Envers « Development « JPA Q&A

1. getting started with envers + hibernate (simple and COMPLETE example)    stackoverflow.com

I have Hibernate working and would like to try adding Envers audit/revision functionality but can't seem to figure out what is required. (my example compiles and runs OK and ...

2. what the heck is a JPA configuration?    stackoverflow.com

I'm going nuts trying to get a simple Envers example to work. I'm stuck on the org.hibernate.tool.ant.EnversHibernateToolTask — it looks like I finally got all the jar files I ...

3. difficulties getting a simple envers example to work: problem #34    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to get a simple envers example to work. I have the Java code working (apparently), and I finally got the org.hibernate.tool.ant.EnversHibernateToolTask to work, but it only ...

4. Unable to add custom logging data in REVINFO in envers    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to use Envers for implementing Audit trails. It's creating the audit table Person_AUD and entering the audit data as well. But, when I try to add custom fields ...

5. Hibernate - Envers - Multiple Audit targets    stackoverflow.com

I am already using Hibernate Envers to audit entities that are updated by a user through the UI; however, I also have asynchronous jobs running in the background and would like ...

6. Alternative solutions for Hibernate.Envers    stackoverflow.com

i'm planning a historization for my java webapp (spring, hibernate). By googling I found Hibernate.Envers, which seems to be the perfect solution for me. Are there any comparable solutions? Thanks a lot! Jean

7. Hibernate Envers for Doctrine?    stackoverflow.com

Doctrine 1.x and 2 both offer some kind of Versionable support in the form of a separate auditing table that tracks changes over time. However, the versions appear to be intended ...

8. forRevisionsOfEntity is slow    stackoverflow.com

I'm doing a query for all revisions of a class that are greater than a timestamp using:

    .createQuery().forRevisionsOfEntity(clazz, false, true)

9. org.hibernate.MappingException: Type not supported ENVERs    stackoverflow.com

I just started getting this error when I introduced a composite primary key. Any ideal as to why? I have been unsuccessful in trying to figure this out.

Caused ...

10. Maker-Checker Support Envers    stackoverflow.com

Can any one help me how to solve these use cases for maker-checker functionality using envers. 1) Maker creates a request to create an entity (eg department) ...

11. Whats the difference between @NotAudited and RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED in Hibernate EnVers?    stackoverflow.com

@Audited(targetAuditMode = RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED)
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "booking")
private List<CustomerBooking> customerBookingList = new LinkedList<CustomerBooking>();
Why use both? is it good to use both or would one suffice?

12. Shiro, Hibernate and Envers    stackoverflow.com

I've got shiro implemented and it's working quite well. We're now trying to implement envers to do audit logging of our entities in hibernate and that works as well. ...

13. Get complete Envers revisions where a particular object is affected    stackoverflow.com

The way revision data is stored each object affected by a revision gets a separate record in the _AUD table. So when I search for revisions affecting object A, I will ...

14. Passing data to envers revision listener    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to store revision comments using Enver's RevisionEntity so that it's in the same table as the revision ID and timestamp and is stored only once even if multiple entities ...

15. Envers custom revision listener    stackoverflow.com

I am using Hibernate Envers in a Tomcat environment. It works fine. I do however need to be able to add the username of the user that changed the data that ...

16. Envers on Hibernate 3.5-Beta-2    forum.hibernate.org

18. envers - multiple audit types    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I would like to have 2 audit types, 1 for changes made by a person through the web interface, and another for logging system changes that happen automatically. System changes are from periodic tasks executed by a scheduler (quartz). In that case, I want to log, the date and time it was run and possibly some other fields as ...

19. Envers not working?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All i am trying to work with envers and hibernate 3.5.3 and issue is that it is creating the _aud tables that it is supposed to but when I try ot update the pojo object that has the @audited annotation on it. There is no insert happenign in the _aud table. the values get saved in the DB for the ...

20. setting up envers 1.0.0    forum.hibernate.org

Hi there, i'm tryin to set up envers to work with my Hibernate 3.2.5 (had to use this one in this special project). I added the listeners to my hibernate.cfg.xml like this: when tryin to build my project, i get the following error: ...

21. [Envers] forRevisionsOfEntity is slow    forum.hibernate.org

I'm doing a query for all revisions of a class that are greater than a timestamp using: Code: AuditReaderFactory.get(emf.createEntityManager()).createQuery().forRevisionsOfEntity(clazz, false, true).add(AuditEntity.revisionProperty("timestamp").gt(existingIndex.lastModified())).getResultList(); This is recreating a @ManyToOne referenced object using the query: Code: select from where DTYPE IN () and REV=(SELECT max(REV) FROM where TYPE IN () and REV <=

22. Hibernate, Envers and shiro    forum.hibernate.org

I'm trying to get shiro's subject to be audited with envers but it requires that the subject be bound to the thread. By the time my RevisionListener is called I'm in a new thread and no longer have a subject bound to this thread. Anyone have any thoughts on where the best place to get a handle on the event to ...

23. Envers problem    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:47 am Posts: 3 Hi I'm a newbie so please bare with me! I have this class hierarchy: AbstractEntity --> AbstractNavn --> Navn I would like to use Envers but I keep getting this error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (GenerateDBSchema) on project MDDExample: An Ant BuildException has occured: org.hibernate.MappingException: Type not supported for ...

24. Envers - support for resetting revision history    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I was wondering if there is any way to reset to revision history on an existing object aside from creating a new object with the values from the initial revision? I would like to be able to have support for resetting all version information as well as reverting back to a given revision number. The best I can do ...

25. help getting Envers ant task to work    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:08 pm Posts: 1 Help! I have been bashing my head against the computer keyboard trying to get the org.hibernate.tool.ant.EnversHibernateToolTask to work. I can't figure out what jar files I need. I am running plain old Java SE6u13. Not Java EE. This is what I have so far: Code: