library « Jar « JPA Q&A

1. Glassfish and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/proxy/HibernateProxy with javassist.jar in lib. Why have I this error?

I want to use Glassfish and hibernate. I use the Glassfish update tool to add the hibernate libraries. So I have all needed libraries. But when I ran my JUnit test I ...

2. Java Contact Library/JAR

Can anyone suggest a good java contact library for the US? Our application requires the usual contact info to be saved: last name, address line 1, address line 2, enum (or ...

3. i added jpa2 jar file to library, but still can't find getCriteriaBuilder method

i am using hibernate jpa, i can use jpql query successfully but i can't use criteria api. i have read JPA Criteria API missing and jar file for JPA ...

4. Hibernate in action: All Jar files in lib folder?

I have another book about Hibernate and it recommends placing all of the Hibernate, Hibernate Extensions, and HSQLDB jar files into a lib directory at the base level of your project directory. It seems to me that this requires you to either develop all projects in the same directory structure or to have multi-megabyte lib directories in every project directory. Do ...

6. Library jar with JPA entity classes

Hi, I have read in the FAQ's that one cannot share a PU across multiple applications deployed in the EJB container. My practical experience has indeed shown that this is error prone as the first application works fine, but subsequent deployed EARs get errors due to the entity classes being in different classloaders and throwing " cannot be cast to com.xx.yy" ...

7. Which Hibernate lib jar files need to be distributed?

Hibernate version: 2.1 I have a Swing application that uses Hibernate 2.1 with McKoi 1.0.3. It works great, but I'd really like to minimize the number of jar files to be distributed with the application, because we intend to email the zipped up app if at all possible. I tried to find some info in the reference (and Googled for it) ...