session « Exception « JPA Q&A

1. ASM ( (Z) ) with hibernate login

I'm using hibernate for my database in my project. It was working great but now I got this exception.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(Z)V

      cause mère 


2. I am getting hibernate session exception , while doing CRUD process

I am getting the following hibernate session exception , while doing CRUD process. Please give me a solution. 13:26:45,439 ERROR [HibernateUtil:211] Caught HibernateException 13:26:45,446 ERROR [HibernateUtil:217] org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not al low creation of non-transactional one here org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one h ...

3. Two open session Exception

Hello, I'm getting the following exception after I try to add an one-to-many list to the Categories I have Categories > MainTopics > SubTopics > Comments tables. Categories should have one-to-many Main Topics MainTopics should have one-to-many SubTopics ect.. When I deleted a category I want to delete all related MainTopics automatically. If I add the following list entry to the ...

4. How can exceptions in one session, disturb another session?

Hi, I am puzzled by a quite strange behaviour. We have two threads, both with their own sessions (and only integer-id's are passed between threads). However when one thread triggers a ConstraintViolationException because it tries to persist invalid entities, the other thread starts to become non-functional too and it throws the following Exception: Code: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not load an entity: [somepackage.SomeClass#397] ...

5. Best practice question: Long-running Sessions vs. Exceptions

I'm somewhat at a loss about how to actually use a long-running Session in practice. The problem is with Exceptions: I have no idea how to deal with them without compromising the application's modularity. The normal approach would be: rollback, close Session, create a new Session. Trouble is: Any module in the application might have now-detached objects lying around. They need ...

6. Exception raised in session.iterate()

7. Can session.update() throw an exception on inexistence?

When session.update() is executed, it doesn't return error when the object being updated doesn't exist in the DB. This is bad because the client doesn't know if he is updating an existing object or not. Is there a way to make session.update() throw an Exception without the need to do a session.load(...) before it?

8. StringOutOfBound exception while execute session.iterate()

Any help will be greatly appreciated. In my code, after create session, I am running the following code: session.iterate("SELECT count(*) FROM data.Role"); And get the following error consistently: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 at java.lang.String.substring( Code)) at java.lang.String.substring( Code)) at net.sf.hibernate.sql.QuerySelect.toQueryString( at net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator.renderSQL( at net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator.compile( at net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator.compile( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getQuery( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getShallowQuery( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.getQueries( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.iterate( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.iterate( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.iterate( ...

9. Synchronise session Exception

Dear all, I have the following error . It seems that there is a synchronisation error. NEED HELP [code] Hibernate: select S_INDEX_EDITION.nextval from dual Hibernate: insert into INDEX_EDITION (TYPE, CLE, DATE_CREATION, PK_INDEX_EDITION) values (?, ?, ?, ?) Hibernate: insert into EDITION (DOCUMENT, PK_EDITION) values (?, ?) - SQL Error: 17090, SQLState: null - op

10. Session.beginTransaction throws exception

Hello everyone, I am new to Hibernate and I am testing it for my app. My setup: Tomcat 4.1 using Hibernate 2.1 ,Struts 1.02 and DB2 8.1 I used to test my app using MySQL 3.x and it worked fine. I recreated all the tables in DB2, changed the config settings and now I get errors in my action servlet. The ...

11. Occasional exception thrown when session's cross over.

Newbie Joined: Mon Oct 27, 2003 11:00 am Posts: 5 Hi there, I am running hibernate 2.1 with hypersonic in jboss 3.2.3 . I have an object which has 2 many to one relationships that occasionally gets the following exception: 10:43:10,883 WARN [JDBCExceptionReporter] SQL Error: -8, SQLState: 23000 10:43:10,883 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] Integrity constraint violation: FKCE9643CFE87FB7F1 table: MM_PRICE in statement [insert into ...

12. convenience methods and no Session exception

I am trying to follow the recommended way of manipulating relationships in a pojo. My situation is as follows. I am dealing with a many to many relationship. I am trying the following code and keep getting a net.sf.hibernate.LazyInitializationException."Entered saveTechnologyForUser(Integer techId)"); public void saveTechnologyForUser(SecuranceUserVO user, Integer techId) throws DaoException {"Entered saveTechnologyForUser(Integer techId)"); try{ Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Transaction tx ...

13. Unpredictable "session disconnected" exceptions

Caused by: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: Session is currently disconnected at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.connection( at net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction.begin( at net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory.beginTransaction( at net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.beginTransaction( at at at Sale.SaleController.PassCodeDecision(SaleController.jpf:682) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor775.invoke(Unknown Source) at ...

14. not understanding doc: exception from Session.update

Hibernate version: 2.1 Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Code: session = getSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); /* * RouteKey is a composite-id. newRouteKey method instantiates ...

15. session.createCriteria === UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION ====

List objList = session.createCriteria(MyObject.class) .add(Expression.eq("lastName", lastname)) .add(Expression.eq("firstName", firstname)) ...

17. How do I check if a Session is invalid after an exception?

I use the threadlocal pattern to obtain a session via a Util class that manages the threadlocal session. I would like to check the state of a session in the getSession() call before it is passed to the caller. If the session is invalid I would like to close the existing session, create a new Session and return this back to ...

18. Exception with update() and many sessions

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp I use hibernate with web application, when i open many session begin the problems with update and save. this is the information: [b]Hibernate version: I used hibernate 3 [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): session = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.update(nuevo); session.flush(); tx.commit(); [b]Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: org.hibernate.HibernateException: ...

19. some wishes to avoid damaged session after exception

Hi! I (also) use hibernate to access a legacy system which uses a tons of triggers and so on. Often it is hard to check all constraints they use to avoid any exception which forces me to throw away the session and start over. Well, in such a situation I exctly know which entity causes the fault as I do a ...

20. Detect/Recover problems in sessions with exceptions

Newbie Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:30 am Posts: 1 Hello, i am a newbie on hibernate and i have some doubts that i cant resove completely by reading the docs and forum. Im using hibernate with spring, but i think my issues are mostly related with hibernate sesssions ans exceptions. Scenario: Im using global transactions (JTA) with ActiveMQ and MySql-SQLServer. ...

21. session.createCriteria generate exception under stress

Hibernate version:3 Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Code: Cannot assign requested address at Method) at at at ...

22. '... two open sessions' Exception

I use Hibernate 3.2.6.GA and i am able to create and update the entity Mailinglist but get the following error if i try to remove it. Code: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: c2m2.api.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Illegal attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions at ch.centrisag.c2m2.webui.delegate.AdminDelegate.deleteMaillist( at ch.centrisag.c2m2.webui.control.notification.MaillistQueryAction.delete( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ...

23. Exception while using session.Clear() + out of memory error

Newbie Joined: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:51 am Posts: 7 Hi, I'm using Spring Batch with hibernate3.2.3. IBM DB2 V8.1 I got outOfMemory error when i executed batch process. As per the Batch processing documentation i used session.clear for every 20 records. But i got two different types of exception One is Found two representations of same collection: other is R ...

24. No Exception thrown by Session.createCriteria

Hi I have found a peculiar thing in Hibernate : Session.createCriteria(Class persistentClass) doesn't throw any exception even if class is not loaded in the Session through mappings file. e.g. Code: List cbdList = new ArrayList(); String cbd = null; Session session = null; ...

25. Hibernate Session State After Exception

Hello, I am updating/inserting a bunch of records in loop and after that transaction is being commit. I am using AND session.update(...) for the same. If a record appears in the transaction which voilates constraints AND/OR due to some other reasons it throws exception then any attempt to use that session again throws exception. Is it the default behaviour of ...

26. alternative to re-using a session after exception

Hi all, Given that Hibernate exceptions are not recoverable, how do you solve this common problem ? A single session is opened in service layer. Then : 1. load an entity 2. execute some business process with this entity 3a. if success, set entity status to "Success" 3b. if any exception is thrown, set entity status to "Failed" 4. Save entity ...

27. Hibernate Session management after exception

Hello, I'm developing an application and am using the session-per-request pattern. During the request process I need to commit the transaction, and thus flush the hibernate session, at various points (this is being accomplished by the Spring framework and AOP). A problem arises when an exception is thrown during a flush operation. At this point I am aware that the session ...

28. Catch Hibernate Exception :: Session-per-Request

Beginner Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 2:58 pm Posts: 25 I am wondering how to catch hibernate exceptions. I am using Tomcat JNDI Database Connection Pooling and set up Request-Per-Session using filters as explanined here (HibernateSessionRequestFilter, HibernateUtil, etc): I have the problem where the view is rendered before the exception is thrown...but I can't seem to catch the exception. ...