Retrieve « Eclipse « JPA Q&A

1. JPA/EclipseLink - Retrieve Columns Names

I'm trying to update my knowledge in Java, since I last used in when it was in 1.4.X version... I'm trying to use 1.6.0, in particular the Java Persistence API (2.0). I ...

2. JPA - Is there a way/method to retrieve Persistence Unit information

I'd like to find out my data source name in the code. Is there a way of doing that? I am using eclipselink. thanks To be more specific, my aim is to get ...

3. JPA Eclispelink - unable to retrieve the last inserted record

I've a problem with JPA EclipseLink. I've two functions: First, it inserts a row in the database correctly. The second reads all the values ??in the same table and show them to you. ...

4. EclipseLink can't retrieve entities inserted manually

I'm having some trouble with EclipseLink. My program has to interact with a database (representing a building). I've written a little input-testmode where I can manually insert stuff through the console. My ...

5. How to retrieve nested JPA entities in a single query

I am trying to retrieve entities using eclipselink JPA and am looking for a way to reduce the number of queries run to retrieve a single entity. I believe I should ...