file « Jar « JPA Q&A

1. How do you manage Hibernate's zillion JAR files

For my previous employer I've worked with Hibernate, and now that I'm in a small startup I would like to use it again. However, downloading both the Hibernate core and the ...

2. jar file for JPA 2.0

import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;
I've created a JPA project where I try to user the above classes but I'm unable to find what jar I'm missing for them. Please guide me.

3. Project JAR file structure when using JPA

I am not sure what the most appropriate way to handle JPA objects that are shared using a JAR file to multiple projects. ie If you have multiple projects that all ...

4. hibernate 3.5 jar files

We are migrating to new Hiberbate 3.5.0 final version from 3.3.2. As per the documentation copied the hibernate3.jar and hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0.Final.jar and removed all the old jar files. But during ...

5. Problem with Hibernate + FCKEditor.jar files

Orignial message at: By: benahoare I'm developing a web application using the hibernate support provided by ZK. I downloaded the .war file published in the ZK+Hibernate smalltalk ( ) and I'm using this example as base to build my application. I need to include the FCKEditor component in some pages, but when I try to include this tag, the ZK ...

6. want to know what are all the jar files I need to use

[color=#80BF00][/color] Hi Im new to Hibernate, I want to know what are all the jar files I have to use in the classpath for Hibernate Annotations?? I have added the following Jar files commons-logging-1.0.4.jar hibernate3.jar dom4j.jar log4j.jar commons-collections ecache-1.1.jar cglib-full-2.0.2.jar javaee.jar and hibernate-commons-annotations.jar ejb3-persistence.jar hibernate-annotations.jar but getting the following Exception log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.Version). log4j:WARN Please ...

7. Put Services and Domain Layer into seperate jar file?

Should I put the Services and Domain Layer into seperate jar file and include it into my web application (like any other jar file)? These layers will use hibernate. I think my idea project is getting too large with all the layers, but it's nice having it all there at the same time. What do you experts do?

8. Where do I find hibernate jar file... ???

9. Necessary 3rd party jar files?

I have just downloaded the recommended distribution of Hibernate v2.1.4 I'd like to know if I may encounter pbms using a different version (higher) for some jar files. In Hibernate 2.1.4 /lib we have: Code: 737884 Apr 26 00:57 ant-1.5.3.jar 671546 Apr 26 00:57 ant-optional-1.5.3.jar 348666 Apr 26 00:57 c3p0- 300056 Apr 26 00:57 cglib-full-2.0.1.jar 165119 Apr 26 00:57 commons-collections-2.1.jar 100776 ...

10. Help: Using HibernateDocletTask on JAR files

Hi, I'm using the Ant task "hibernate.doclet" to generate mapping files. Unfortunately some of the class files refer to other class files are contained within a JAR file (web-inf/lib) and the xdoclet plugin doesn't seem to pick it up. When I run it I get the following message: INFO: Some classes refer to other classes that were not found among the ...

12. Minimal set of jar files

Which are the jar files needed to run Hibernate or do I always need all of them? There are jboss jar files, jgroups, commons stuff. I would like to keep my application as lightweight as possible. Is there a list of absolutely-needed jar files and ones you can do without? My apologies if this has been answered earlier Thanks

14. TransactionFactoryLookup - which jar file?

16. read hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd from jar file

Hello, I am using the org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration class to read in an xml file stored as a org.w3c.dom.document object with the config method. My code looks like this: InputStream inps = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/hibernate.cfg.xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); document = parser.parse(inps); Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.configure(document); sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory(); The problem is that when the parser.parse method is called, ...

17. Problems with the element in the persistenc

18. Can't even compile the jar file

Hi, Downloaded Hibernate 3.2.5 to a Fedora 7 box. I have jdk 1.5 and 1.6 installed. My path points to 1.6 but theant script apparently picked up 1.5 - not sure how... Failed to build hibernate.jar - I get the output listed below - Question - what is 'clovertasks'? I assume I'm doing something simple incorrectly here, but the documentation says ...

19. please solve my problem do i have to add any jar files

126 [main] INFO datasource.DriverManagerDataSource - Loaded JDBC driver: org.postgresql.Driver 141 [main] INFO cfg.Environment - Hibernate 2.1.8 142 [main] INFO cfg.Environment - not found 142 [main] INFO cfg.Environment - using CGLIB reflection optimizer 143 [main] INFO cfg.Environment - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling 2667 [main] INFO cfg.Binder - Mapping class: Employee -> EMPLOYEE 9306 [main] INFO cfg.Binder - Mapping class: Product ...

20. hiberante configuration outside of jar file

I'm usting Hibernate version 2 and creating configuration object in following way: Configuration cfg = new Configuration.configure("my-hibernate.cfg.xml"); Whole application is packed in one jar called "my.jar". This jar file goes than as one of the app library which is packed as "my.ear" file. I need to be able to modify "dialect" property from "my-hibernate.cfg.xml" file for each ear that I craete. ...

21. Hibernate First Application & jar files

Hi, I'm new to hibernate. I have been trying to develop my first new application for over a week now, but in vain. I am encountering a runtime exception, which is java.lang.IllegalAccessError. I have read in many forums that it is a problem with jar files and classpath. I had all the jar files added to the classpath, problem persists. Then, ...