maven « Development « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Core daily/weekly build Maven repository

I'm looking for a Maven repository that contains daily or weekly builds of Hibernate Core. More specifically I'm trying to get a hibernate-core build that contains a bug fix ...

2. Hibernate "PreInsertEvent.getSource()" NoSuchMethodError

I'm recieving the following error when trying to do inserts:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError : org.hibernate.event.PreInsertEvent.getSource()Lorg/hibernate/event/EventSource;
I've seen other people with the same problem due to incompatibility in hibernate jars, but I ...

3. Maven doesn't resolve hibernate-c3p0's dependency on slf4j

When I include hibernate-c3p0 in my Maven's pom.xml file, I get a runtime NoClassDefFoundError as it can't find org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder. It was my impression that Maven would resolve this dependency – so ...

4. Using Maven in Hibernate Tutorial

I have maven installed and I'm trying to go through the hibernate tutorial. But how exactly am I suppose to use this file: What does maven need to do with ...

5. How can I use Maven to get the latest Hibernate release?

I am having trouble getting the latest release of Hibernate via Maven dependency. It appears that the latest I can fetch from a Maven central repository is 3.2.6.GA, and I ...

6. How to repeat a particular execution multiple times

The following snippet generates create / drop sql for a particular database, whenever there is a modification to JPA entity classes. How do I perform something equivalent of a 'for' operation where-in ...

7. How to populate web application with initial data

I am writing web application and am wondering what the recommended way is to populate initial data. This is JPA/Hibernate and Spring application and is built by maven. Up to now ...

8. Can't get JPA2 running with Hibernate and Maven

Have been trying the whole day long and googled the ** out of the web ... in vain. You are my last hope: Here's my code: The Entity:

package sas.test.model;

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class Employee ...

9. How to compile hibernate project with maven?

I am novice to maven (as well as to hibernate) but want to learn both. I have downloaded a sample project from and now trying to compile it with maven ...

10. Adding Hibernate 3.5.x to a maven pom.xml build

I added the JBoss Maven repo to my pom.xml file like this...


11. Unable to compile and create maven project for hibernate

I am trying to create a Eclipse project from Hibernate tutorials under path \hibernate-distribution-3.5.3-Final\project\tutorials\eg using command line mvn eclipse:eclipse. But i am getting this error

Reason: POM 'org.jboss.maven.plugins:maven-jdocbook-style-plugin' not found in repository: Unable to ...

12. Hibernate confusion. What are the differences between ga, GA and Final Releases? Compatibility? Repository?

Can anyone please explain:
1. The difference between ga, GA and Final Hibernate releases?
2. Should I use the maven repository or the jboss nexus repository?
3. Why does the latest compatibility matrix ( ...

13. Hibernate projects and Building with maven

I'm trying to build a relative easy project and include Hibernate with maven. I'm trying to use the latest version of Hibernate (3.5.4-Final). It seems that the JBoss folks have changed their ...

14. Do I need Maven to use Hibernate?

I'm trying to use Hibernate for the first time, and early on in the getting started guide, it makes reference to Maven. If I'm not mistaken, Maven appears to be ...

15. Hibernate dependency issue with maven and xml parsing

I'm writing a GWT-Hibernate internal web application for our development group. Previously, I had written tools to parse up XML files which represented customer configuration gathered in the field for analysis. Now, ...

16. what is the purpose of two config files for Hibernate?

This is my current project structure:


17. what dependencies my project should have if I'm using JPA in Hibernate?

I use JPA, and Hibernate as its implementation. What maven2 dependencies I need to have in my project?

18. JPA 2.0 API maven artifact

I am using JPA 2.0 and my persistence provider is Hibernate; however, I'd like to just include a standard API from javax, but in central, there is no 2.0 artifact. ...

19. Maven archetypes for OpenJPA

Greetings. I'm just starting to explore Maven and I use m2eclipse as to use Maven in Eclipse. I found that there is a hibernate-based archetype with Group Id: com.rfc.maven.archetypes and Artifact Id: jpa-maven-archetype Does anybody ...

20. Maven and pom.xml

I'm using m2eclipse and trying to learn some tapestry. I'm trying to update my project to pull some different resources from maven. (Or at least, I think that's what ...

21. Hibernate release bundle and pom.xml: setting development environment

I am new to Hibernate 3 and I don't understand the difference between
1) *
2) *
when it comes to compiling Hibernate tutorial files.
I am following Hibernate tutorial from ...

22. problem with INIT=RUNSCRIPT and relative paths

I use maven conventions for source paths (src/main src/test) and i have my sql scripts in src/main/resources/scripts. I want to run my app with H2 memory and i'd like to use the ...

23. Hibernate JPA2.0 and Maven

I try to build simple app, i want to use spring, wicket and JPA2.0 (Hibernate). To put all of those together I use maven. And I have problem with hibernate. Below ...

24. Hibernate 3.6.0 with Maven

I'm having issues upgrading a pom file from Hibernate 3.3.2 to 3.6.0. I can compile fine, the jar file is being pulled down, but I get the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could ...

25. JPA from Maven repository with Ivy

I'm converting an existing project using JPA + Hibernate to use Ivy for getting its dependencies. I can get almost everything, but have trouble getting JPA. This is my ivy.xml without ...

26. Why latest hibernate does not in the maven central repository?

I cannot find 3.5.0-Final on the maven central repository for hibernate. Also, where to get 3.6.0-Final?

27. Maven / Hibernate -- why NoClassDefFoundError on ConstraintViolationException?

I'm building this Hibernate application using Maven. It runs the way I expect in Eclipse (using a Maven plugin.) But when I "mvn clean install" the jar file from ...

28. Is it possible to use SBT in a Java project with Hibernate and AspectJ?

What would I need to configure and what would automatically work? As far as I understand using both can be a bit tricky, because both use bytecode weaving. Can I keep ...

29. problem with lucene analyzer

i have couple of maven projects, project a has dependency on mahout-core 0.5 and lucene-core 3.1, project b has dependency on project a. when i tried to run 'mvn clean all' ...

30. Maven build errors

Hi I am trying to install Hibernate v4.0.0.CR2 on my desktop machine and it requires Maven to operate. I set up the required environment variables for Maven and am trying to build ...

31. Methodology with Hibernate

I have a data access layer represented by an Eclipse project. I use Hibernate 3 as persistence framework. So, in this project, I have my annotated entities and the resources used ...

32. Hibernate and Maven

33. Don't understand maven structur of the src code

Hi all; I was looking at the hibernate source code, obviously it is a maven project in a parent/module structure. I am having difficulty understanding the structure. It is very much maven related, but I was hoping some of the insiders of hibernate give an insight. The main folder called core is has a pom which defines all the modules, it ...

34. Hibernate Maven Dependencies

I have a sort of meta-Hibernate question, if you will. I suspect its just me not understanding one of the several new tools I'm learning at once here, but given the number of other people I can see having the same problem, at least I'm not alone. So I'm learning Hibernate, and with it Maven, because it seems a useful thing ...

35. Unable to download Hibernate Dependencies through Maven

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate, as per Hibernate tutorial I tried to download on of the hibernate dependencies. I added the following entry in pom.xml org.hibernate hibernate-core When I ran maven compile, I got this error: [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] FATAL ERROR [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM). Project ID: ...

36. Maven dependency?

Hello, Why is there a dependency between Hibernate and Maven? I thought Hibernate is an ORM tool, how does Maven fit in? I'm already using Ant for a while for my desktop applications, I really don't feel I need Maven. It's just another thing to learn. Does Hibernate work without Maven? Karsten

37. Problem With Maven/Hibernate Integration in RAD 7.5

Hello Everybody, I am very new to Hibernate. I am just trying to integrate Maven and Hubernate in my RAD 7.5 IDE(built using Eclipse 3.4.1). I have given '' URL for Maven2Eclipse integration and '' for Apache Q4E. Both links are giving me 'No Repository Found' error. Please help me in integrating Maven first on my RAD 7.5(previously WSAD..IDE for Websphere) ...

38. New Maven repositories

40. Hibernate : JPA and Maven 2 Correct Setup (Confused)

Hi; I have read through Hibernate/JPA/Maven documentation and several online forums but it is absolutely unclear how to setup Maven 2 to work with JPA for Hibernate. I haven't been able to get it to work. I have tried setting numerous dependencies (Hibernate, JPA, javax.persistence, etc.) but any combination I try does not seem to work. Maven is extremely frustrating... I ...

41. Maven and Hibernate - missing artifact

Hello, I am running into trouble pulling down Hibernate from Maven. I am trying to upgrade my project to a new version of Hibernate from Does anyone have a pom.xml file that works on 3.5.x or 3.6.0-Final? Thanks, -Ryan pom.xml Code: ...

42. Which Maven required in pom.xmlfor Hibern./JPA?

43. Which Maven artifactId has Hibernate's doWork classes?

Hi Hibernate Gurus, I've been working on converting my project for a standard eclipse project into a maven project. Everything has been converting fine with the exception of some code that uses the Session.DoWork. Using the ... 6.0.Final/ hibernate3.jar the project compiled fine, but I haven't been able to figure our which artifact has the DoWork class. If I include ...

44. adding hibernate to a java project - maven

Hello: I was wondering how to add hibernate support to a java project with Maven 3 configured. I tried adding the following to the pom.xml, however not sure where the descriptor values are to be defined and what the latest values should be. Or is there an easier way to configure a project to use the latest hibernate release? Thanks, Matt ...

45. Hibernate and Maven

I am building a project using Maven that contains Hibernate. One of the downsides of Maven appears to be that there is no way (that I have found) to allow you to specify dependencies upon dependencies. So, for example, when including Hibernate in my project, i have to work out what dependencies Hibernate has, and include those as well. If the ...

46. Plain vanilla example built with maven.

I've tried to setup maven with ant scriptnig in maven.xml for a few days now. I have made it very simple and i have tried to export .ddl files using schemaexport. I've ran into all different kind of problems. Tried to build it with 2.0.x and 2.1.x with the appropriate dependencies but now im just not in the mood for plundering ...

47. Running "Getting Started" examples with Maven??? H

Author Message benoitx Post subject: Running "Getting Started" examples with Maven??? H Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:11 pm Beginner Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:55 pm Posts: 37 Hello, I am trying to build the "eg" examples under Maven 1.0.2. Maven is much stricter when it comes to the dependencies and I am finding myself guessing which version ...

49. Maven dependencies

50. Maven + Hibernate 3.1

51. Maven 2 repository issue

52. Hibernate & Maven - newbie question...

Hi everyone, I'm a newcomer to Maven and Hibernate.. If i use the hibernate dependeny hibernate hibernate 3.2.4.sp1 compile in a web-app that's built with Maven, using the postgresql database, and adding appropriate postgresql dependency and creating the Hibernate cfg.xml and hbm.xml files etc, do I need to do more than just mvn package and deploy to the tomcat container? Finding ...

53. How to start with Hibernate and Maven2?

Hello, I'm developing an application using Maven2 and I wanted to extend it with Hibernate. I was using Ant before to achieve the same, but since Maven suits my needs better, I decided not to use Ant anymore. The thing is, that I'm not sure if I can achieve the same effect in Maven, as the one I achieved using Ant. ...

54. hib maven

I think many people have this problem - and they will not find these up-to-date versions in the repositories. If you look at the JBoss maven repo, you only find damned old versions. Which is another thing I cannot understand: why do JBoss releases such as 4.2.x not use the latest Hibernate versions? I questioned this in another thread but did ...

55. Error While building hibernate core from source using Maven

Is the SVN trunk broken or i am doing something wrong .. have been trying to build the core package since yesterday .. one of the test always fails with the following error Code: org.apache.maven.BuildFailureException: There are test failures. Please refer to ../workspace/hibernate-core/testsuite/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results. at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoals( at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalWithLifecycle( ...

56. Maven Link in Hibernate Tutorial broken

57. Which maven dependencies should I be using?

I'm trying to build my application with the latest GA release. If I use... org.hibernate hibernate 3.2.6 Then I get the EHcache exception: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager.()V from class org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider So I figure I will try the latest individual dependencies org.hibernate hibernate-core 3.3.1.GA org.hibernate hibernate-ehcache 3.3.1.GA Eclipse indicates to change HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().getTransaction().commit(); ...

58. Maven build error? Why?

59. Netbean, Maven And Hibernate

60. Unable to build hibernate-3.3.2.GA with maven

Hi, I've just checked out the hibernate-3.3.2.GA source code from ... e-3.3.2.GA and tried to build it with Maven using Sun JDK I keep getting an error while building hibernate core. I'm new to maven so have no idea what might be wrong, any suggestions are appreciated. developer@misdev ~/workspace/hibernate $ mvn -e install + Error stacktraces are turned on. ...

61. Problem installing Hibernate with Maven

Hi, I am new with Hibernate. I am trying to install it, so I have firstable downloaded Maven 2.2.1 I have installed maven and set up the enviroment variables as well as the settings.xml as it is indicated in the Hibernate web. But when I run mvn clean install from the command line I get the following error, Code: C:\>mvn clean ...