ddl « HBM « JPA Q&A

1. Clone a Table's definition with Hibernate (hbm2ddl)    stackoverflow.com

In my hibernate application there is annotation driven object: AuditEvent. Its very simple and has no foreign key relationships. I archive old entries in this table by moving them ...

2. How can I customize the DDL generated with Hibernate's hbm2ddl (using annotations)?    stackoverflow.com

Here's what I want to do:
I'm using Hibernate (3.3.2) to map my Ingres 10 database. My java entities are generated after a meta model, so we decided to use annotations to ...

3. How can i create seperate DDL files with hbm2ddl tools?    forum.hibernate.org

I can user hbm2ddl tools to create ddl file like this: Code: ...

4. sample ddl and hbm files    forum.hibernate.org

5. Problem with DDL creation using hbm2ddl...    forum.hibernate.org

Hello. I want to create index for foreign key cloumn at many-to-one, many-to-many association using xdoclet tag in Java Source file. When I make uni-directional association from parent to child, It didn't generate DDL what I want and I didn't find proper xdoclet. But using bi-directional association, I can write xdoclet tag in child.hbm.xml and everything do well. How can I ...

6. Generate ddl Files mit HBM2DDL    forum.hibernate.org

7. hbm2ddl Tool and Generated DDL    forum.hibernate.org

I'm using the hbm2ddl Ant task to generate the DDL for my entities. I have several entities that are using an inheritance type of JOINED. I know Hibernate does not require the DiscriminatorColumn annotation so have purposely omitted this. However, when I generate the DDL using the Ant task I do not see the primary key columns or foreign key constrains ...

8. Is hbm2ddl mature enough to support following DDL operations    forum.hibernate.org

Hi , Does Hibernate support following DDL statements : RENAME COLUMN. RENAME TABLE. DROP COLUMN. Changing length of existing COLUMN. Changing datatype of existing COLUMN. CREATE VIEW DROP VIEW TRUNCATE TABLE DELETE FROM TABLE DROP SEQUENCE CREATE SEQUENCE CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER DROP TRIGGER CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW Also is there any way to run stored procedure from hibernate. ...

9. Maven, Hibernate and HBM to DDL creation    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I want to convert my hbm files to SQL. Thats about it. I installed the maven-hibernate-plugin 1.3. Where do i need to put the hibernate.properties file? C:\project\*.hbm.xml C:\project\hibernate.properties Thats where my hbm files are. I run C:\priject\maven hibernate:schema-export and it fails build saying set the dialect. Where do I put the properties file to make that work? Also will I ...

10. ddl to hbm help needed    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Dear Hibernate Users, I am a hibernate newbie. Can anybody please let me know if it is possible to generate a hibernate mapping(.hbm) file from an existing database schema? As there are a lot of existing datbase tables, I am looking for a convenient way to generate hbm files instead of hand coding them. Thanks in advance, The newbie.