BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException « JDBC « JPA Q&A

1. org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException

Can someone please help? I've had some code running for sometime and all of a sudden it has stopped working in the sense that I can't update objects. I have a simple table in MS SQL 2000: PK WebUserID int PersonID int UserName nvarchar 50 (unique) Password nvarchar 50 SecurityLevel int WebUserTypeID int DoNotShowMyPicture bit HasFrontPageWeb bit Comment varchar 1000 TMStamp ...

2. org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException

Hi all, I am getting the above exception when i am trying to execute a simple test application. The stack trace is as follows log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger ( log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. we are testing spring:: 11 we are testing spring:: we are testing spring and the application context is:: com.vecna.dms.ApplicationProperties@3a835d we ...