logger « JBoss « JPA Q&A

1. How to direct hibernate logger statements in different log files for differnet applications using jboss-log4j.xml file    stackoverflow.com

I am using JBOSS 4.2.2 server to deploy multiple web applications. Each application uses Hibernate and for each application there are saperate log files and saparate appendar. Now for Hibernate logging ...

2. hibernate Logger problem in jboss    forum.hibernate.org

hi, I am doing the project with hibernate based java web applcation under the jboss AS. In the jboss server, When i deploy the application as ear file, the server should stopped the logger as given below:: I just show the logger after deploy the application Start server. . . . 14:17:55,360 INFO [EARDeployer] Init J2EE application: file:/E:/jboss4.0.2/server/default/deploy/LICMAN-REL-1-0-0.ear 14:17:57,844 INFO [Environment] ...