glassfish « Field « JPA Q&A

1. TopLink JPA: Entities as Identity Fields

The following 'construction' throws an exception: Exception [TOPLINK-7150] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060829)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException Exception Description: Invalid composite primary key specification. The names of the primary key fields or properties in the primary key class [model.StationPK] and those of the entity bean class [model.Station] must correspond and their types must be the same. Also, ensure that you have specified ...

2. JPA Id fields???

Daniel Cavalcanti wrote: > > I have an EJB that persists, updates, removes, etc an entity... (create > using NetBeans). > From another EJB, BeanB, I create an entity and use the BeanA to persist. > > @Entity > @Table(name = "resource_requests") > public class ResourceRequests implements Serializable { > > @Id() > @Column(name = "id", nullable = false) > private ...

3. JPA query and enum field

4. JPA/Toplink? question related to @Transient fields

Some folks were saying at the time that there really [i]was[/i] no difference. I wasn't particularly vocal but I fell into this camp--you could take an entity and merge() it, and if the EntityManager had never seen it before, then, well, it seemed to do something like an implicit persist() first, and [i]then[/i] the merge.

5. JPA, field as Calendar, accessor returns int

I have a JPA entity which has a field of type Calendar. However the accessor for this field (and the column of the table in which it is stored) returns an integer representing the year the calendar holds. Problem is, a build error occurs if the accessor is not annotated with Temporal (as the field itself is a temporal type), but ...

6. ambiguous field error on Glassfish Hibernate Plugin

select as id344_3_, form0_.confirmationText as confirma2_344_3_, date as date344_3_, form0_.description as descript4_344_3_, form0_.infomail as infomail344_3_, form0_.language as language344_3_, as name344_3_, form0_.portal_id as portal9_344_3_, form0_.sibling_id as sibling10_344_3_, form0_.siteContactForm as siteCont8_344_3_, fields1_.form_id as form8_5_, as id5_, as id323_0_, fields1_.description as descript2_323_0_, fields1_.form_id as form8_323_0_, fields1_.formFile as formFile323_0_, fields1_.maxLength as maxLength323_0_, as name323_0_, fields1_.orderIndex as orderIndex323_0_, fields1_.required as required323_0_, ...