close « EntityManager « JPA Q&A

1. Do I have to close() every EntityManager?

I have just started migrating my homegrown persistence framework to JPA. Given that the persistence frameworks hide a lot of the plumbing, I'm interested in knowing if NOT closing EntityManagers will create ...

2. java.lang.IllegalStateException: EntityManager is closed

I created a thread for uploading a bucket of data into a database, but when passing a EntityManager from a JPA class to the thread class, the EntityManager was always closed. (The EntityManager is fine in my JPA class, only closed when passing to the thread class). Any suggestions would be appreciated. 09:45:32,638 SEVERE [biblio] java.lang.IllegalStateException: EntityManager is closed at org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl.getSession( ...

3. entity Manager - statement is closed!!!!!!!

Newbie Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:58 am Posts: 11 Hy everybody, I have a problem with my application. I'm getting this error, but I appear randomly and in different point of my code. Many times it works on that line of code, sometime time not... I'm trying to fix it for some days ago...but I didn't have any chance to ...

4. Should Entity Manager be closed ??

Hi to everyone, I've a little question. I work with Hibernate JPA in an simple Java Application, which runs in the JVM, not in some Application Server or something. This application is a client server application where communication is done by RMI. The Database is at the servers machine, if you want to know Sometimes I get an IllegalStateException with that ...