schema « HBM « JPA Q&A

1. How to creata database Schema using Hibernate

After reading Hibernate: in production? some questions arose. First of all, the reason for I'm using Hibernate is to be database vendor independent (no need to write 10 versions ...

2. HIbernate - HBM.xml Automatic generation from DB Schema

Is there any plugin available for Eclipse or Netbeans or any other IDE which can help me generate the hbm.xml by directly reading the schema from the database. Writing those XMLs ...

4. hbm2ddl Generates empty database schema

... 10. [hibernatetool] Executing Hibernate Tool with a JPA Configuration 11. [hibernatetool] 1. task: hbm2ddl (Generates database schema) 12. [hibernatetool] drop table if exists jpa01_personne; 13. [hibernatetool] create table jpa01_personne ( 14. [hibernatetool] ID integer not null auto_increment, 15. [hibernatetool] VERSION integer not null, 16. [hibernatetool] NOM varchar(30) not null unique, 17. [hibernatetool] PRENOM varchar(30) not null, 18. [hibernatetool] DATENAISSANCE date ...

5. can not get the correct schema by hbm2ddl.

Hi: I am build a role-user-operation-permission related system,so I create some model,set their associations in the annotation. However when I use the sechemaexport.create(true,true),I can not get the right result. So I wonder if there is something wrong with my configuration? There are almost 8 object,so I think it is a bad idea to post it here,I upload it here The ...

7. Genrating hbm XML from DB schema

8. hbm2ddl export schema fails

Hi All, I am trying to convert my application from xdoclet to hibernate annotations. I have the following task defined -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

9. Hbm2ddl and different schemas

Anyone who has found a good workaround to have hbm2ddl create a schema at startup that is different from the default one? Im using JPA annotations to define tables, but when I try to prefix tablenames with schema-name hbm2ddl wont generate the tables. I have read in other posts that hbm2ddl does not automatically generate schemas. But is there a way ...

10. How do I use hbm2ddl for generating db schemas?

Newbie Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:52 pm Posts: 9 Location: Vsters, Sweden Hello everyone, I'm still a newbie at using Hibernate and now I'm trying to use the automatic schema generation feature (this thing called "hbm2ddl"), but for some reason it's not working so I'd like to know the correct way of doing it. I'm using Hibernate3, MySQL and NetBeans ...

11. Problem with hbm2ddl not generating any schema

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2.0 Mapping documents: Annotations in class files Name and version of the database you are using: Postgresql 8.3 The generated SQL (show_sql=true): None - that's the problem Debug level Hibernate log excerpt: I am trying to generate schema from Annotated classes. I run the ant task with hbm2ddl and ...