glassfish 2 « Glassfish « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate not working with GlassFish V2 now?

Using the latest Hibernate download. I had it working with previous builds and was now attempting to use it again to try some features. With TopLink the application deploys fine. When I switch to Hibernate I get this. My datasource is valid and as I said works fine when deploying with TopLink as my provider. Code: #|2007-10-05T17:22:05.958-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.core.classloading|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;_RequestID=5190e64f-570e-4296-9a3d-1e67d4e95f16;|javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ilda not found java.lang.RuntimeException: ...

2. Hibernate in Glassfish

I don't know about him, but I find hibernate to be a more robust solution than toplink essentials, plus it comes with an integrated search module and some useful extended annotations which are lacking in toplink. So ... any answers to this ? I've found I can run hibernate by dropping all the hibernate jars in to domain1/lib, but I'd like ...

3. Glassfish v2.1 and Hibernate

Hello! I have many problems with Hibernate and Glassfish. I found this tutorial and also this one . But simple copying the jar files to the Glassfish lib is not enough, I still get errors when running a simple test application. By the way, some required JAR files are not available in the latest Hibernate distribution and can only ...

4. Glassfish v2.1 and Hibernate

Hello! I have many problems with Hibernate and Glassfish. I found this tutorial and also this one . But simple copying the jar files to the Glassfish lib is not enough, I still get errors when running a simple test application. By the way, some required JAR files are not available in the latest Hibernate distribution and can only ...

5. Hibernate and glassfish again.

I am trying use a hibernate as jpa provider in enterprise project on glassfish. I copied this libs into glassfish_home/libs: antlr-2.7.6.jar asm-attrs.jar asm.jar cglib.jar commons-collections-3.1.jar commons-collections.jar commons-logging.jar concurrent.jar dom4j-1.6.1.jar dom4j.jar ehcache.jar ejb3-persistence.jar hibernate3.jar hibernate-annotations.jar hibernate-commons-annotations.jar hibernate-core.jar hibernate-entitymanager.jar hibernate.jar hibernate-search.jar hibernate-validator.jar javassist-3.4.GA.jar javassist.jar jta-1.1.jar jta.jar log4j.jar lucene-core.jar slf4j-api-1.5.2.jar slf4j-api.jar My persistence.xml : Code: