Database « Join « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate joins every table in database

I've set up a small project as a test. I'm using BlazeDS and JPA with Hibernate on my test server, and flex with with dpHibernate to access the Java entities. Each ...

2. Doing a join over 2 tables in different databases using Hibernate

I have two tables in two separate oracle databases (not schemas) that I need to join in Hibernate. Currently, I have two hibernate sessions going out to the separate databases. ...

3. JOIN on two tables of different database

4. Multiple databases joins

MS SQL Server *can* do a join between multiple databases, like this: select a.field2, b.field3 from database_1.dbo.table_1 a join database_2.dbo.table_2 b on a.field1 = b.field2 I don't know how to map this in hibernate.cfg.xml and table_*.hbm.xml. I thought I could define a connection to database_1 in hibernate.cfg.xml and then put in table_1.hbm.xml the following: ...

5. Multiple database joins

I have seen one post on this, but there was no answer. Is it possible in Hibernate to do a cross database join using either HQL or Criterias? For example if I have 2 databases, db1 and db2. In db1, I have a table with Customers and in db2 I have a table with Invoices. The invoice simply has the id ...

6. joining across databases

Hi, I'm not very familiar with mysql, but how would you do this in SQL? Hibernate is only a ORM solution, it can do nothing with the database you cannot to with SQL. In most DBMS you can configure serveral databases. If you want to access multiple databases with one statment you have to use one SessionFactury. You can user one ...