database « JDBC « JPA Q&A

1. How to use Java DB (named Derby) with hibernate

Hi guys i can connect Derby via Eclipse Database Development but i cannot connect Derby with same url with Eclipse Database Development's through Hibernate. Error :"Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Another ...

2. Lightweight Java database with Maven plugin for starting/stopping?

For unit tests, demonstrations and Hibernate tasks I would like to use a small and simple Java database like Derby / Java DB or HSQLDB, which can be called from within ...

3. Migrate from JavaDB to PostgreSQL and cant access database any longer

Hi all
I have an application on Glassfish v2 ( on Mac OS 10.5.8 and Java 1.6 ) that uses JavaDB and Toplinks that comes with the Glassfish bundle. Everything works fine. I ...

4. How to configure a connection pool to access a Postgis database?

I am using Glassfish v2, Hibernate with Annotations+EntityManager and Postgresql 8.4. I am also using on top HibernateSpatial and PostGis. It works fine to persist entities with spatial properties ( com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point ) into ...

5. Hibernate: More than one relationship using the same join column

I'm using a legacy database schema with composite keys. I have an entity with two relationships and one of the join columns is shared. For example, Let's say i have a ...

6. Hibernate database connection configuration

We have 2 different server environments using the same Hibernate configuration. One server has JNDI support for datasource, but the other does not. Currently the Hibernate configuration is configured to use ...

7. Service bus Vs direct database access

What are the advantages of using an ESB instead of directly accessing a database (via Hibernate or JDBC). I know you can reuse the messages on the bus, but could you ...

8. Programatically setting the db url/user/password in Hibernate

I need to centralize all settings for our Java web application in one .properties file. I can still have hibernate.cfg.xml for adding mappings to entity classes but I need to ...

9. Getting Database connection in pure JPA setup

We have a JPA application (using hibernate) and we need to pass a call to a legacy reporting tool that needs a JDBC database connection as a parameter. Is there a ...

10. error while inserting symbol in database with JPA

I am using JPA to insert into Mysql database and it is not able to persist symbols like double quotes(") or euro etc. instead of that it persist Que mark (?) ...

11. Question about Hibernate and Informix

Currently, I am running into a problem where I am not able to save any CLOB object with hibernate if it is longer than 4096 characters. Anything below that it ...

12. What is a Flat Object?

What does a Flat Object mean in the Pole Position Client Server Model benchmarks (see picture below)? enter image description here I am trying to figure out which benchmarks I should ...

13. How does Hibernate use JDBC?

I know that Hibernate uses JDBC behind the scenes, but how does it do this/ where does it do this?

14. Using Hibernate via an ODBC connection

I need to use Hibernate over an ODBC connection (not my decision) and would like to know the caveats of doing so (if it is even possible?). I have done ...

15. Comparison between two ResultSet in Java

What is the best way to handle Java ResultSet? I'm creating a Desktop application that will connect to an oracle database using JDBC. However, I am having problem with handling ResultSets since ...

16. Out of memory when using Hibernate save a large rescord?

My project parse xml file from dblp , it about 1Gb to save in ORM database , so i use SAXP for reading imformation like (paper'author, paper'infomation ......). The funtion ...

17. DB errors + hibernate

Hi! I create desktop application. I work with database using hibernate and Netbeans. For example method which delete object from database. public static boolean deleteOneEntity(Object obj){ boolean statusOperation=true; Session session = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.delete(obj); session.flush(); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "Transaction error", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); statusOperation = false; } finally { if (session != null ...

18. File upload into database using Hibernate

19. Hibernate with multiple database

I have used Hibernate with two databases. You just need to make two datasources then call the one you need for the specific query. I have most recently been using hibernate with Spring but I looked up some old code and what I did was made two different SessionFactories, and so I would call either one or the other session from ...

20. How can I store an image to the database using hibernate

Hi! In my JSP page i have an upload form and i want to store the image from the form to the database(Oracle). I tried the following: FormFile myFile = (FormFile)form.get("myFile"); byte[] fileData = myFile.getFileData(); I get the following exception: org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException: Cannot assign value of type 'java.lang.String' to property 'myFile' of type 'org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile' org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm.set(DynaAc org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.setSimp leProperty( org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.setNest edProperty( org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.setProp erty( ...

21. Hibernate with multiple databases

Java Code: public class HibernateUtil { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernateUtil.class); private static HashMap sessionFactoryMap = new HashMap(); public static final ThreadLocal sessionMapsThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal(); public static Session currentSession(String key) throws HibernateException { HashMap sessionMaps = (HashMap) sessionMapsThreadLocal.get(); if (sessionMaps == null) { sessionMaps = new HashMap(); sessionMapsThreadLocal.set(sessionMaps); } // Open a new Session, if ...

22. Database view with JPA for jdbc realm

I have an application that uses form based security. The realm used is JDBC Realm. I have the entities User and Group for the JDBC realm. All database tables for the application are created when I deploy the application. For User and Group entities the tables users, groups and user_group is created. user_group is just a relation table to avoid redundancy ...

23. Supported JDBC Driver for Microsoft Access Database

I am developing a classified J2EE system for a Federal government agency here in Washington, DC. I have years of experience with Hibernate and am using it on this system. The problem is: this system shall get some data from Microsoft Access database too. Hibernate supports HXTT Access JDBC driver; however, because it is developed and sold by a non-U.S. company ...

24. Custom JDBC code after save does not get sent to DB

I need to do some custom JDBC code after I call save on an object (since I'm implementing my own type of lazy load). I'm within a session bean transaction. I then call; After that call, I then use the session.connection() to execute some update statements using JDBC. The updates update fields of the table that obj is mapped to. ...

26. Hibernate to Database Security using JDBC

Hello all, I was wondering is it possible to secure the SQL statements that hibernate produces when it is requesting data from the database and vise versa. Please could you let me know if i'm totally on the wrong track. If this possible could you explain how I can do this and if not possible could you explain why not. All ...

27. non-specific JDBC error on delete, can't sync db state

I am having trouble figuring out why a delete is not working. Primarily, I can't even figure out what the issue is, because the error returned is simply "failed batch," with no SQL Error reported. I am bundling up a whole bunch of related objects and deleting them in a single transaction inside of a Swing application. When the transaction finishes, ...

29. How can I get database name or JDBC connection string?

Hi Everybody Im using: Hibernate Core 3.2.4.sp1 My system is a multithreaded standalone Java 5 application with c3p0 connection pool. How can I get database name or JDBC connection string? You can ask, why, the hell, I need database name? I need this name to be absolutely sure that my TestCases are not running on production environments. Kind regards, Adam

30. Hibernate database connection using JDBC-ODBC bridge

Hi all, Is is possible to use Hibernate against a database using a JDBC-ODBC bridge? Has anyone done this? I have set up my connection and I'm getting the error "Could not obtain connection metadata". I have Hibernate successfully running against DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server via JDBC drivers at this point, but this one is stumping me. Thanks in advance. ...