method « DAO « JPA Q&A

1. Same Code wrapping for different dao methods

I was going through the hibernate tutorial and noticed that in every dao you have to get session,begin transaction.Perform all operations and then commit

private void createAndStoreEvent(String title, Date theDate) {

2. problem with hibernate dao method

Hello. I am having This error when I press submit button on login page. : select department0_.DEPARTMENT_ID as DEPARTMENT1_1_0_, department0_.DEP_EMP_FK as DEP2_1_0_, department0_.DEPARTMENT_N AME as DEPARTMENT3_1_0_ from AMEDA.DEPARTMENTS department0_ where department0_.DEPARTMENT_ID=? 14:44:32,048 DEBUG EntityLoader:79 - Static select for entity select studentsco0_ .STUDENT_COURSE_ID as STUDENT1_3_5_, studentsco0_.STUDENT_ID_FK as STUDENT2_3_5_, studentsco0_.COURSE_ID_FK as COURSE3_3 _5_, studentsco0_.STUDENT_COURSE_REGISTER_DATE as STUDENT4_3_5_, studentsdt1_.STUDENT_ID as STUDENT1_5_0_, studentsdt1_. STUDENT_FIRST_NAME as ...

3. calling a method in hibernate DAO through JMX export MBean

Hi, I am using spring 3 and hibernate for my application framework and JBoss as application server. I am calling a method inside DAO through an externalized MBean. and get the following error: org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here Here is my DAO class. I have observed that it gives ...

4. What is the best way to create dao methods?

I'm having a bit of trouble organizing DAO methods and I was wondering if there was anyone that could help me out. My main problem is avoiding similar queries and avoiding the duplication, or having to provide queries that only initialize different things depending on who is calling the code. My first problem is that I often have a lot of ...

5. DAO method depreciated warning

Hi everyone, I am trying to get a simple DAO working to retrieve an object for a given id. I found the below example and have been able to get it to work for my test app. The problem is the method "find" from the type session is deprecated. I haven't been able to find a solution. Code: public Geometry findById(Integer ...

6. Global COUNT method in DAO

Newbie Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:07 am Posts: 16 Location: edinburgh/zielona gora version : 3.2.6ga DB: Mysql 5.1 Java beginner Hi all, first of all I would like to ask quite general question. What do you think about having a method like 'countNamedQueryResults' in DAO class. The method will consume namedQuery name and a HashMap of properties for initialization of ...

8. problem with hibernate dao method

Hi I dont know why the results variable return null!!!!! please help me. thank you hibernate 3.1 EMPLOYEE_SEQUENCE