insert 2 « Insert « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Insertion problem

Hi I am new to Hibernate. Any feedback is higly appreciated . From the log it appears insertion happened . But on querying the database , I see no rows have been inserted. Any idea ?? Hibernate version:2.1.6 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 9i Mapping documents: ...

2. Hibernate insertion failure handling

hello to all.. i'm using hibernate 3.2.4sp1, hibernate annotations 3.3.0 and hibernate validator 3.0.0 and spring 2.0.5 i have 2 junit test case one inserting a 1000+ length string to a 80 column and one inserting "" to a a property marked with hibernate annotation's @Email of course both will fail, throwing an exception when i do session.flush() ok all is ...

3. Master detail insert problem

Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:16 am Posts: 3 Hi Guys, I have a fairly simple requirement, I think. I have a master detail relationship between Department and Employee. I also need to have a self join on employee between id and manager. The tables look like this: CREATE TABLE `department` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `label` varchar(45) ...

4. Inserting Large Text Issue

5. Cant insert JGeometry Line

Hibernate version: Mapping documents: Code: ...

6. Problem with an insertion!

I am using a database that isn't listed into the dialects group and I modified the MySQL's dialect. I had sucess in make a query (search). But I tried to make an insert, and I had this trouble. You can tell me what to do to resolve this problem? Very thanks. Hibernate version: Mapping documents:

7. how do I get rid of Hibernate: insert into output?

I have created a small application using hibernate 3. I am inserting rows into a MySQL database. For every row I insert I get a line of output that starts: Hibernate: insert into... then gives the table and column names. I have done a lot of looking in the documentation and many google searches. I see lots of information on enabling ...

8. entityInterceptor postFlush not inserting when part of a Tx

Newbie Joined: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:57 am Posts: 5 Hello, I have added an entityInterceptor to my session factory to insert audit logs for changes to my business model objects. The interceptor works great until I add transaction control to my application, then I the following output in my log.. Quote: 2007-12-13 14:33:21,631 INFO [STDOUT] Hibernate: update CUSTOMER set CUSTOMER_ID=?, ...

9. Insert problem

I am trying to insert a new row into my database but it is giving me an error Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.StaleStateException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1 at org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchingBatcher.checkRowCount( at org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchingBatcher.checkRowCounts( at org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchingBatcher.doExecuteBatch( at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.executeBatch( at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.executeActions( at org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.executeActions( at org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener.performExecutions( at org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultFlushEventListener.onFlush( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.flush( at roseindia.tutorial.hibernate.FirstExample.main( I have used ...

10. Massive insert using Hibernate

Hi, Im trying to insert into a table lot of data between 60000 and 10000 rows. This massive inserts are all inside a transaction, commited only at the end of all the inserts. I use the 3.0 version of hibernate Anyone have any kind of arquitecture using Hibernate for this cases? cheers

11. problem in Insert into database

My code is running fine...everything is o.k. But when i check my database .it reflects empty code is written below [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment). [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. [java] Inserting Record [java] Done [java] Hibernate: insert into CONTACT (FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, EMAIL, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?) BUILD SUCCESSFUL package ...

12. StaleState Issue: Command Status returned from insert

Hibernate version:3.x Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: Code: SEVERE 03/06/08 20:34:20.038 AbstractBatcher - Exception executing batch: org.hibernate.StaleStateException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1 at org.hibernate.jdbc.Expectations$BasicExpectation.checkBatched( at org.hibernate.jdbc.Expectations$BasicExpectation.verifyOutcome( ...

13. INSERT does not populate.

Author Message Apathetik Post subject: INSERT does not populate. Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:38 am Newbie Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:25 pm Posts: 2 The problem I am having is best summed up in the generated SQL. There are two things wrong with this SQL. First, the USERID is last and should be first. Second, apparently it ...

14. underscore in insert statment.

I've set up my hibernate from looking at the info on this site and after going through multiple iterations with different errors I'm finally able to get hibernate to see the database and try to insert data. Two underscores are being inserted between my schema and table. Insert statment looks like Hibernate: insert into __TABLE(......) error looks like java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Table 'SCHEMA.__TABLE' ...

15. Problem with inserting

HI, I am using mysql, and in my application ,one process are changing the database without using hibernate and insert new row. After that if another application inserting new row in the same table by using hibernate than it gives this error stack.... org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: Hibernate operation: Could not execute JDBC batch update; SQL []; Duplicate key or integrity constraint violation message ...

16. insert does not work

Hi everyone, I am trying to make an insert but nothing happens in my database. This is my User class: Code: public class User implements Serializable { private int id = 0; private String login = null; private String password = null; private Date creationDate = null; ...

17. hibernate insert problem

19. Insertion using TransactionTemplate

I have inserted a child and parent. (Child in turn has 2 other parents). When i try to insert child, i get constraintviloationexception - 'parent key not found' The cascade is set to 'none' TransactionTemplate isolation level is set to "isolation_read_committed" and propogation behavior is set to "propogation_required" The insertion was done successfully without a TransactionTemplate

20. Unable to Insert into database

Hi, I have just started using Hibernate. I have an application where in i am trying to do some batch updates.. The Hbm files i use are given below Master.hbm.xml Quote: Message.hbm.xml Quote:

21. Optimisation: INSERT and INDEX disabling

Hello, I have spend some time searching the forums and Google... But I found nothing. I have a table named 'Log'... Each time I doing something I insert a line saying what have been done by Who/When and What. For example, when I am inserting an user I have a row like that: NEWUSER date createdUser_id Note that a ...

22. Standard inserts

23. What is the INSERT in Hibernate?

I've bad expressed, about list replacing. Here it is: When I retrieve user A, which have id=2 username='test', and some List of staff, and modify that List of stuff by adding some, and perform save() again, then in database, I another user A, with id=2 and a List table, whose join column point at latest user-with id=3! The first user with ...

25. Insert tuples

Hello, I'am a using hibernate for the first time in my application, so I have no experience in using hibernate. I did the tutorial [url]1.2.Part 1 - The first Hibernate Application[/url] and it works fine, the tables become created (Person - Person_Event - Event -> m:n connetion) So my question is, how can I fill the tables, is it the best ...

26. Insert problem

I have a mapping class import java.util.Date; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Table; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; @Entity @Table(name = "tags_temp") public class TagsTemp { @Id @Column(name = "sno") private int sno; @Id @Column(name = "tag_name") private String tagName; @Column(name = "tag_imp") private int tagImp; public TagsTemp() {} public int getSno() {return sno;} public void setSno(int sno) {this.sno = sno;} public ...

27. NonUniqueObjectException and lost inserts

Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:54 am Posts: 5 I used tables with native (identity) generator on both hsql and MSSQL 2005 Database. Error occures randomly on Hibernate 3.3.1GA & 3.2.6GA therefore it's difficult to debug I am experiencing a problem when persisting a large amount of Serialized objects within a single Transaction. (But not all objects of same type/mapping) ...