cache « Eclipse « JPA Q&A

1. Why EclipseLink Query cache only works when I use query.getSingleResult()?

My entity has a named query which looks like this:

@NamedQuery(name = "Person.find", query = "select p from Organization p where")
In my code I want to set the query cache hint:
query.setHint("eclipselink.cache-usage", ...

2. Disable caching in JPA (eclipselink)

I want to use JPA (eclipselink) to get data from my database. The database is changed by a number of other sources and I therefore want to go back to the ...

3. JPA/Eclipselink cache life span

1.- I'm working Glassfish 2.1 with EcipseLink 2.0.0, so really using JPA 1.0 specification, and I have a stateless EJB that finds entities among other things. As far as i know ...

4. How are named queries with parameter markers resolved in the db2 dynamic statement cache?

I have an annotaded entity which contains a named query. The query contains 3 positional parameter marker. At runtime the parameters are set and they are binded before the statement is stored ...

5. how to use another implementation for JPA 2 level 2 cache?

We'd like to use another L2 cache for our big JPA application. We are trying to achieve a shared cache between multiple servers. We use Eclipselink as JPA implementation, and some legacy ...

6. Eclipselink caching problem (one database for two systems)

I have two online-systems running. Both of them are using eclipselink. The first system is a administration-system, where the prices for the second application are managed. The second system is a online shop, ...

7. JPA 2 - How to cache/optimize count queries?

I have JEE application, where I have list of groups. I want to display number of items in every group, so I do:

Group ...

8. JPA, Eclipselink, EJB and caching question

I have a second Jersey resource class (class B) which is also a local Stateless EJB. When one of the methods on this class receives a Jersey request it makes a call to a 2nd stateless EJB which has been injected to the class with @EJB. The method called on this injected EJB simply creates a TypedQuery which uses a NamedQuery ...