Select « Eclipse « JPA Q&A

1. How to dynamically generate SQL query based on user’s selections?

This is the same question as: The only difference is, that I'm interested in seeing solutions also using Java/JPA (+possibly EclipseLink or Hibernate specific extensions). I need to create a GUI, using ...

2. JPA PreUpdate implemented using DescriptorEventAdapter called after find/select

I have implemented a DescriptorEventAdapter for JPA (eclipselink). It performs simple timestamp operations. The preUpdate method is being called, however it is being called too often. It gets called and updates ...

3. Select rows by month comparison in JPQL

I have a MySQL database in which the date of birth of a person is stored as a date. My task is to fetch the rows containing people who's birthdays are ...

4. How to do join fetching instead of select fectching with EclipseLink?

I've got a OneToOne relation between two entities. This relation is eager by default, but when logging requests, I only see multiple selects, no join appears. Same thing when forcing eager. Do ...