maven « HBM « JPA Q&A

1. How to configure maven hbm2hbmxml and hbm2java to run one after the other in mvn clean install

I need to be able to call mvn clean install and have maven call hibernate3:hbm2hbmxml to generate the mapping files from a database and after than call hbm2java to get the ...

2. Best approach for Java/Maven/JPA/Hibernate build with multiple database vendor support?

I have an enterprise application that uses a single database, but the application needs to support mysql, oracle, and sql*server as installation options. To try to remain portable we are ...

3. Maven doesn't compile target/hibernate3/generated-sources

Can someone tell me how to configure maven for it also to compile sources from the target/hibernate3/generated-sources directory? I have already read this and other posts but they don't seem ...

4. ClassNotFoundException javax.mail.internet.AddressException when running hibernate3:hbm2ddl

So I'm having trouble with log4j and hbm2ddl. When I put an SMTPAppender in my log4j.xml I get this ClaasNotFoundException. Any Hints on how to solve this? These are my config files and the ...

5. How to skip the schema generation of a superclass table? Java/JPA/Hibernate/Annotations/Maven/hbm2ddl

Our application has a need to share an existing database table with another locally running application, and, so, I wish to refer to this table but skip generating the DDL for ...

6. Blog on using hbm2java and hbm2ddl with Maven

7. Class Not Found using Maven and hibernate3:hbm2ddl

I recently added c3p0 and now when I use Maven to generate the schema I am getting class not found. It works fine if I remove the c3p0 config form hibernate.cfg.xml when I run mvn hibernate3:hbm2ddl i get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mchange/v2/c3p0/PoolConfig Must be a classpath issue, but I have c3p0 as a dependency in the pom.xml. When I run the app itself ...