maven « Database « JPA Q&A

1. Problem creating an in memory db with hibernate and dbunit maven plugins

I am trying to create create and populate in memory a hsql db schema using hibernate3-maven-plugin and dbunit-maven-plugin maven plugins. I managed to do it to a file, but no to memory. ...

2. Hibernate + Derby + *Maven

Hi all. I am trying to set up Hibernate to work with Apache Derby (embedded mode), as well as Maven, and i'm a bit confused. Would be nice with some help from someone who has used this combination before. I have used Hibernate on another project, but never set it up, so it's all a bit confusing at the moment. So ...

3. 3.6 Tutorial, maven, and hsqldb

To work through the 3.6 tutorial should I be using Maven 2 or 3 (or does it matter)? How do I configure things to point to the correct maven repository for Hibernate 3.6? How do I set things up so org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver is found? Will all of this work with Java 6 or should I use Java 5? If there is a ...

4. Hibernate with hsqldb and maven

6. Beginner-using hibernate with maven&hsqldb