dynamic « Filter « JPA Q&A

1. Dynamic Filter Clarification and a "Can this be done?&q    forum.hibernate.org

Can someone clarify something for me? For some reason I had the impression that the Filter conditions were an HQL fragment yet it would appear that as I look at some more examples that it would be a SQL fragment? However, I believe I have seen some conflicting examples. For example, in the Reference doc the fragment references the column names ...

2. Setting parameters for dynamic filters    forum.hibernate.org

3. Dynamic Filter Creation    forum.hibernate.org

Ok, here is what I understand about Hibernate Filters. 1. You can define them (staticly) in mapping files, and attach them either at a class level or collection level. 2. You can create them (dynamically) by calling createFilter() on a session. However, this is only at a collection level. By question then is, is there a way to dynamically create a ...

4. dynamic Filter    forum.hibernate.org

Hi! First I apologize for my bad English. I'm searching for a way to create filter-statements dynamically: My table: ... My first try: The param "memoSearch" is ...

5. Dynamic enabling of filters    forum.hibernate.org