Parameter « Filter « JPA Q&A

2. HOWTO use filters with parameters

Hello everyone ! I have a problem with filters. I know it seems quite trivial but I've been searching for a week now, and have still not found what I'm doing wrong. I'd like to do something like 'get all partners which name contains 'e', for example. Hibernate version: The manifest shows 'Hibernate-Version: 3.0.5' Mapping documents: lf_partner.hbm.xml: Code:

3. Hibernate filters and combination of parameters with OR

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5. Filter. Undefined parameter name. I think it's right.

Hi I'm reading the Hibernate Persistence book and trying to implement filters on my application. Everything seems right, but I can't seem to get it working. Everything else works file except when trying to set the filter parameter. Any ideas? Hibernate: 3.1.3 hibernate.cfg.xml: ... ... DynamicFilters.hbm.xml: ...

6. Filter with no parameters

// To my understanding, this is a global definition and can appear in any mapped @Entity @FilterDef(name="filterDeleted", defaultCondition="deleteDate is null",parameters={}) ... // The @Filter declaration I have tried on the property definition and on the target class @OneToMany(mappedBy="question",fetch=FetchType.EAGER,cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @Filter(name="filterDeleted") public List getAnswers() { ...