Object « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate / Java Object can not be converted to a Date    stackoverflow.com

I have the following method in my java. For some reason when I try and cast l_month as a Date it says that the object can not be cast. In my ...

2. basic Hibernate setup question: why is this resulting in one million null objects?    stackoverflow.com

I have two tables: foo (primary key: foo_id) and foo_entry (primary key: foo_entry_id; foreign key: foo_id). Below is my Hibernate config.
My problem is, when I call getAttributes() ...

3. Proper Oracle data type for Java Object    stackoverflow.com

I am using Hibernate, and I want one of my column to be mapped into Java Object, something like so..

public Object getSpecialColumn() {
The Object could be Integer, ...

4. Date object comparision in hibernate with calender object    coderanch.com

Hi, please help in the following issue hibernate query is... public double sumEmployeeMonthlyAchievement(String employeeCode, int kpiId, String finYear, int month) { Session session = hibernateSessionSC(); try { Date[] dateLimits = AppUtils.getDateLimitsFromMonth(month, finYear); Query query = session.createQuery("SELECT SUM(eda.achievement) as achievement " + "FROM " + EmployeeDailyAchievement.class.getCanonicalName() + " eda " + "WHERE eda.employee.employeeCode =:employeeCode " + "AND eda.finYear =:currentFinYear " + "AND ...

5. Null Object Pattern    forum.hibernate.org

Hi there. I have a question about subject. Consider the following hypothetical example. Code: @Entity public class Order { private Customer customer; public void setCustomer(Customer customer) { this.customer = customer; } public Customer getCustomer() { if (customer == null) ...

6. Hibernate gives all NULL-objects not hydrated-trace logs att    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, I used Hibernate Tools to generate code for a table which had no primary key. Hibernate created two classes- one with all columns in table which is used as composite primary key. Here is configuration file, Code: ...

7. Get string values from two combined objects    forum.hibernate.org

8. Copying an object graph    forum.hibernate.org

I'm trying to copy a graph of 34 different kinds of objects which form a variety of lattices, trees, and other relationships. The copy has to work on a single server as well as across different servers connected to other databases (with the same schema and Java classes with identical SerialVersionUids). My most promising method to date is to load the ...

9. Copying object graphs    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I'm looking for the best (read: most perfomant) way to create a copy of an object graph. For instance, say I have an object A, that has a reference to a B and a C, and it also has a collection of Ds, and Ds have references to Es. How can I get a copy of all of the ...

10. get methods to return an object instead of null    forum.hibernate.org

public class MgmtInfo implements Serializable { /** nullable persistent field */ private com.device.NeUsersAndPasswords neUsersAndPasswords; ......................................... public com.device.NeUsersAndPasswords getNeUsersAndPasswords() { return this.neUsersAndPasswords; } } // end class The question, basically is: How can I make getNeUsersAndPasswords() to return an object instead of null if the object is not found in the database ? Thx, --steve p.

11. Copying an object graph    forum.hibernate.org

This is my scenario: My server has a load of persistent objects. However, I need the client to access the domain model, but I don't want to send persistent objects to the client. In fact, I cannot do this since I use WebServices (which lacks supports for stuff like Sets) So I have a "shadow" class hierarchy that looks just like ...

12. Strategy for dealing with objects that may be out of date?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I am using Struts with Hibernate in a webapplication.. we are using forms etc. The problem I am currently trying to decide how to handle is thus: Assume user 1 loads up an object in a form and is modifying it. Assume user 2 loads up the same object in a form and is also modifying it. User 1 submits ...

13. Null objects    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm currently working on a project using Hibernate and have come across a problem that it's not obvious (to me at least) what the best solution is, and I'd like other people's feedback as to what they think. I'm using tapestry as the web framework in this application. It uses Ognl a lot to traverse object trees. Eg, the expression, ...

14. Up to date objects probelm    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I can't understand how(if it all) hibernate make sure the object that I want to update with the database are up to date. For example: I am using session per "unit-of-work", meaning when a request is coming create or reconnect the session, and when he leave I disconnect the session. Now, there are 2 users that asked for the same ...

15. How to copy hibernate objects?    forum.hibernate.org

The application that we are implementing is using Hibernate 2.12. I am supposed to copy an existing Hibernate entity and do a little changes to it while still keeping the old entity as it is. Now this seems to be a trickier task than I thought. So I desided to ask if there is any easy or even suggested way to ...

16. LazyInitializationException-only for object with null value.    forum.hibernate.org

I have an hibernate query that queries a view that i have created by combining 2 tables. So my view will get 2 columns from tableA and 1 column from tableB. The coulmn from tableB could be null for some case and have value for some case. For example tableA will have serialNumber and connectionType. (and some other columns. see below). ...

17. Copy objects as templates    forum.hibernate.org

I have a typical object graph reprensenting the model. There are a lot of fields associated and relationships in this graph. I would like to know if there is an API in Hibernate that takes one object and copies all the fields and relationships into a new object. Something like: Foo bar = (Foo)session.load(Foo.class, new Long(5)); Foo foo = (Foo)session.copy(bar); session.save(foo); ...

18. where object is null??    forum.hibernate.org

(net.sf.hibernate.QueryException) net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: path expression ends in a composite value: eventosini0_.eventoSinistroApolice [SELECT distinct o FROM fenaseg.rns.bo.EventoSinistroApolice as o WHERE 1=1 and o.eventoSinistroApolice is null ] the object EventoSinistroApolice has a relationship with itself . This was created so we could trace all of its updates. What I'm trying to do is select the last inserted object wich is the one pointing to ...

19. Copying an object graph: Implementations?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm looking for a way to make a deep copy of an object graph, including child collections. The result should be a graph of new (transient) objects, ready to be persisted. I've looked through the forums and ran across several people trying to do the same thing, and the answer that comes back is always to write your own algorithm ...

20. loadedState null when updateing an object    forum.hibernate.org


21. copy Hibernate object    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version:3.05 I am trying to copy an Hibernate object to create a new entry in the database. I read some posts in this forum and started try to use evict(). Let's say we have an object Question and it has a collection of object Answer. class Question { .... Integer ...

22. Many-to-one in objects within Set always null    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:02 am Posts: 5 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Hibernate Mapping Files (relevant parts of 4 different hbm.xml files) Batch.hbm.xml Code:

23. Copying Object State    forum.hibernate.org

Greetings, I am looking for a best practice approach to copying a state of an object in hibernate. The use case is such that my users can select an existing object from a list for duplication. Everything except the id should be copied, since the database will be assinging the id. I know I can brutally do this by calling setters ...

24. Copying a Graph Of Objects    forum.hibernate.org

I have a scenarion where I need to make a copy of the entire Account given the accountId. I am trying the following approach, Copying the graph and trying to set the id's to null through the graph As a first step, I am trying to copy Account and AccountVersionStatuses which has the following relationship Account->AccountVersionStatuses * and ran into the ...

25. null objects in PersistentList    forum.hibernate.org

i am affraid i have to get back on this. I now use bag and still i have the same problem. In my previous situation when i used list I had the id column as index so there was nothing wrong also. Maybe I missed something I could not make up from to documentation?

26. how to make a copy of an object    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I want to create a duplicate copy of an object in the database. This object has many child relations so I would need deep copy. Currently, I have set up lazy fetching as true since this object will have several first and second level child elements. Please let me know if it is possible to create a clone or an ...

27. How to copy an object with Hibernate ?    forum.hibernate.org

I am working on a webapp and facing the problem of cloning an object. The scenario is simple: I lazy-load a bean (Object) and want to copy all properties of this object, explicitly a creation by copy, then modify this detached object and finally make it persistent. In fact, I realize I need to do a deep copy of the objet. ...

28. Null when retriewing an object    forum.hibernate.org

29. while using result transformer - object becomes null    forum.hibernate.org

private HibernateCallback getHibernateCallbackForGetObjectProjection(final BaseObject baseObject, final List fields) { return new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(baseObject.getClass()); boolean bool = false; bool = addCriteria(baseObject, criteria, new HashMap()); if(bool==false){ return null; } ProjectionList proList = Projections.projectionList(); for(int i=0;i result = criteria.list(); if(result!=null ...

30. setting DetachedCriteria based on Date object in java    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, Who can we set Restrictions base on date in DetachedCriteria. For instance I have date type in oracle database which is of format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and i would like to get all result which is greater than or equal to current date. DetachedCriteria dc = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Product.class); dc.add(Restrictions.ge("expDate", current Date)); List notExpProducts= getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(dc); Any sample code if possible. Any help would ...

31. many-to-one and null object    forum.hibernate.org
