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1. plain jdbc and hibernate

I have a project running live for couple of years and it uses plain jdbc. Now I have to implement a small module for which I am considering hibernate. I configured ...

2. Using plain JDBC side-by-side with Hibernate?

I have a legacy system using plain JDBC when communicating with the database. I am now thinking about introducing Hibernate in this application. However, I cannot rewrite the whole application at once, due to money and time constraints. Instead, I want to rewrite little bits here and there, over time, and finally arrive at a completely rewritten application. Is this a ...

3. Using plain JDBC

Hi All I read in this forum that in some cases like complex report queries , bulk updates plain JDBC is better than ORM. We are having some report queries which work properly in Oracle client but we are facing a tough time slipping these queries through Hibernate. Since our reports involves complex joins & aggregate functions we are encountering problem ...

4. How to prove Hibernate is better than plain JDBC

It isn't. Hibernate is, basically, manager-pushed fuzz. A manager has the idea that you call "persist" on some object and then all magically goes to the database. He has no idea of the amount of jerry-rigging and infinite configuration behind that post. So my advice is, if you have a good JDBC solution, don't fix what's not broken.

5. How to explictly close PreparedStatement using plain API

Newbie Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 4:02 pm Posts: 2 Hi, I am using: - Atomikos 3.5.4 - Spring 2.5.6 - Hibernate 3.2.6 I am using Spring + Hibernate with DAO based on plain Hibernate API ( ... e-straight ), This is an example: this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from ..."); I have a problem that Atomikos transaction manager is forced to close pending prepared ...