EAR « Jar « JPA Q&A

1. If I put EJB's in an EAR file, should I put the entity classes in there, a seperate jar, or the web app?    stackoverflow.com

If I put EJB's in there on EAR file should I put the entity classes in there, a seperate jar, or the web app? Thanks.

2. hibernate .jars in .ear for JBoss 3.2.2RC3    forum.hibernate.org

I use WebLogic instead of JBoss, but this is a pretty common issue. The way it works for me in WL (and it should also work in JBoss) is as follows: 1) generate my ejb-jar files with Class-Path entries in each ejb-jar manifest file with each of the jar files listed which this ejb grouping needs; 2) bundle the ear file ...

3. hibernate jars and webapp: server classpath v. in ear/war    forum.hibernate.org

don't have any authoritative answer but I foud this in a tutorial that **looks** official. Unfortunately I failed to find it online... Now, copy the libraries to the two classpaths: 1. Copy the JDBC driver for the database to the global classpath. This is required for the DBCP connection pool software which comes bundled with Tomcat. Hibernate uses JDBC connections to ...