Project « Eclipse « JPA Q&A

1. Eclipselink problem in a javase project

I am getting this error when I am running my eclipselink project.

[EL Warning]: 2008.12.05 11:47:08.056--java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/resource/adapter/jdbc/ValidConnectionChecker was thrown on attempt of PersistenceLoadProcessor to load class com.mysql.jdbc.integration.jboss.MysqlValidConnectionChecker. The class is ignored.

Exception in ...

2. Eclipse + Turn an Existing Project into a JPA Project

Is there a way to turn a normal Eclipse Project into a JPA Project? I have a normal project with Entities in it and a Persistence.xml file, but it is not ...

3. Eclipse and a project example question

I've been working on the following example: I'm getting lost at the creation of .JAR file and then creating a .WAR file. Do I start off with a new JPA Project ...

4. Hibernate configuration file and Eclipse project export

I have a question that have been driving me nuts for almost 3h.... I have a 3 projects under Eclipe : 1-CLIENT, 2-COMMON, 3-SERVER. The server project contains everything related to database ...

5. jpa project problem in hibernate console configuration

when i create a jpa project under eclipse, i encoutered the following problem: when i create the a configuration file, i check creat console, next when i specify jpa as type ...

6. How to layout JEE projects using common JPA entities?

I have two eclipse jee 6 projects packaged in a WAR-file using maven 3. Now they should share JPA entities in a 3rd project among them, since they both use the ...

7. Configuration of Hibernate & mySQL in a Web Dynamic Project

Up until now when creating web projects I was using the Google plugin for eclipse. I was creating a Web Application Project. This allowed me not to worry about the configurations ...

8. Add Hibernate to STS Dynamic Web Project

I have a Dynamic Web Project which I am developing using STS. I want to add Hibernate to it. Is it a matter of adding the necessary jar files to the project ...

9. Launch configuration JDBCRealm references non-existing project Bibliotheque

I've created a web application, and I'm trying to insert data into a MySQL table using hibernate. 1-When I try to run the project as a «Java application», I'm having the following ...

10. [EclipseLink] How do I export a JPA Project on Eclipse properly?

Hi guys. I'm starting my studies on J2EE and I have a problem. Can you help me out? I have two projects in my workspace, a dynamic web project and a JPA project. My first project depends on the second. I created classes in the web project that uses the entities and utility classes from the JPA project and whenever I ...

11. trouble with hibernate using multiple eclipse projects

hi there, im having some trouble getting hibernate started. im currently developing a RCP application with the eclipse framework. my project contains several plugins. there is one plugin for hibernate setup and configuration: PluginA that plugin is used by another plugin setting up database specific data: PluginB now i load a mapping file from PluginB - that works. now hibernate (PluginA) ...

12. HibernateTools eclipse plugin example projects

13. Multiple eclipse project with hibernate

Hi! I have created a project in Eclipse that uses Hibernate. I've jar'd the project because I need to use the project as stand alone and integrate the project in another project. The first project is a Structure project for Customers, users, Languages and so forth. There are many other mysql schemas and projects that needs foreign keys to the Struture ...

14. Hibernate/Eclipse multiple projects best practice?

There was a post earlier this year about this but no response. So thought I would try the topic again. We have multiple projects in eclipse (common utility vs app specific). Stuff in common is to be used across multiple apps, i.e. Country and State classes. We define the Hibernate mapping in the common project but want to utilize them in ...

15. Java Project in Eclipse can't see Hibernate

I try to install Hibernate in Eclipse 3.3 (EE) by copying src of Hibernate core and plugins of Hibernate tool into Eclipse plugin and try to d/l others but Eclipse still can't see Hibernate (it reports error when use "import org.hibernate.*;". I don't know what to do next ? Anyone has any idea ? Thanks loads