row « ID « JPA Q&A

1. Compisit-ID returning the same data in every row.

This is my first try with Composit keys. I am workoing with a legacy database and for this table, the fields OBDATE, OBKEYNBR, and OBSEQ make up a unque key. When I loop through the list, every item has the same data? It is always the first item in the record set. Am I missing something? My hbm.xml file...

2. Using MAX(id)+1 for new row's primary key

Hello. Since "increment" is a in-memory generator (hence, not recommended for cluster environments), I'm trying to figure out if hibernate can do a SELECT MAX(id)+1 type generation of the id fields? Our primary keys aren't setup with SEQUENCE, so I have to do this myself in the app code. Other than do it manually in the Java code, is there anyway ...

3. Save row with new ID

Hibernate version: 2.1.8 I need to load a row from the database and save a copy of it under a new id. The class is configured with a sequence, and that part works fine when I have a new object. Widget data = (Widget) session.get(Widget.class, id); data.setId(null); session.saveOrUpdate(data); session.flush(); When I do this I'm getting the following exception: net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException: identifier of ...

4. How to get DB generated Id for persisting rows in linking ta

Hibernate version: 3.2.2 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5.0.38 There are table A with PK column idA and table B with PK column idB. The cardinality between table A and B is ManyToMany so that I created table C with PK(idA, idB) as linking table for table A and B. There are also two additional columns ...

5. problems with row name called "id"

hi there! first, sorry for my poor english. i am working with MySQL 5 and Hibernate 3.2 with annotations. i have one table like this: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS regla_condicion; create table regla_condicion( id_regla_condicion int not null auto_increment primary key, id_regla_facturacion int not null, id_metadato int not null, id int not null, foreign key (id_regla_facturacion) REFERENCES regla_facturacion (id_regla_facturacion), foreign key (id_metadato) ...