netbeans « Database « JPA Q&A

1. DBUnit automatic dataset generation

I have seen a couple of question regarding creating datasets in DbUnit here on StackOverflow, but all of them were regarding export data from existing tables. My question is, can DBUnit create ...

2. Hibernate+SQLite+Netbeans

Can someone please tell me where can I find the driver and the dialect files to connect hibernate to sqlite?

3. Netbeans + derby + hibernate

I'm following tute to setup hibernate with derby in netbeans IDE. Netbeans fails to create hibernate.reveng.xml with error : "Cannot establish database connection with selected Hibernate Configuration file. Please ...

4. Unable to deploy Netbeans SE database desktop application

I recently started out in Java using Netbeans 6.9.1 and MySQL. nI decided to canvas the ability to deploy my apps and therein lies the problem. this is the error generated when ...

5. How to configure the database for JPA/Hibernate in deployed WAR

Hi I build a WAR file and deploy this to a tomcat. In netbeans I use Services -> Databases to configure the database connection, but how can I configure the connection ...

6. Hibernate and Postgres ambigous reference problems

Hi all, I'm having problems with Postgres and Hibernate.Whenever I want to do an update or a delete from a table WebUser (that inherits from table User wich has an id ...

7. Re: Hibernate and Postgres ambigous reference problems

Can you change the name 'id' into something else, it might be a reserved word in either Postgres or Hibernate. Thanks. From: Wadi Jalil Maluf To: address-removed Sent: Sun, November ...

8. Using Netbean with Hibernate and Postgres

HI, I'm using Postgres as database with Hibernate and Netbeans. When I'm trying to create the Hibernate mapping files and the POJO ( entity) classes using netbeans it's only creating hibernate.reveng.xml ...

9. [SPAM] How to configure JPA, TopLink, NetBeans and Database?

Hi All I am very new to Java Persistent API so may be I am asking very basic question. I need to persist java object in to the database and read the tables from database in to our java program using Oracle's Toplink. I have installed Netbeans and Oracle11g on my machine. Now my understanding is that Toplink and JPA comes ...

10. JPA with local database

I currently use Glassfish and JPA on the server successfully. I would like to store data on the client to support working off line. Is it possible to persist JPA annotated classes to a local database without installing Glassfish locally? I am not sure whether JPA is a "J2EE" only thing or not. All advice appreciated. Kind regards Sean

11. Hibernate and hsqldb

I've started playing around with Netbeans platform to refactor an old application into a more developer-friendly version. The old application uses Hibernate with hsqldb to database access and retrieval. This works just fine. However, when porting this over to the platform version I want to add support for a postgresql database as well. This would mean that I would like to ...

12. How to connect Hibernate to embedd derby

13. Netbeans + derby + hibernate

org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver jdbc:derby:G:\projects\Java\DesktopApplication1\db user *** true org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect