insert « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. I want to insert a file to Oracle using BLOB column type over Hibernate?

I want to save my file on Oracle Instance. I am using Hibernate for data objects. How can I insert files into Oracle Blob. Is there any sample code for this? ...

2. cannot insert null in one to many relatioship hibernate annotation

I have a class A{Set b .....} which holds references of class B as Set. It is one to many relationship. Both class have sequencer in oracle. I put cascade to all ...

3. Hibernate and ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL

I've got fairly simple scenario, one table, one sequence for auto-generating primary keys :

CREATE TABLE foo (event_id NUMBER(19,0)....
Part of the hibernate mapping looks like this:
<id name="id" column="EVENT_ID" type="long">

4. Inserting a blob using hibernate

5. Inserting a blob using hibernate

I got the following error while trying to insert a blob in an oracle db while using hibernate. java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Blob may not be manipulated from creating session at org.hibernate.lob.BlobImpl.excep( at org.hibernate.lob.BlobImpl.getBytes( at hibernate.util.HibernateDBHelper.uploadAsset( at at at at at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at at at at at at at ...

6. Not able to insert a BLOB object in Oracle using Hibernate

Hi, I am trying to insert a PDF form in the form of BLOB in to the Oracle database. But in the hibernate I am getting the following exception. [5/24/07 14:29:29:417 PDT] 6dff6dff JDBCException W net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter SQL Error: 1460, SQLState: 72000 [5/24/07 14:29:29:417 PDT] 6dff6dff JDBCException E net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested [5/24/07 14:29:29:417 PDT] 6dff6dff JDBCException E net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter ...

7. Issue Inserting Blob to Oracle thru Hibernate

Hi, We are trying to insert a new row to a table which has a Blob col. The model object has a java.sql.Blob field which we are populating using, object.setBlob(Hibernate.createBlob(object.getFile().getInputStream())); & finally we call a getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(object); on that object. This was working fine for some time now. But we are seeing some user loads for this particular ...

8. Using Hibernate to insert into Oracle Blob, then read back out

I have been trying to figure this out for over a week now and it's getting on my nerves that I can't figure it out. So I'm reaching out to the Java community to try to get some answers... I am using Hibernate 3.2.5 for ORM and Spring 2.5.6 for MVC. My database is Oracle 11g. I am using ojdbc6.jar from ...

10. insert problem: hibernate passes null to identity column

Newbie Joined: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:17 pm Posts: 5 Hi all, I write a small application and encountered a problem with inserting data into table. Here is a table creation script (HSQLDB); Code: CREATE MEMORY TABLE user ( user_id INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 100), name VARCHAR(40), ...

11. Insert Blob using SQLQuery

I need to get a row from one table and insert the same row into another table. Everything works fine except for inserting blobs. I am getting the following error. Quote: insert into eproduct values (420681515,426875589,'','G-TEL 100','','','',0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,'Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla',org.hibernate.lob.SerializableBlob@6a086a,org.hibernate.lob.SerializableBlob@14e8936) 2010-03-15 17:21:19,871 ERROR [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] - If I insert the last to values ...

13. Not able insert SQL Server text data type using Hibernate

Hi, I am facing problem while inserting text data type in MS sql server database. I am using the org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect and jtds-1.2.5.jar driver to connect the sql server database. When I trying insert text(@LOB) data type I am getting the below error. Could not commit the Hibernate Transaction: could not update: org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not update: [com.domain.Job#1] at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert( at ...

14. BLOB skipped on insert

I have this problem with handling BLOBS in my application. As the blobs are only ever set once and never changes I figured it be a good idea to declare them as non-updateble by adding updateble=false to the column annotation. This did provide me with a 10% performance improvement. However in some cases, in particular when ObjectA has more then one ...

15. Polygon Data type Insertion

16. how to insert timestamp using database time.

17. BLOB insert causes extra update

Hi, We are using Hibernate 3.0, Java 1.6.0_20 and Oracle 10.2 (and JDBC4 drivers). We have a table T with a row R which contains BLOB field B in it. The table is used heavily and needed performance tuning. Our DBA's ran Oracle reports and said they noticed occasional "update T" statement right after an "INSERT INTO T". In our code, ...

18. insert and to upload a blob into oracle database

19. Try to insert null into a non-nullable column

Hi, I'm having problem with the following hibernate mapping, and hoping someone could suggest a solution or a way to work around it. Code: ...

20. how to insert blob in oracle 8.1.7

I'm trying to insert the binary content in a blob column. My table is very simple: CREATE TABLE TEST ( ID NUMBER(16), CONTENT BLOB ) I get the following error. Please help! INFO net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment - Hibernate 2.0.3 INFO net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment - loaded properties from resource {hibernate.connection.driver_class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver, hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.dialect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect, hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary=true, hibernate.jdbc.batch_size=0, hibernate.query.substitutions=true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N', hibernate.query.imports=net.sf.hibernate.test,, hibernate.proxool.pool_alias=pool1, ...

21. Question about inserting a "CLOB" ????????????

HI, I have a bean which has a "java.sql.Clob" property,I have read the howto about using clob with hibernate. my code is like this: bean.setContent(Hibernate.createClob(aString));; session.comit(); but when run to session.commit(),the process stopped with no exceptions. Just stopped there. So I opened hibernate debug mode,then I get this: -------------------------------- Hibernate: insert into TBL_FIREWALL_CONFIG (element_id, param_id, used, version, content, insert_time, ID) ...

22. try to insert null into a non-nullable column

Hi! we have a problem concerning about synchronizing database state with session output: [code]2004-01-18 18:17:20,282 : SessionFactoryImpl. : Query language substitutions: {no='N', true=1, yes='Y', false=0} Hibernate: insert into QUESTION (TEXT, TYPE, COMPARABLE, PARENT_ID, CLASS_NAME, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, 'QuestionDTO', ?) 2004-01-18 18:17:23,857 : JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions : SQL Error: -10, SQLState: 23000 2004-01-18 18:17:23,857 : JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions : Try to insert ...

23. Cannot insert the value NULL into column......

Hi, I found a lot people has post topic about this error, but can't find one that is similar to mine. I'm using Hibernate 2.1.1, MS SQL Server 2000 with driver from data direct. I have one simple table "boss" with no reference. It have 2 fields : - id bigint (pk) - name varchar 70 This is the mapping:

24. How can I insert special-formated date into Oracle database?

I don't see your problem; if you are using the to_date function for update and inserts, your class should implement a Timestamp property and no conversion is necessary (the conversion of a string to the type is already done by your Timestamp property ). If you are using it to compare dates use < and > operators in your hql. Jan ...

25. how to insert sysdate to DATE column?

Given an Oracle table FOO mapped to object Foo, and a DATE NOT NULL column FOO.T_CREATE that is mapped to Foo.TCreate, how can I get Hibernate to initialize this column using SYSDATE? I.e., if I create a new Foo object, and call session.insert() without setting the Foo.TCreate property, Hibernate's INSERT query should use SYSDATE as a default for the T_CREATE column. ...

26. how to insert blobs in db with hibernate?

Hi everybody, i'm trying to insert a blob type into a database using this class: public class BinaryBlobType implements UserType { public int[] sqlTypes() { return new int[] { Types.BLOB }; } public Class returnedClass() { return byte[].class; } public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) { return (x == y) || (x != null && y != null && java.util.Arrays.equals((byte[]) x, ...

27. inserting data into clob column - UnsupportedOperation excep

I tried the following code Session session = PBGManagerBase.getHibernateSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Note note1 = new Note(); note1.setNoteId(10); note1.setNoteText(Hibernate.createClob(" "));; session.flush(); session.refresh(note1,LockMode.UPGRADE); oracle.sql.CLOB clob = (oracle.sql.CLOB) note1.getNoteText(); pw = clob.getCharacterOutputStream(); pw.write("This is a test clob data inserted using hibernate"); pw.close(); tx.commit(); PBGManagerBase.closeHibernateSession(); In this the line gives me an error "Unhandled Exception thrown: class java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException" In my ...

28. Using Clobs and Oracle - only seems to partially insert.

What is the best way of inserting clobs into Oracle via hibernate mapping? At the moment i have a solution that grabs an Oracle Clob object then populates and finally updates to Oracle . But this makes my code oracle specific. Normal insterting only adds a portion of the large XML files i'm trying to insert. I've tried with a type ...

30. why are inserted value all null

31. inserting Blob

32. Best way to insert current date to column

Hi, I am new to hibernate. I would like to know what is the best way to insert current date to one of my column in the table. This column should be updated to current date whenever there is a change in any value of row. i tried handling in java code and made a getUpdateDate() method which returns "new Date()". ...

33. Not able to insert a blob column in the database

34. problem in blob insert

hi all i want to insert a blob object in database with hiber blob object. thats successfully done in tomcat, but in OC4J app server i can't do it and it return this exception : operation not allowed: streams type cannot be used in batching i set this property in system properties too hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary = true anyone have idea ??????????? please ...

35. problem inserting big number off objects

When i do a commit after saving 100.000 objects that has an avarage off a list with 2 object ( meaning avarage 100.000 Parent objects, 200.000 joined-subclasses) my inserts go ok, but afterwards it updates the subclass to put the correct parent id in it. How it should be thus. But it never stops with sending the update queries. The application ...

36. empty string is inserting as null value

Mapping documents: ...

38. Problem inserting BLOB with oracle 10g

Regular Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:15 pm Posts: 100 Hi All, After reading various posts related to BLOB issues and following the recommendations from the link ... te-in.html , i got the following exception (see below). Could someone please let me know what's wrong with this? I read almost all the posts related to BLOB issues. Any help on ...

39. Boolean type and inserting null values

40. Try to insert null into a non-nullable

Hello, Why when i retrieve an object who has relationship with for e.g two parents and try to replicate it in another db. The foreign keys are assigned to null and I get the Quote: Try to insert null into a non-nullable message. For my case the child is ITEM and the parents are USERS and BID. Anyone help? Hibernate ...

41. Inserting Blobs

42. Some BLOBs not inserted

Hi, I have migrated to Hibernate 3.1.3 but the problem still persists. Upon some investigation, I have further information to add. I am actually trying to insert a set of objects, which contain a BLOB field each. The objects might or might not have a BLOB to insert. Looking at the insert statements, I have found something peculiar. For example, I ...

43. Inserting blob data

Hello, I'm facing a strange problem when I try to insert a blob in my SQL database. I'm implementing a web application using Struts and hibernate and My SQL for the database. The application runs fine when I insert the blob (which is an image in my case). However, I'm unable to see the row in the table when I go ...

44. hibernate does not insert an array property

I tried to persist a class A with an array typed property. The array is of type B. When I construct an object of type A with instances of type B in its array property hibernate tries to update the collection instead of inserting it. What do I wrong ? Hibernate version: 3.2 alpha1 Class code: Code: package array; public class ...

45. Hibernate Sytem date insert in SQL Server

I want to know how to enter system date in a datetime field in sqlserver database.When i insert the object of the table the object is having null value for the required date field as it has to be system date.I am new to hibernate so want to know how i can insert a system date into the table

46. Need to use UserType to insert into Multiple Columns....

Hi, I am using Hibernate version 3.1.2. I have a basic problem here. My data table looks like this Conditions_Id(int) Operand (int) OperandType(int) Now since I got three columns and two fields in my Condition Class the problem arises there. I need to save the Condition Object in the DB in which the OperandType is there to differentiate the SubClassses of ...

47. Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column !

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message Rafmoerkens Post subject: Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column ! Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:55 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:53 am Posts: 7 Hi, Situation: I'm currently developping a client-server ...

48. Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column!

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message Rafmoerkens Post subject: Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column! Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:59 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:53 am Posts: 7 Hi, Situation: I'm currently developping a client-server application ...

49. Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column!

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message Rafmoerkens Post subject: Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column! Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:01 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:53 am Posts: 7 Hi, Situation: I'm currently developping a client-server application ...

50. Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column!

Page 1 of 1 [ 1 post ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message Rafmoerkens Post subject: Attempt to insert null into a non-nullable column! Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:07 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:53 am Posts: 7 Hi, Situation: I'm currently developping a client-server application ...

51. Attempt to insert null into a non nullable column

Page 1 of 1 [ 3 posts ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message Rafmoerkens Post subject: Attempt to insert null into a non nullable column Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:29 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:53 am Posts: 7 Hi, Situation: I'm currently developping a client-server ...

52. Insertion problem with null PK (backref)

Hi all :) I'm having a problem with an insertion not generating a primary key value for an entity. This is the only class in my application where this problem is happening, and I'm not sure why. The session factory, on configuration, reports no errors or warnings. The class has no problems on creation or during interaction with other persistent entities. ...

53. Is not null necessary for Insert

Hi All I am using Hibernate 2. Currently I have a table which has all fields as NOT NULL in the database as well as in the Hibernate mappings. WE added a new field which is a nullable field in the database table. When I am inserting in this table object via Hibernate I call all the setter for all the ...

54. Don't insert null value

56. Inserting large number of records

Hi, I have a requirement where i need to read records from a flat file and save each record in the database. I am using a scheduler to read recods into a bean save it into database using hibernate/spring. i am using .save(bean) method. this is working file however its very slow. Its taking .1 sec to insert one record. my ...

57. Can't insert String into Text field in mysql

Problem field is pageText :( PageText.length() < 2^16 always Hibernate version: 3.2, JDK - 1.5.0_05, 1.6.0-rc Mapping documents: - Post.hmb.xml Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): public class HibernateUtil { private ...

58. inserting String[] into single column

Author Message fabio.fiol Post subject: inserting String[] into single column Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:58 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Dec 29, 2006 2:28 pm Posts: 11 Hibernate version: 3.1.3 What I'm trying to do: I have to map a String[] containing about 70.000 strings into a single column of a Postgres database. It is part of the spectrum ...

60. Not able to insert a BLOB object in Oracle using Hibernate 2

Hi, I am trying to insert a PDF form in the form of BLOB in to the Oracle database. But in the hibernate I am getting the following exception. [5/24/07 14:29:29:417 PDT] 6dff6dff JDBCException W net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter SQL Error: 1460, SQLState: 72000 [5/24/07 14:29:29:417 PDT] 6dff6dff JDBCException E net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested [5/24/07 14:29:29:417 PDT] 6dff6dff JDBCException E net.sf.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter ...

61. Insert XMLType using UserType - basic doubt

Newbie Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 5:48 pm Posts: 6 Hi All, Environment: Hibernate 3.x, Weblogic 8.1, JDK 1.4.x I have the following table: Code: create table XMLROW_COLLECTED ( XMLROWID NUMBER primary key, XMLCONTENT XMLTYPE); Since there is no direct support for Oracle XMLType I followed the example listed at Following are the important code snippets of the custom UserType ...

62. Hibernate hangs when i try to insert a Blob multiple times

Hi, I am trying to insert a Blob into an oracle database using Hibernate. I am using the approach mentioned at i.e. converting the BLOB to a byte array. The problem is the application runs fine when i update a single record. If i try to run the application and update 2 records, Hibernate just hangs at the point where ...

63. Problem inserting record with Boolean datatype

Hi, Trying to insert a record in to DB with boolean datatype. In DTO i have declared the type as java.lang.Boolean While inserting the record, get an exception, what i have observed is that, the boolean datatype is getting converted to integer type (0,1) Stack trace of the exception is given below Is it a known problem? Is there a way ...

64. UserType: insert followed by update statement

I'm using Hibernate 3.2.5 and Oracle 10g JDBC against an Oracle 10g DB. I'm trying to map a legacy table (currently managed through JDBC based DAO) using Hibernate annotations (no other relations at the moment) My sample class has two "UserType" members: 1) String[] mapped java.sql.Types.ARRAY 2) Custom object mapped to java.sql.Types.STRUCT The first one behaves as expected: when creating a ...

65. Changing value of a property at insertion time

Hi All, I have a POJO which is having an int (primitive) field. I have a specific requirement that whenever no value is passed in this fields means whenever this field defaults to zero, a null value should be stored in the corresponding nullable field of the database instead of the default value of primitive int. Can this be done using ...

66. How to insert 'date' into mysql by using Hibernate

I am using Hibernate with mysql I have one field 'date' My code public Date getDate() { return date; } public void setDate(Date date) { = date; } My mapping file is I have table with field 'Date'in mysql when I insert data it is not inserted into mysql mysql default format is 'yyyy-mm-dd' Please help me ...

67. How to insert 'date' into mysql by using Hibernate

I am using Hibernate with mysql I have one field 'date' My code public Date getDate() { return date; } public void setDate(Date date) { = date; } My mapping file is I have table with field 'Date'in mysql when I insert data it is not inserted into mysql mysql default format is 'yyyy-mm-dd' Please help me ...

68. Wrong time inserted in database

69. Unable to insert more than 2k Blob type

Hi I'm using hibernate3, Oracle 9i DB and Spring framework. I'm able to serialize objects less than 2k blob type, everything works fine. But I'm unable to insert data bigger than 2k, I guess some junk value is getting inserted for data more than 2k. Is there a solution without changing the Oracle Thin driver ? Any help is highly appreciated ...

70. Unable to insert Date

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I have a class ResourceAllocation .I have written following hbm file for that class