value « Data Type « JPA Q&A

1. Ehcache: Return Null Value When Not Found in 2nd Level Cache

It seems I have stumbled across a bug in Hibernate that does not allow me to do left-joins on composite keys. (Jira Ticket). So, I am stuck with ...

2. NULL values with hibernate

3. Problems with empty and null values in Oracle

5. Null values that are not null

Maybe the title is a little bit confusing, but I hope you read it anyway. I am working on some legacy data right now that is also used by other programs or scripts, so I am not always able to make changes to the tables. A problem that occured today: Object X can have one Object Y. Object Y doesn't need ...

6. unsaved-value for empty String

I want to have Hibernate looking for empty string "" for unsaved object, what should unsaved-value attribute be set to? Should it be unsaved-value=""? And for long typed id, is it better to set ? I use to have unsaved-value="null" for String id = null. But because we do id comparison in our code a lot, resulting in ...

7. "Incorrect string value" ...but only when NOT debugging?

Hibernate 3.3.2.GA MySQL 5.5 Java 6 Update 20 I've been using Hibernate for some time, but haven't seen anything like this before. I have a JUnit test case that saves a relatively complex data structure. When I use a debugger, everything works fine. It even works fine if I don't set any break points and let it run straight through. But ...

8. HibernateQuery return null value even data is present

Hi All, We recently upgraded from 8.1 to 10.3 and we are using Sybase 12.5 as our database. We use hibernate 2.1.6 jar and jonn3 as our driver. The issue is about reteiving data for acolumn from database. We inserted new data and read data in the same session. Then we closed our application and rebounced our servers and we get ...

9. Null value matters ?

Beginner Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 11:33 pm Posts: 38 I have one Catalog class which has the following mapping file. For example, the catalog table has such record: id | name | iconurl | pid 1 AAA NULL NULL 2 BBB NULL 1 3 CCC NULL 2 I want to get certain catalog's path up to top most parent with ...

10. Null values

I'm using sybase ase 12.5 and I have a strange problem. I'm doing a MyObj myObj = new MyObj(); myObj.setName("tim");; transaction.commit(); (not verbatime) On Oracle and MySQL, this works fine, but on sybase it complaints that the field "name" cannot be null. I have, of course, run it through the debugger and the "name" field on the object is certainly ...

11. null value pass to .jsp--> .java --> .jsp page

13. Behavior with null values

Hi, the following query select listing from Instrument as instrument where instrument.duration not between :0 and :1 generates different results when using hsqldb 1.7.2 or Firebird 1.5 or Oracle because hsqldb counts also the null durations. Is there a way to control the treatment of nulls through hibernate (e.g. by adding a 'and instrument.duration is not null' to the criteria)? I ...

14. Return "empty" value instead of null

Folks, Is it possible to configure hibernate to return "empty" value instead of null for retrieval of component even if it is null in the persistence ? ... ...

17. Caching null values?

I have two classes with one-to-one mappings between them. The User class is read-write. Every user *might* have a Status object. The STATUS table is populated externally (by an stored database procedure) and is read-only as far as my application is concerned. Both User and Status are cached. My question is: is there a way to cache the fact that a ...

18. newbie question: Add null value

19. NULL value

I have an entity which has an attribute called "name" of type VARCHAR. I want to update one instance of this entity to set the value of "name" to NULL. I set the property to NULL and then performed the update but the value wasn't updated, however other property with a different value was updated (the new value of this property ...

20. Empty string / null values in Oracle 9

Hey guys. I'm having some good times here with Oracle 9 and Hibernate 2. Turns out that when you store an empty string in a varchar column in Oracle, Oracle stores a null for you instead. This creates fun havoc with hibernate's dirtiness check, resulting in a lot of unnecessary database traffic. Yes, I know this is a misbehavior in Oracle. ...

21. problem with one-to-one null value caching

Given simple schema below Account (1 <--> 0,1) AccountUKData, and they share same primary key. We tested repeately, and getting same result: 1) when first time load Account, hibernate goes to db to retrieve UKData, then cache the Account. Understood. 2) second time we try to load the same account, hibernate returns it from to the cache, [b]but it also goes ...

22. Formulas and null values

23. net.sf.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: Null value was ass

It is a "classic" error that a null value cannot be assigned to a primitive type. In your case, snmp_port column is null but the snmpPort might be int or long. Changing the snmpPort type to Long should solve your problem. Check the database to see if the column is null. Post back if this does not solve your problem.

24. How Hibernate handles null values

Hi All, How does hibernate handles null values. I am searching some entity using some values, at runtime of these values may be null. In this situation how does hinbernate handles null values. for example I am searching for person details with his emp ID but emp ID value is null . Thanks,

25. hibernate 3 problem with oracle null values

Hi, I map a Oracle NUMBER(1) column to a Java long field with If INACTIVITY_NOTIFICATION_SEND has a value in the database, everything works okay. If the column is null in the database, the following execption appears. org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: exception setting property value with CGLIB (set hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false for more info) setter of Users.setInactivityNotificationSend at org.hibernate.tuple.PojoTuplizer.setPropertyValuesWithOptimizer( at ...

26. NullSafeNumericUserType for use with values

Newbie Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:00 am Posts: 3 Location: Cary, NC If your database schema was designed properly you'll never need this. But, if you happen to be working with a legacy database schema where a numeric type database column could possibly be you'll get a hibernate error if you try mapping to primative data types. I encountered ...

27. Problems with "null" values and GenericEnumUserTy

Hi All For a while i'm using the GenericEnumUserType to map Enums: Now i have a problem with "null" values! My Enum looks like that: Code: public enum KursArt implements GenericEnum { /** * Minimalbedingungen nicht erreicht */ MINIMALBEDINGUNGEN_NICHT_ERREICHT(0, "LabelKursArtMinimalbedingungenNichtErreicht"), /** ...

28. 0 as null value

29. ComponentType null value behaviour

I am having some problems with a component mapping. I have a class which maps a certain property as a component. Call it Parent. Call the component class Component. When I save the Parent with a Component consisting only of null property values and then reload the Parent the component property is now null. So far so good. This is exactly ...

30. Handling null values in Hubernate

Hibernate handles NULL values just fine. Typically properties that map into columns allowing NULLs are defined using the appropriate java.lang... types while properties mapping into NOT NULL columns can use the Java basic types. So for example an INT column would be mapped as an Integer property with the Java null value being the equivalent of the SQL NULL value while ...

31. hibernatetemplate getting as null value,reasons??

Hi All, What are the possible reasons for getting hibernatetemplate object as a null value.Am getting spring session from applicationContext.xml file.But the appContext.xml file is not loading at the time of deploying project.If I explicitly load appCOntext.xml file then hibernatetemplate is not getting null.Am injecting springs into struts2 using hibernate 3.2.. Any hint y hibernatetemplate becomes null in general cases is ...

32. EnumType.STRING unknown values

Hi, We are doing staged releases to our production environment and at points we will have two different versions of our code running. If we add new Enum values into a version - the old version has problems running because it starts getting exceptions with unknown values when it is trying to map these enums. Is there a way so we ...

33. Filtering on a null value

34. Null value cannot be cache using hibernate

EntityLoader(Loader).initializeEntitiesAndCollections(List, Object, SessionImplementor, boolean) line: 848 EntityLoader(Loader).doQuery(SessionImplementor, QueryParameters, boolean) line: 729 EntityLoader(Loader).doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(SessionImplementor, QueryParameters, boolean) line: 236 EntityLoader(Loader).loadEntity(SessionImplementor, Object, Type, Object, String, Serializable, EntityPersister) line: 1860 EntityLoader(AbstractEntityLoader).load(SessionImplementor, Object, Object, Serializable) line: 48 EntityLoader(AbstractEntityLoader).load(Serializable, Object, SessionImplementor) line: 42 SingleTableEntityPersister(AbstractEntityPersister).load(Serializable, Object, LockMode, SessionImplementor) line: 3044 ...

35. interpreting 0 value as null

36. Dynamic instantiation with null value