exception « Field « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate exception when field is empty    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, When I configured Hibernate in the .hbm.xml file and I maped a table with a class, this table have a field that can be empty. The problem if thus field is empty in one record, that cause an Hibernate exception each time i try to get Data from th this table . I tried to resolve this probleme using (not-null="false") ...

2. Know the unique fields who produced the exception    forum.hibernate.org

The way I've done this in the past is to use SQLException interpreters. Quite slick actually, if I say so myself :) The approach I used was to: 1) explicitly name my constraints in the DB; 2) use a SQLException interpreter that uses sql-state or error-code to convert the exception to a "typed hierarchy" (there are existing libraries that do this ...

3. Updating a single field in HQL results in an exception    forum.hibernate.org

I installed Hibernate 3.1.3 on Weblogic 8.1. I've set the "hibernate.query.factory_class" property value to "org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory". For the update statement: update Token set counter = :counter where id = :id I'm getting the following: "org.hibernate.QueryException: query must begin with SELECT or FROM: update [update com.symantec.eb.vo.TokenVO set....." HQL support of updating single fields is part of 3.1.3, and therefore requires the new parser ...