toplink « Glassfish « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate or Toplink?

I see that Toplink essentials is open source and I guess I'm looking at the impact of using Toplink instead. If I switch to Glassfish - obviously the integration is better and that's a big incentive. As much as I love Hibernate, I'm having enough issues w/ Glassfish + Hibernate to force me to drop's now affecting my progress on ...

2. Hibernate-to-Toplink lacks portability?

This doesn't make sense to me - there's only one entity w/ that primary key it would seem the child collection is creating a problem? I understand that in a plain SQL query I would get more than one row - but I would not expect the retreival of an entity to behave this way.

3. Toplink-to-Hibernate JPA not portable w/ this one-to-one?

I have an application I'm trying to move from JBoss 4.0.4 to Glassfish and it looks like I've found very basic entity mapping pattern that breaks when using Hibernate in Glassfish vs. Toplink as the persistence engine. It works if I switch it to Toplink...strangely enough...but I would prefer to use Hibernate and not Toplink...and certainly don't want to get into ...

4. GlassFish JPA (TopLink Essentials) mature enough for production use?

[b]GlassFish V1 UR1[/b] version of JPA implementation is very much of production quality. Yes, there are bugs, but most of them are P3s and P4s. Lot of the bugs have to do with Java2DB and in areas which users can work around. lists the serious issues that we think users can face while using GlassFish V1 UR1. Take a look ...

6. Surprising JPA (Toplink) Behaviour (glassfish v1 UR1)

My team has been building a system that consists of some JAX-WS services, some JSF pages for data-entry, and a shared JPA layer through which the services and the pages read & write data. One team member was responsible for creating the JSF interface, and another for writing the services, and each cooperated on the JPA model layer where appropriate, both ...

7. starting with JPA toplink essentials

brunosm wrote: > Hello > > I am starting with JPA > > It seems that in my test project, EntityManager doesnt run in "any" class > > In fact, in the backend beans of the jsps (Java verver faces), it > runs...but if i create it in another class ("business class") it doesnt > > My idea is creating one ...

11. any software to profile JPA applications? How to enable Toplink Essentials statistics generation?

Hi I am looking for an application to profile my desktop application which is based on JPA. I can use netbeans profiler to see what is going on but that is a general profiler and I thought there might be some applications to use specifically for JPA applications. Also, I am looking to know whether we can configure Toplink essentials to ...