handle « Exception « JPA Q&A

1. handling hibernate UnsupportedOperationException: Can't write to a readonly object    stackoverflow.com

what configuration parameters or session preferences need to set to fix Can't write to a readonly object ? Here is the stacktrace for more information

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Can't write to a ...

2. Keep Hibernate Initializer from Crashing Program    stackoverflow.com

I have a Java program using a basic Hibernate session factory. I had an issue with a hibernate hbm.xml mapping file and it crashed my program even though I had the ...

3. Exception Caught Too Early    stackoverflow.com

Background: Hibernate connects to a database using a username and password entered into a GUI. Upon failure, instead of propagating the error up as an exception, it comes out as a ...

4. how to handle hibernate exceptions    stackoverflow.com

I have few questions like

  1. Which is the right place to handle a Hibernate RuntimeException. DAO Layer? ServiceLayer?
  2. For instance, I have saveCustomer and the transaction fails, how can I inform the user through ...

5. JPA, Hibernate - handling ContraintViolationException wrapped into RollbackException    stackoverflow.com

I'm having problem processing ConstraintViolationException and RollbackException in JPA2 / Hibernate / Guice environment. Both exceptions occur while bean validation, but: ConstraintViolationException is thrown when I try to persist a new entity RollbackException ...

6. Hibernate exception handling    stackoverflow.com

I've got a little 'complex' question.
I'm using Hibernate/JPA to make transactions with a DB.
I'm not the DBA, and a client consumes my application, a RESTful web service. My problem is that ...

7. Exception Handling in Hibernate    coderanch.com

Hello folks, I have a basic question in Hibernate. Does Hibernate automatically rollback transactions if any exceptions occur during the transaction? If so, why do programmers usually catch exceptions and rollback explicitly? (Is it just for illustrating that thrown exceptions should be handled at some place in the application?) public void methodX() { Session session = null; // [B]Do I need ...

9. Hibernate (JPA) - Exception Handling    coderanch.com

Hello all. I'm writing a service (only a POJO that implements an interface that is injected by Spring 2 in my JSF 1.2 ManagedBeans). My service, have an EntityManaged injected by Spring via @PersistenceContext annotation (I'm not using DAOs interface). Well, the point is: I'd like to make foundations to decide the best way to handle the EntityManager exceptions in my ...

10. Exception Handling in Hibernate JPA    forum.hibernate.org

I wish to know what exceptions are thrown (Hibernate JPA spec) for some common situations listed below. 1. Database Constraints are violated when inserting or updating Entity (including unique constraints and foreign key constraints). 2. Searching for an entity but entity does not exist in the database or a NamedQuery returns no records 3. Entity has been read in memory and ...

11. How to handle the exception?    forum.hibernate.org

execution code: Configuration cf=new Configuration(); i user hibernate.cfg.xml ,when i debug it auto find hibernate.properties Caused Exception: 08:54:41,765 INFO Version:37 - Hibernate Commons Annotations 3.2.0.Final 08:54:41,781 INFO Environment:603 - Hibernate 3.6.7.Final Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.reset(Configuration.java:332) at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.(Configuration.java:298) at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.(Configuration.java:302) at com.test.Test.main(Test.java:13) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.hibernate.util.ConfigHelper.getResourceAsStream(ConfigHelper.java:167) at org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.(Environment.java:618) ... 4 more

12. Exception handling    forum.hibernate.org

For the function of session, save, update, delete, load, why not the exact exception is thrown but instead just the HiberateException is thrown?? e.g. for the session.load(), the exact exception ObjectNotFoundException is thrown for the absent of the object. I think it is better than the parent class exception HibernateException so that we can determine exactly what is the problem is ...

13. Exception handling idiom    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1 The hibernate documentation proposes following Exception handling idiom: ---------------------------- Session sess = factory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = sess.beginTransaction(); // do some work ... tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx!=null) tx.rollback(); throw e; } finally { sess.close(); } ----------------------------- However this isn't possible, cause tx.rollback() throws a checked HibernateException, so I have to ...

14. Hibernate Exception Handling    forum.hibernate.org

15. Hibernate Exception Handling    forum.hibernate.org

16. HibernateException handling    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am just starting using Hibernate and got a question about the HibernateException. Why is HibernateException an unchecked exception ? In the Wiki is noted that exceptions should be handled in some higher-level layer. But when using Hibernate in a Session-Facade (CMT) I think it is desirable to throw an ApplicationException instead of a SystemException to the client in case ...

17. Regarding Handling Exceptions    forum.hibernate.org

HI i'm currently working for an Application with uses Spring and Hibernate . Also we are following layered architecture . in this my business logic resides in a ServiceImpl which interacts with a repository where it holds a intelligence for fetching and storing persistence data . i'm using HibernateDAOSupport for all my repositories . so i need to know how to ...

18. Regarding Handling Exceptions    forum.hibernate.org

HI i'm currently working for an Application with uses Spring and Hibernate . Also we are following layered architecture . in this my business logic resides in a ServiceImpl which interacts with a repository where it holds a intelligence for fetching and storing persistence data . i'm using HibernateDAOSupport for all my repositories . so i need to know how to ...

19. How to handle hibernate exceptions    forum.hibernate.org

I have been looking at Hibernate and I am sold on it. Now the main design problem that I face is how to handle hibernate exceptions. The pattern that I have been looking at is session-per-request with the use of HibernateJTAFilter. It is nice where the DAO's are very clean and the Hibernate unchecked exceptions are handle in a common place. ...

20. Exception Handling: Continue working with Session    forum.hibernate.org

Where is declared your transaction ? Where is your rollback after the exception is thrown ? Did you use a tx context ? (Maybe with Spring?) try { session.beginTransaction(); session.save(yourObject); }catch(HibernateException) { session.getTransaction().rollback();//this should also be put in a try-catch block } And I'm not sure, but I think it would be better to use a new session for this. Anyway, ...

21. how to handle user-level error message!    forum.hibernate.org

22. Handling/Logging certain exceptions in the hibernate core    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version:latest I'm running into this rather annoying situation. I have a job that grabs some RSS feeds and tries to insert the items into the database. The thing is that due to performance reason I don't want to check if the db has the item already retrieved and I try to re-enter it. I let the database reject it via ...

23. Handling exceptions    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am using jboss/jsf/hibernate. Using a facade model, making my calls from a managed bean. i.e session bean -> called from JSF managed bean. I would like to catch constraint excetions , but I have been only successful catching a Runtime exception withing the mangaged bean. I have tried to catch ConstaingViolationException , but it just fall through. What would ...

24. Question about open-session-in-view and handling exceptions    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2.0.ga I know this is a topic that has been well covered, but I have a question that I have not been able to find a definitive answer for that I was hoping someone here could help with. I'm implementing the open-session-in-view pattern in a Tapestry web application that my team is developing. The Open Session in View page ...

25. Hibernate Exception Handling    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I've been having some trouble trying to solve this and looked over the internet but couldn't find a reasonable way to do it. The thing is I'm trying to handle exceptions thrown by Hibernate. What happen is: In a simple case I have two servlets chained that when the first finishes its processing it calls the second one.That works ...

26. HibernateSessionRequestFilter Exception Handling    forum.hibernate.org

27. How to handle exceptions    forum.hibernate.org