type « ID « JPA Q&A

2. How to use my own type for table IDs?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am trying to use my own type for IDs instead of long or String. My mapping looks like: Of course, Hibernate complains that it cannot interpret this type. Please tell me how I can create my own type for IDs. I tried implementing UserType to do it, but I am not sure how to implement ...

3. Java primitive type for id?    forum.hibernate.org

Can I use a java primitive type for id in my persistent classes. ("int" for example) ? If yes, the Session.load metho needs a Serializable object as id value, can I use the java.lang.Integer class even if my class memeber is a primitive "int"? As this: session.load(clazz, new Integer(id)); Other thing: I have a problem which may be linked with my ...

4. Custom Type as ID    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I sanyone aware with a problem of using a custom type as an id in the mapping. We have a legacy object id class that wraps the Long in all our POJOs. What follows is my user type. When I use a custom finder to do a lookup it returns a list but the list just contains null references. Any ...

5. Incrementing an "Assigned" type ID    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message aforsyth Post subject: Incrementing an "Assigned" type ID Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:23 pm Newbie Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:45 pm Posts: 10 Location: Vancouver. B.C. Hi: Can anyone provide me an example of incrementing the "id" when the mapping file has it defined as assigned? I'm having problems understanding the IncrementGenerator.generate() method and how ...

6. "Provided id of the wrong type. Expect..." in 3.2.    forum.hibernate.org

We had using the Hibernate version 3.1.0 and I tried to change to new version 3.2.2. But occoured the follow problem (piece of hibernate code): Class idClass = persister.getIdentifierType().getReturnedClass(); if ( idClass != null && ! idClass.isInstance( event.getEntityId() ) ) { throw new TypeMismatchException("Provided id of the wrong type. Expected: " + idClass + ", got " + event.getEntityId().getClass()); } A ...

7. Unidirectional one-to-many and user-typed id problem    forum.hibernate.org

I have a problem with the following mapping. There are 2 entities (TypeOne and TypeTwo) with a many-to-many relation. So I created the mapping as followings. The problem occurs when I try to create a TypeOne object and associate it with an existing TypeTwo object in one single transaction, Hibernate throws exception but it won't happen when there's no transaction (ie ...

8. Provided id of the wrong type    forum.hibernate.org


9. Provided id of the wrong type??    forum.hibernate.org

Hello: I'm using hibernate in my application, and when i tried to load a object i have this exception: Caused by: org.hibernate.TypeMismatchException: Provided id of the wrong type: Expected: class es.impl.Tabla2Id, got class es.impl.Tabla1Id I'm so confuse, because I save with the same application the object i want to load, and everything was ok, so why the id was right when ...

10. Using a ParameterizedType as the type for an id    forum.hibernate.org