Interceptor « Interceptor « JPA Q&A

1. Using Interceptor instead of Lifecycle

I am working on a Java webapp (1.4) where we use Hibernate 2. We are going to upgrade to Hibernate 3 and since it is recommended in the migration guide to ...

2. problem with Hibernate interceptor

I have a simple Hibernate Interceptor where I override the methods onFlushDirty and onSave In this method i set the last modified date / last modified by / created date/created by on the POJOs. I see that Hibernate does call this interceptor when i do / HibernateTemplate.update. The POJO's 'lastmodifieddate' and the 'lastmodifiedby' fields do get updated in the interceptor ...

3. How to add a new Objekt in an Interceptor?

Hi, I want to add some modification informations to an object. The history of that object is stored in a list of ModificationHistoryElement's. To this list I want to add an new Entry. Code: public class HistoryLogInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(HistoryLogInterceptor.class); @Override ...

4. Interceptor doesn't work on Many-to-Many associations

Hi parmendratyagi, thanks for responding. The structure of my interceptor is similar to what is shown below. However, a bit of research revealed to me that I should have implemented one of the onCollection methods (probably onCollectionUpdate?) defined by the Interceptor interface ( ... eptor.html ). Most of the auditing examples I've seen so far did not implement those methods. ...

5. Accessing Configuration from Interceptor

I am writing an Interceptor that needs the PersistentClass information of entities. Event listeners get access to Configuration information by implementing org.hibernate.event.Initializable. There doesn't appear to be a clean way to make this information available to an Interceptor. I modified my Interceptor to also be an initializable Listener for an infrequent event: implements Initializable, PreDeleteEventListener After configuring it in the application's ...

7. Urgent : Interceptor question, Lifecyle question.

I am facing two very similar peoblems. The First peoblem is that I have a composite key for which i am supplying the key values based on certain criteria. Now, i have a screen from which i can get objects that are not yet persisted or also some objects that are persisted in the database and need to be updated. Now ...

8. Interceptor propertyNames out of order?

Newbie Joined: Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:33 pm Posts: 17 Location: California I'm writing a journalling interceptor that will selectively store column-level changes to a journal table. I'm using the findDirty() method and comparing the incoming states. While debugging, I noticed that while the currentState, previousState and types arrays are "aligned" correctly (i.e. each array element at corresponding indices refers to ...

9. Interceptor PostLoad ?

10. Interceptor not working?

11. does exist a afterload interceptor?

12. saveOrUpdateCopy with an interceptor

Hi We have a personalized interceptor created specifically for our system which allows it's isUnsaved method to return true or false whether an object with a composite id is saved or not. However when we have to use the saveOrUpdatedCopy the isUnsaved method of our interceptor is not called in order to find out if the object is persisted or not. ...

13. idbag and interceptor

Hi! I'm using interceptor to log all the changes made into the database. Now everybody in the project is using idbag to map the many-to-many relationships. So, before there was a class that represented the relationship, and when an update was done it went through the interceptor and it was logged. Now, with idbag we don't have this relationship class and ...

14. Can an Interceptor remove a record from returned results?

Is it possible to have the onLoad method in an interceptor remove a record so that it is not returned in response to a query? For now I null out the state of each property, but that is not ideal. Any ideas or advice or is this just not possible? Thanks, James

15. Best practice for Interceptor implementations?

The Manning book and the Hibernate documentation seem to largely ignore the Interceptor concept. I would like to make use of it in a number of places, but I wanted to know if there is a good best-practices write-up on them somewhere. Should I take the absense of documentation about them as a warning not to use them? Or are they ...

16. Throwing exceptions from an Interceptor

Hi, I am using an Interceptor so that I can validate values in my entity object just before they are saved. So, for example in the Interceptor's onSave() method I will throw an exception if some validation rule fails. The problem is that I want to continue using the same Session afterwards but I get an exception when the Session is ...

18. How to attach interceptor to HibernateContext?

19. Should I use Interceptor or... ?

Hi, I'm implementing an AuditLogInterceptor very similar to the one exampled in Hibernate in Action (actually, I'm quite copying from the book ;) and I've come across a doubt... Is still an Interceptor the best way to do that in Hibernate3 ? I remember one of Hibernate team members (maybe Gavin, don't remember) talking about a new event system to be ...

20. Interceptor problem - data over written

22. Interceptor documentation example

Regular Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2003 6:31 am Posts: 104 Location: Beijing, China Hi, I just finished the implementation of my Interceptor. I based it on the documentation example and on the EmptyInterceptor. Everything works fine except that I can't see the amount of object created. The weird thing is that I can never have a log with 'Creations:' being different ...

23. Problem with saveOrUpdate/Interceptor: migration to 3.05

3.05: I am trying to migrate our application from hibernate2 to 3.05. Went through quite a few problems. I am almost there untill met this problem. Basically, the saveOrUpdate function is not working for whatever reason. When I tries to insert an object with null ID using saveOrUpdate, saveOrUpdate tries to do an update and of course fails. The same code ...

25. hibernate Interceptor behavior possible without flush?

Howdy, Short question: ========= I'm looking for some way to get the capabilities of the hibernate Interceptor without having to perform a flush (which is required for onFlushDirty to be called ). Longer explanation: ============ We're using spring for hibernate/transactions, so we're trying to keep transaction mgmt out of the application. But I'd like to put data replication to another db ...

26. Interceptor to maintain to-of-hierarchy summary info

Hibernate version: 2.8 I have a hierarchy of objects that are typically 3 or mroe levels deep - e.g. Corporate, Branch and Person. To provide better performance for some often run queries I have decided to keeps some summaries/totals at the top level. The child level objects get updated using DAO's, but they can be called in some complex patterns. After ...

27. Interceptor.afterTransactionBegin callback

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1 rc2 Has anyone been using this method? We have an Interceptor instance wired into our Spring LocalSessionFactoryBean and have noticed that: 1) testing with JUnits using the HibernateTransactionManager - this callback is invoked as expected 2) testing using Weblogic's TransactionManager from JNDI - this callback is not invoked. ...

28. help with Interceptor

Newbie Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:31 am Posts: 7 hello all, I'm trying to implement an Interceptor in order to historize inserts/updates on my DB. I'm still using Hibernate 2 and by the moment cannot move to H3. I read lots of docs and before trying the triggers/views solution found in ... ggers.html I'm trying to implement my own ...

29. Hibernate sar deployment interceptor

30. Interceptor and second-level cache

Hi, In our project some data are stored as CLOB. This is in fact an XML document which we are parsing through interceptor and then filling some atributes in same object. There is an issue with using second-level cache (possiby distributed) and interceptor behaviour. From documentation lecture it seems to me that with standard Hibernate 2L cache object will be cached ...

31. newbie question - onDelete() not called in interceptor

...have no idea why - seems i have the signature right... ...onSave() is called just fine. but when i successfully delete an object like: Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); int deleted = session.createQuery("Delete net.sf.ussrp.bus.Report where id = "+ id) .executeUpdate(); tx.commit(); HibernateUtil.closeSession(); ...onDelete() is not called in my interceptor, like: public class UssrpInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor { ... public ...

33. Interceptor and EventListener behavior

34. Chained Interceptor

Relates to version 3.1.3: I'm wondering how I should handle chaining of interceptors now that the Interceptor interface has gone through some updates. I'm trying a strategy similar to this: and have done so successfully earlier. My problem relates to the new methods such as: public String onPreparedStatement(String s) public Object getEntity(..) etc... where I am uncertain what to return ...

35. Hibernate Interceptor: getEntity Problem !!

Author Message amits2 Post subject: Hibernate Interceptor: getEntity Problem !! Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:06 pm Newbie Joined: Thu May 25, 2006 9:45 am Posts: 7 I am working on an application, where I have a hibernate Interceptor to handle the cache object (if an object is available in the cache then return it to the hibernate else ...

36. Hibernate Interceptor: getEntity Problem !!

Author Message amits2 Post subject: Hibernate Interceptor: getEntity Problem !! Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:08 pm Newbie Joined: Thu May 25, 2006 9:45 am Posts: 7 I am working on an application, where I have a hibernate Interceptor to handle the cache object (if an object is available in the cache then return it to the hibernate else ...

37. Hibernate INterceptor use?

38. EventListener version of Interceptor.isTransient

I've got some custom logic in an implementation of Interceptor for isTransient. I'm trying to switch to the event listener model, which seems to be favored for newer versions of Hibernate. I don't see any events regarding a transient check or anything like that. Was there a reason this was ommitted from the even listener stuff?

39. Fetching entityName in an interceptor

Hi, Q: Is it possible to get entityName of a current object passed to an interceptor in a callback handler (onSave or onFlushDirty)? I saw getEntityName() in the Interceptor interface, but I don't know how would I implemented that in my interceptor. In my application I use interptor to save copy of created/modified objects to another table (historical data) using entityName ...

40. Code cant fail in Interceptor.beforeTransactionCompletion()?

Hi' everybody, We have implemented a custom org.hibernate.Interceptor for handling some tasks before transaction completion. We found that our code could fail and the Exception thrown were lost. Examining hibernate's sources we found the reason: SessiomImpl.class Code: public void beforeTransactionCompletion(Transaction tx) { log.trace( "before transaction completion" ); if ( ...

41. Interceptor onUpdate?

Hi again, I notice there is no onUpdate in the interceptor interface. I need to review an objects state before it is saved OR updated. Does this mean I can only intercept saves? I was forced to use session.update(...) on existing objects, but what is the trick to intercept those events? thank you. Darren

42. executeUpdate and Interceptor

43. Had AnyBody Worked with Interceptor

aleromcas wrote: You must be more specific, i've worked with interceptors recently and i had no problem with it, but i guess it wasn't the same case, so tell your problem At the given link by me. I am not getting that what Auditable is specifying there. I am doing with the example given at the link but not able to ...

44. Interceptor and @PersistenceContext

I am using @PersistenceContext to inject an instance of EntityManager in my DAO classes using Spring. I ran into this scenario - I was trying to persist a Person entity from a PersonDAO class method like Code: @Transactional public void save(Person transientInstance) { try { ...

45. Hibernate 2 interceptor configuration via hibernate.cfg.xml?

I've used an interceptor with Hibernate 3 configured via a specification in persistence.xml: Is there is a similar mechanism that can be used to configure a Hibernate 2 interceptor in hibernate.cfg.xml or perhaps via Spring? Or is interceptor configuration via Java code the only option in Hibernate 2?

46. Interceptor seems to not be working

Let me start out by saying I have googled this problem for hours and searched this forum also. I have a session factory scoped interceptor and can't seem to get the onFlushDirty, onDelete or onSave to ever fire, even though postFlush fires with all the entities that are persisted. beforeTransactonComplete also fires properly. Is it possible that hibernate batching, batched versioned ...

47. Hibernate Interceptor problem

48. Performance and Interceptor related question

Hibernate version: 3.2.5ga Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Wired through Spring Name and version of the database you are using: Sybase 12 Hello All, In our application we have 100's of queries, each of which have joins spanning 4 to 5 tables. Once we retrieve the result we process it and pass them to the User layer where they are used ...

49. Interceptor onFlush()

Hibernate version: 3.2.6 Spring version: 2.5.3 I have a requirement where in, at the time of a write to the DB, I need to ensure certain "states" are met - I have to do this in code. If the states are NOT met, I would like to trigger a rollback. My unit of work is run within a transaction boundary. I ...

50. Hibernate Interceptor

51. interceptor not working for @GeneratedValue @TableGenerator

Hello, We are working with diferents schemas for real and test and for this we use an interceptror: public class HibernateInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor { @Override public String onPrepareStatement(String sql) { String prepedStatement = super.onPrepareStatement(sql); prepedStatement = prepedStatement.replaceAll("_@libako@_", ApplicationBean.getLibAko()); prepedStatement = prepedStatement.replaceAll("_@libakov4@_", ApplicationBean.getLibAkoV4()); ....... An we have a legacy table with and id generated from a register in other table. This works ...

52. Interceptor beforeTransactionCompletion

53. Problem with Interceptor example in Hibernate book

Hi: I have extended the Interceptor example in the Java persistence with Hibernate book to force a persistent object to be refreshed when it is created (the refreshed object contains a one-to-many collection, and a database trigger on insert into the one table inserts into the database table on the many side). I have followed the same basic pattern as in ...

54. how to throw user exception in hibernate interceptor?

Hi all. I need to throw an user exception (UserException) in a particular case. This situation is verified in a Hibernte Interceptor's onSave and onFlushDirty methods. The problem is that I am receiving an UndeclaredThrowableException -> InvocationException -> UserException, that is, my exception encapsulated into an InvocationException, encapsulated into an UndeclaredThrowableException. I would like to receive my exception with no encapsulation. ...