1. JPA, Hibernate, HSQL and Remote Access. Please Help.    forums.netbeans.org

dragonslayer300814 Joined: 12 Aug 2010 Posts: 3 Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:05 pm Post subject: JPA, Hibernate, HSQL and Remote Access. Please Help. Hello, I have been ...

2. JPA, Hibernate, HSQL and Remote Access. Please Help.    forums.netbeans.org

dragonslayer300814 Joined: 12 Aug 2010 Posts: 3 Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:07 pm Post subject: JPA, Hibernate, HSQL and Remote Access. Please Help. Hello, I have been ...

3. HSQL identity    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I use Hibernate 3.3.1 GA. Primary key in my class is of type string and generator is set to native. When I use HSQL db it generates table as: create table BLAHBLAH (ID_ varchar(255) generated by default as identity (start with 1), primary key (ID_)) which of course raises error. In PostgreSQL or H2 it generated ok: create table BLAHBLAH ...

4. Hibernate HSQL Long Varchar    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to specify the column type for a String within my entity by doing @Column(columnDefinition="long varchar") public String getValue()... which works fine for mysql and I think derby (have not looked at others) but does not work for HSQL. Is there a more appropriate type that I should be using which will work across databases for character field with ...

5. HSQL returning the only the first row    forum.hibernate.org

I am using the below code, the problem I am getting is: although there are 3 rows on the database with different values, I am able to see only the first row value when I iterate the result1 list. Code: List result1 = null; Transaction tx = null; try { Session session = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(); ...

6. petsoar hsql example    forum.hibernate.org

Hello all, I am trying to follow along the Petsoar example in chapter 15 of Wiley's Java Open Source Programming. The example uses hibernate and the hypersonic database. I've attempted to follow exactly as instructed but am getting the error: java.sql.SQLException: Table not found: PETS in statement [SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PETS] It was my understanding that the line new SchemaUpdate(config).execute(false); // ...

7. build A login interface using HSQL    forum.hibernate.org

8. A HSQL parsing problem    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:09 am Posts: 26 Below is my HSQL statement,(it is a simplified version) : Code: StringBuffer stmt = new StringBuffer(); stmt.append("select i.order.address.county, i.order.address.township, i.origionalOrderItem.product.ean, sum(i.deliveryQuantity) "); stmt.append("from kk.DeliveryOderItem as i where i.order.deprecated=[b]kk.options.BooleanEnum.FALSE [/b]"); stmt.append("group by ...

9. HSQL and Sun Java Application Server 8.1    forum.hibernate.org

I'm developing a web application that will run on Sun Application Server. This application uses Struts, hibernate and Jasperreports. I needed to do some security configurations in the file SUN_APP_HOME/domains/domain1/config/server.policy to allow the JasperReports and Hibernate Query Criteria to run as follow. Code: // Hibernate and JasperReports Permissions grant { permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read"; ...

10. Dynamic HSQL citeria restriction needed.    forum.hibernate.org

I do not think it is possible with the Criteria API and I suggest you to create a simple HQL builder class that will be responsible for creating the desired HQL. In the essence string manipulation class. I have used such approach in the past and it works well and looks like Criteria API. As another alternative, you may try ...

11. Printing HSQL    forum.hibernate.org

12. ignorecase problem with hsql    forum.hibernate.org

i am aware of the ignoreCase() method using criteria queries. But i thought I could also use standard sql calls like lower when writing queries in straight hsql. like: select user from User user where lower(username)=? When i run this query i get a null pointer exception when it is executed. The exception goes away when I remove the "lower" statement. ...

13. Doesnt work (HSQL)    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Wed May 17, 2006 11:52 am Posts: 5 It is the first time I user hibernate. The information about the errors is below. If I only use the "class"-declaration of sa.bo.UserDAO in the XML file no errors occur but I don't see any errors in the sa.bo.TrainingDAO. Mapping documents: Code: ...

14. Using Hibernate with HSQL, use of GUID    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I'm setting up a project with HSQL in combination with Hibernate 3. I would like to use a GUID as primary key for a couple of tables. HSQL by default doesn't support a GUID as type. Hibernate can do that through the tag. Will this work like that ? Who will generate the GUID ? Is that Hibernate ...

15. Delet operation through HSQL    forum.hibernate.org

Please post the stack trace of the error. In the absense of that, I guess the error is not beacause of Hibernate but because of your data model. You are trying to delete a record that has children. I suggest that you execute the same query in the database directly and see if you get the same exception.

16. Hibernate With HSQL    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am using HSQLDB for JUNIT test coverage of my project. The problem i am facing is, We have our main database is in MSSQL, where in each and every table we are having default date field. Means as we insert any row MSSQL fill the date coloumn. So for that date field in our hibernate mapping file we are ...

17. ORM vs. HSQL    forum.hibernate.org

I'm fairly new to Hibernate and I've been testing a few things out. I have a DAO class that has two methods for querying an Oracle database. The first method uses the Criteria API, mappings, and annotated classes. The second method uses HSQL to query the database. Both methods return the same list of 28 objects, however the first method takes ...

18. Help on JPA and HSQL    forums.oracle.com

The Exception thrown is self explanatory. Pay attention on reading the exception: openjpa-1.1.0-r422266:657916 nonfatal general error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: Column already exists in statement [ALTER TABLE HS_STUDY_FP ADD COLUMN CMODEV2_FE VARCHAR(255)] {stmnt 25709120 ALTER TABLE HS_STUDY_FP ADD COLUMN CMODEV2_FE VARCHAR(255)} [code=-27, state=S0021] As you said it runs successfully first time and gives error on running next time. When run first time, the column ...