persist the following XML tree: TA Login page Home page Services Info 412 Area Clienti Alice Area Clienti Smart Area ...

10. Composite pattern configuration

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version:3.0.4 Name and version of the database you are using:MySql 4.1.11 Hi guys, I need to use Composite Pattern to design my product categor. I follow The Head First Design Patterns book and the java file is like below: package headfirst.composite.menuiterator; import java.util.*; public abstract class MenuComponent { public void ...

11. Leaf, node mapping not working, pseudo composite pattern

Hi im having a problema whith an hibernate mapping, i like to map a structure like a menu I have a class named MenuComponent and two subclasses of it, Menu and MenuItem. A Menu has a list (indexed) of Menu components (could be others menus or menu items) when i try to persist the menu, it do nothing can somebody help ...

12. Mapping a composite pattern?

Newbie Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2004 3:16 am Posts: 1 Hi everyone, I have encountered an issue of mapping my domain objects. I have three classes: Code: public abstract class Item extends Entity { Item parent; String code; public Item getParent() { ...

14. Mapping a composite pattern (without a parent)

@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public class CombinedFilter implements Filter { @Id @Column(name = "Id") private Long m_id; @Column(name = "ChildFilters") private List m_filters; @Column(name = "CombinationType") private CombinationType m_combinationType; @Column(name = "Name") private String ...