copy « Database « JPA Q&A

1. Copying databases causes Hibernate to not respond

Due to some strange requirements from our Oracle DBAs, I cannot access our databases "live", I must copy the data from Oracle to a local MySQL database (yes, it's very lame but totally out of my control). I have written a utility to do this (not using Hibernate, just straight JDBC as it's "legacy"). The problem that I run into is ...

2. Copying data from one DB to another

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Hello, I am trying to sycronizes Data between one Database and a other using Hibernate. I am doing this with session replicate. Here is the source code Code: public boolean syncronize(Class hibernateClass, Session from, Session to) throws HibernateException { Transaction trans = ...

3. Copy from one database to another

I'm trying to copy a graph of hibernate objects from one database (PostgreSQL) to another (Oracle). Is there a recipe for doing this easily? I tried using merge() on each object while traversing the relationships but then the child objects keys don't match up. Do I basically have to do this by hand or is there an easy way? Sam

4. Copying content from one DB to other DB.

I just wonder if Hibernate can be used in some way to make migration between different databases ? For instance, I am having a Sybase DB, and I would copy the contents of this DB to a Oracle DB. Can this easily be achieved with Hibernate ? If you have examples, or any other suggestions, please let me know. Regards /Andreas ...

5. Copying from one database to another

Hi there, I've not been able to find anything on this, so I thought it might be an idea to ask for help on a strategy on the Hibernate forums. The problem we have is a relatively simple one at first glance: we need to take an object which exists in one database and copy it to another database whilst retaining ...

6. Copy into another db with generated values

Hello, I'm looking for a simple way to copy an object from a session connected to a database A into another database B (same application, same db version, same object model) to deploy easily a "disconnected" server on a notebook. So a session connected on "A" is opened, selected objects are read and detached. These objects are then "saved" into another ...

7. copy databases

Hi, would you like to migrate MSSQL to Derby? If that's right, has the structure changed? If not use an export tool of MSSQL named bcp to generate dumps for each table and use a tool to from derby to load this dumps. It's much more faster than using java. I just migrate a MSSQL to Oracle. With java I can ...