Join 1 « Join « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate many to many join

Ok, Class A can have many Class B. Class B can have many Class A

Class A {


2. Hibernate "JOIN ... ON"?

I have an application that uses Hibernate for its domain objects. One part of the app is common between a few apps, and it has no knowledge of the other ...

3. hibernate optional join

I have an entity mapped with a One-To-One as per the following code:

@Table(name = "my_entity")
public class MyEntity
    @JoinColumn(name = "site_id")

4. How to do hibernate manual join?

In my Model class, if i put annotation

 public AnotherModel getAnotherModel(){

the above will always eagerly fetch classA join with AnotherModel class. If i only want to ...

5. JPA-Joining

I've two tables TbdbTasktable(ProcessId,TaskId...) where ProcessId+TaskId is the primary key TbdbWorkflowtable(TaskId,...) where TaskId is a not a primary key There is oneToMany relationship from TbdbTasktable to TbdbWorkflowtable I'm using netbeans 6.5 ...

6. Join using Hibernate

Hi All, I m trying to join two tables say hiber_employee(id,empId,name,designation) and hiber_company(companyid,empid,grade,salary). but i dont want to store the joined values into a new table. i have made three persistence classes for each table and 1 POJO for the join. my hiber_join.hbm.xml file looks like.. ...

7. Hibernate Join(ORM)

i dont think that you can map 2 tables in single class ... you can map one table in one class and you can have more than one class mapping in one file but its not the good programming practice.. you should implement class-per-file mechanism.... i m giving this reply up to my knowledge ..this may b correct or may not ...

8. What are the joins in Hibernate ?

These are the basic join types in standard SQL. I would strongly suggest doing some basic SQL learning before using Hibernate as it will not entirely eliminate the need to know SQL. Some people think they can use Hibernate as a means to entirely shield them from the relational data it is abstracting, this couldn't be any further from the truth. ...

9. Joins in Hibernate

Hi!!! There's problem in Hibernate. I have three tables as : Department(Dno,Dname) Employee(Eno,Dno,Salary) Project(Pno,Dno) i.e Here Dno represents The Department that controls that project. Now I Want Output as : Dname,sum(Salary),count(Project) i.e. Total Salary paid to each Department and total number of projects controlled by each department. i.e. Group by dno in Employee for Sum(Salary) and Group by dno in Project ...

10. Joins in JPA

11. Trouble in using joins in hibernate

Hi all, I have two tables with the following columns : Table name : employee empid | int(11) | YES | | NULL ename | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL mgrid | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL Table name : link empid | int(11) | YES | | NULL mgrid | varchar(20) | YES | | NULL I would ...

12. Hibernate joins

Hello, I'm trying to use hibernate in my application, but i'm having troubles with this schema: What I have: [list]TABLE assignment(id INTEGER),[/list][list]TABLE document(id INTEGER),[/list][list]TABLE version(id, id_document, type INTEGER),[/list][list]TABLE translation(id, id_assignment, id_version_translated, id_version_to_translate, language INTEGER),[/list][list]FOREIGN KEY (id_document) ON version TO (,[/list][list]FOREIGN KEY (id_assignment) ON translation TO (,[/list][list]FOREIGN KEY (id_version_translated) ON translation TO (,[/list][list]FOREIGN KEY (id_version_to_translate) ON translation TO ([/list] But i cannot ...

13. Hibernate Join

Hello, I am using hibernate and I want to make join using Hbm.xml. Is there any way to make join using xml and how ?? I have get result using this code. But in another place where I am using this xml it gives error. So, give me solution for same ASAP.

14. "Logical join" in hibernate

The data is related. But, i dont want to have physical relation between the two. For example: Say that you have Custoemer and you have additional entity - Book I want that customer will have a "logical collection" of books. By logical collection i mean something like "view".The tables will not have any comuns for this relation. The collection of books ...

15. "Logical join" in hibernate

Suppose that i have two entities - customer, book. That dosnt have "physical relation" (they dont have FK to PK). Both entities can can be joined based on two columns. For example: select * from book, customer where = and customer.publisher = book.publisher I dont want load the rellevant book by query and set them on customer. I dont ...

16. Join and DTO

17. DiscriminatorValue, InhreitanceStrategy Join - How to force?

Is is possible to force hibernate to use discriminator values for InheritanceType.JOINED? I have tried adding @ForceDiscriminator to the parent class but this seems to have no effect. I read hints that this is not possible to do with the "joined" strategy in hibnate but could find no definitive answers. Other hints that it does work only had examples using xml ...

18. join request one to many

i have two objects with one to many relation between, like Person and vehicule. and a set of vehicules is an attribut of Person Object like that : @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name="fk_peson") private Set cars; so how to implements the method getVehiculesForPerson(personId)?? something like this, i know it's not correct : getHibernateTemplate().find("from Vehicule as v join Person as p where p.personId=?",new ...

19. How can i use 'and' with joins?

20. Unable to use within ?

I have a subclass element, which happens to be a mix of table per class hierarchy with table per subclass. My question is, why am I not allowed to use the mapping within the element? What is the alternative? Code: ...

21. Need Help with Join !!

Hello All, Could someone please help me with following? I have 3 tables where I am joining. I am wondering how to best write hbm and create domain object for it. Table A ======= ID Severity Table B ========= ID Client_Id Section_Id Table C =========== Section_Id Message So, that would make my query join where B.ID = A.ID and B.Section_Id = ...

22. How to Disable JOIN on subcalsses

Hi, I got a problem to disable the outer join on the subclass when joining the super class. I have a super class: Code: @Entity @Table(name="table_1") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) @IdClass(MyPK.class) public class MySuperClazz implements Serializable { @Id @Column(name = "id") @GenericGenerator( name = "IdSeq", strategy ...

23. many-to-one and join from opposite side

24. TransactionMARKED_FOR_JOINED

25. Joins in Hibernate

You need to define a relationship between your class Employee and your class Info. You won't be able to join the 2 tables if they are not linked in the hibernate mapping. For example you can define a property named info of type Info in the class Employee (one-to-one relationship). Then you can make a request like this: select, ...

26. what is the best way to use joins in hibernate

Hi, I am using native query (createSQLQuery) and i have 3 joins in this query, the problem is it is giving problems Now, if i run the code as it is without addEntity... (all three tables) then the code gives an error saying the column(written in the select part of query) dont exist. If i write the addEntity on them then ...

27. very urgent, use joins on below code

i want to apply joins ,on this code, public List getClassAssessment( AssessmentCommand assessmentCommand, String username, SnSchool snSchool) throws DataAccessException, java.sql.SQLException, ParseException { List marksList = null; Session session = this.getSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = null; StringBuffer queryBuffer = new StringBuffer( "from com.tsb.nirvahak.student.hibernate.SnStudentAssessment"); if (assessmentCommand.getAssessmentType().equals("I")) { HashMap searchFilters = new HashMap(); searchFilters.put("month", new SearchFilterData("month", assessmentCommand.getMonth(), SearchFilterData.TYPE_STRING_STR)); searchFilters.put("year", new SearchFilterData("year", ...

28. Vagueness with multicalling join function for From interface

Newbie Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:54 am Posts: 5 Hi. Let us suppose we have a class Building which have a set of another classes Floors. We want to get the Building and its first floor. So our code may be like this: Code: CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery cr = builder.createTupleQuery(); ...

29. Nested Joins

30. join for multiple tabels.

Hi there, I am trying to get data from multiple tabels so i am using join. Please let me know the problem here. TblMeasureBean a = new TblMeasureBean(); TblContentAreaBean c = new TblContentAreaBean(); TblIndicatorBean b = new TblIndicatorBean(); TblContentAreaIndicatorBean e =new TblContentAreaIndicatorBean(); TblIndicatorMeasureBean d = new TblIndicatorMeasureBean(); System.out.println("Retrieving Record"); // TblCalculation calculation = new TblCalculation(); String hql = "select a.measureId,, ...

31. How to do hibernate manual join?

32. Envers - Join on a particular revision

I am experimenting with Hibernate Envers with great success so far. I have one issue that I am currently puzzled as to how to solve. I have an audited entity that contains a field of another audited entity that I always need to have set to particular revision. For example: Code: public class ExampleEntity { private Long ...

33. How are auto joins determined?

I don't want to post a boatload of examples here, but try to first explain. My tables are something like this: airport->city->citystate->state ->citycountry->country Where these (->) are all many to one. So for a city abbreviation, I map to the state code, and further to the state description, same for country. The sql generated confuses me though. My hibernate request is ...

34. joins

To do a join, I assume you already had your hibernate mapping converted to java classes with getters and setters. If so, this is a method of joining tables. Session s; try { s = getTestSession(); Query q = sess.createQuery("select ent, cc from org.hibernate.Datablock as db inner join db.childTables as cc inner join db.entitys ent where db.datablockName = '"+ myDatablockName+"' and ...

35. One join too many?

36.  supports 'where=', but

37. Join with hibernate

When i do this: select, from com.MasterTable as m join com.DetailAndMaster as dm i get this: outer or full join must be followed by path expression Anybody could help me? Does this work or not? Config files: hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=false hibernate.cgf.xml org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/c:/StrutsHibernateExample/db/HIBERNATE.GDB sysdba

38. why Hibernate doesn't support extyernal join ?

39. New to Hibernate joins - help please

Here is my sql query. what are my options ? 1. Do i need to create separate java class for each table ? 2. Why can't i create a class with all the selected fields [abstact] and run the regular SQL in session.find()? Pardon me. This is my first hibernate attempt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- select l.zip_code,, l.state, f.sky24, c.temperature,c.wind_speed, c.relative_humidity from weather_location ...

40. Joining to a filesystem or urlspace?

Hi there, We are looking to layer an java API on top of our existing documents database containing around 100,000 document (including translations) records. Hibernate looks like a good way for us to put a custom document management API on this system. I am about to try Hibernate now but in the meantime I have one immediate question from looking over ...

41. ManyTables/Joins - Toplink vs. Hibernate

When I use Hibernate, than generated SQL is too huge. Hibernate generate SQL command with joins all associated objects: select .... from obejct1 left outer join object2 ... left outer join object3 I am not able to avoid this behaviour, becasue I can mark only collections (many-to-one) as lazy, but not objects (one-to-many). On the contrary Toplink generate more sql commands: ...

42. Printing a join.

My source code: Code: Query q = session.createQuery("SELECT c.customerTPK.customerno, " + "c.customerTPK.countryT " + "FROM net.sf.hibernate.CustomerT c " + "WHERE c.customerTPK.customerno='1397549'"); List list = q.list(); ...

43. Can I define my own joins ?

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Question: Can I define my own join in Hibernate HQL ? I don't want to define it in mapping xml files. I need to build query like this (native SQL): SELECT * FROM CONSULTANT_PLAN LEFT JOIN CONSULTANT_WEEK ON (CONSULTANT_PLAN.ID = CONSULTANT_WEEK.IDUSER AND DATE > '2004-06-28 00:00:00.000' AND DATE < '2004-07-02 00:00:00.000') ORDER BY NAME DESC, DATE where date ...

44. Many-to-Many and join

Hibernate version:2.4 2 Pojos : Code: public class Utilisateur extends BaseObject{ private Long id; private Set roles=new HashSet(); /** * @hibernate.set ...

45. How to deal with join

There are two tables A and B, and column aid in A ,column bid in B.I want to join the two tables,sql is like this:"select A from A left join B where".But we can't use it in HQL.I don't write "one-to-one" or "one-to-many" relationship in the hbm files, also there is no any relationships about the two tables in the ...

46. hibernate join??

Hibernate2.jar MstSeth.hbm.xml&MstSetd.hbm.xml MstSetd.hbm.xml: ... ... MstSeth.hbm.xml: ... ... Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): ...

47. Add attritude to many to many join

Hibernate version: 2.1.1 Mapping documents: Xdoclet Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 4.1 The generated SQL (show_sql=true): create table condition_type_value ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, has_text BIT, is_defaulted_value BIT, value VARCHAR(255), fk_condition_type_value_id BIGINT, primary key (id) ); create table table_join_rights_condition_type_value ( fk_condition_type_value_id BIGINT not null, fk_condition_type_value BIGINT not null, fk_rights_id BIGINT not null, fk_rights BIGINT not ...

48. Joining with unmapped class.

Hi, I am using Hibernate version: 2.1 and I have been banging my head against a wall all week on this so any help is much appeciated. I have a table which specifies which organisations can see the data owned by others using the following table: event_permission owner_org_id, access_org_id e.g 1,2 would be organisation 2 has access to events owned by ...

49. equi - joins with hibernate

I want to do a join of four tables and get the data eg SELECT A.notice_id, B.wss_tid , D.deal_number, D.trade_date, D.value_date FROM notice A, xref_notice_customer B , favorite_notice C , ord_fx D WHERE A.notice_id = B.notice_id and A.notice_id = C.notice_id and D.wss_tid = B.wss_tid and C.siteminder_id = 'johndoe' order by notice_id In order to achieve this objective , would it be ...

50. Does Hibernate Criterial supports Joins?

51. Joins

Hi, I'm using Hibernate 2.1.6 and I have a problem with joins. I have a mapping where an entity "A" has: - a one-to-one relationship with the entity "B" - a one-to-one relationship with the entity "C" When using the hql question "from A", to list all A entities, there is a lot of sql selects generated, I think it's two ...

52. Joins

Hi, I'm using Hibernate 2.1.6 and I have a problem with joins. I have a mapping where an entity "A" has: - a one-to-one relationship with the entity "B" - a one-to-one relationship with the entity "C" When using the hql question "from A", to list all A entities, there is a lot of sql selects generated. Obviously this is not ...

55. Join and Meta-data ?

I have a question - sorry of it is too application specific: I am implementing some meta-data kind of thing in my application. Say I have one domain object D which canbe defined by a number of attribute groups, which in turn consists of a number of attributes. so D attribute groups attributes an attribute group simply has (name) ...

56. Why can't I join using a one-to-many?

In the style of the reference docs, this in HQL doesn't work because "kittens" is a set, or list, or whatever: select distinct cat where cat.kittens.age > 10 So that would give me all cats who have a kitten older then 10. Or, in SQL (which does work), if you prefer: SELECT DISCTINCT m.* FROM cat c INNER JOIN kitten k ...

57. Long Raw Access: Stream has already Closed only with join

Newbie Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:11 pm Posts: 2 Long Raw Access: Stream has already Closed only with join Oracle Long Raw Access: If I add a many-to-one relationship the resulting select statement fails b/c the Stream for the long Raw has closed it seems that a join causes the stream to close early If I remove the many-to-one relationship ...

58. disable joins and only allow where

hey all, I have very large databases. In one query i want all the a and their childs b , but the sql that is creates uses the join functionality slowing down my server. Is it possible to only allow a where to be used and no join? thanks if i try to use createSQLQuery it fails on a table not ...

59. Need help with

How am I gonna do this in hibernate: Code: select a.person_name, b.address,, from Person a, Address b where a.address_id = b. address_id I tried but that didnt work, Im using hibernate2. //My Class: Code: package; public class Person { private int id; private String name; ...

60. join syntax changes

61. Don't get JOIN work'in - "unexpected token"

Session session = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(); //List vlist = session.find("FROM Veranstaltung WHERE Dauer >= 112 ORDER BY Dauer ASC"); ...

62. Turning off joins

63. Hibernate misses comma when JOINing colll-comp-many2one

View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index Hibernate & Java Persistence Hibernate Users All times are UTC - 5 hours [ DST ] Hibernate misses comma when JOINing colll-comp-many2one Page 1 of 1 [ 2 posts ] Previous topic | Next topic Author Message JamesS Post subject: Hibernate ...

64. joined subclassses and ENTITYMODE.DOM4J

65. Trying to use , without any luck.

My problem is rather unique. Im trying to map a single object to multiple tables, but one of the tables Im trying to join on doesnt have all the columns for the objects primary key. Example: (Note: This problem uses natural keys and the below is just an example to express the issue.) Event Table: Application (PK) Event Name (PK) Filter ...

66. A valid usage for ?

67. A valid usage for ?

68. join and XML data files

69. Can work for me ?

70. Help: Join Fecthing Not working!

71. Using Join

Hi all. I am trying to use JOIN on two DB views, my SQL query (which works perfect on my DB) looks lke this: SQL : ==== select map.object_type, map.function_name from authorization_mappings as map join authorizations as auth USING(permission_id) where auth.person_id=4720 I am trying to run this query from HQL like this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String query = "select map.object_type, map.function_name from authorization_mappings ...

72. Clarification on

I have a table with several foreign keys. These foreign keys refer to enumeration tables. I need to get properties from these enumeration tables. I tried using the mapping, but as far as I understand it, assumes the enumeration tables have foreign keys to the mapped table, not mapped table with foreign keys to enumeration tables. Here is an ...

73. 2X more joins that are needed

dhatomic: he asked if you *had* set lazy=false; he didn't ask you *to* set lazy=false I have many-to-many mappings in my current app, and I want entire objects, not just the id values, so hibernate is doing the right thing for me. I can't see the value in retrieving only id values, unless you're going to use them to load the ...

74. Email application: use or ?

Hibernate version: 3.1 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 10g I am trying to convert an email application from EJB to SPRING/HIBERNATE. In the database, I have 2 tables 'EMAIL' and 'ATTACHMENT'. I have 2 Java objects with the same name as the database tables. Problem comes in when trying to store their relationship. Each email has ...

75. Joins not working as expected

I'm using 3.1.3 (though 3.1.1 had the same problem) and am having a strange problem. This is a legacy DB and it would not be possible to change the structure. My mapping looks something like: Code: ...

76. Implementing multiple joins in Hibernate

77. how to make a filtered join?

Hello, I need a join, for instance, book shelf joined with new books. There is a table of book shelfes and a table of books, book has a property named "new". How do I implements shelf.getNewBooks() ? Of course, I know that i can write a query to get new books, but the method getNewBooks() would require a session as a ...

78.  inside of a

I want to be able to use the following mapping. The problem I face is that a cannot exist in a . I looked in JIRA to see if someone has added this as a feature request, but there were too many results to sift though. I was wondering if anyone knows if this has been added as a feature ...

79. use "join" or "many-to-one"?

I have a general question about mapping data in Hibernate. I think that's an easy question to answer. I just need a general idea. I have 3 linked tables: --------------------- table test: (stores some tests) id - primary key name -------------------- table testresult: (stores the testing results for each test) (test_id, testingdate) - composite primary key message, server_id ---------------------- table server: ...

80. Complicated Joins

Hi I am fairly new to using the Hibernate and Spring frameworks and have a question on how to map a complicated join in my database. I am building a telephone number database and have two tables I wish to join using the hbm.xml config files. The two tables are Ranges and Numbers for which one range can have many numbers. ...

81. everybody ,come in and join me

82. Join.

I am pretty new to Hibernate and i have a question. I have 3 tables: Deployer(Worker)-----one-to-many----Deployment(Action)-----many-to-one----Terminal(object to be deployed) I need to get list of Terminals knowing only id of Deployer. 1) Deployer Code:

83. Trying to make a join error

Hello all I am having an on going problem trying to make a relationship which is really one-to-one between two tables. I have read through the hibernate documents and found the many ways to do this in the mapping files, but I cannot get any of them to function all I get in the end is Full stack trace of any ...

84. help with join

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.1 Mapping documents:

85. hibernate join

hi i have a join sql and i am getting stuck and hopefully someone can give me a hand on this. i have two class User { String firstName; String lastName; Company company; } Company { Integer companyID; String name; } i mapped them correctly and i am able to retrieve the object correctly. if i just try to order them ...

86. Many-to-many join

I am trying to map the standard User-Role relationship. The roles are keep in a table with a roleId. This is a static list of roles. The user can have many roles. I have a join table that tracks the user to his roles. I am using the following mapping on the User object to populate the roles: Code:

87. How do I do that in Hibernate (JOIN etc)?

88. Step to use joins in Hibernate

Newbie Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:07 pm Posts: 17 Hi All, I am using Hibernate 3.0 in one of the sample application. I want to retrieve data from two tables implementing joins.I tried a lot to retrieve the desired result but it is giving wrong results. There are two tables defectdetails and lookupdetails and the respective POJOs are Defect and ...

89. New to hibernate need some help in the following join

Hi I am new to hibernate and am not very confident about the joining feature in hibernate I want to be able to implement the follow join between three tables. What is the best way to implement it in hibernate. select, con.type, ai.item from transactions trans, condition con, assigned_items ai where trans.trans_id = ai.trans_id and ai.con_id = and trans.department=10 ...

90. Cartesian Join?

Hi, I am seeing what looks like cartesian join behaviour in a system I am working on. There is a map consisting of a 100x100 grid. Each grid location may contain objects. An object has a OneToOne relationship with a Grid object and vice versa. When I try to load all the Grid objects (using simple HQL - see below) memory ...

91. How to use joins in hibernate

92. Doing join using hibernate...

Now getting this... from ERMEvent as e join where e.status.statusType.statusCode like '%Pending%' java.lang.NullPointerException at org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlSqlWalker.createFromJoinElement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.joinElement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.fromElement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.fromElementList( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.fromClause( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.query( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.selectStatement( at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.statement( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.analyze( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.doCompile( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile( at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.getHQLQueryPlan( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.createQuery( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.createQuery( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.hibernate.context.ThreadLocalSessionContext$TransactionProtectionWrapper.invoke( ...

93. Case INSENSITIVE joins

I am running into the exact same issue. I have User and Group tables, and a mapping table between user and group. The entries in the mapping table may or may not match (casewise) the entries in the User table for example. So, for a given user id 'aa', and group entries as follows aa group1 AA group2 I see the ...

94. Advanced join!!! How?

95. Trying to avoid an unnecessary join

Let's say I have the following three entities: class Thing { User owner; } class UserFriend { User user; User friend; } class User { // collection key is friend in UserFriend Set friendUsers; } where they of course have mapping information, getters/setters, ids and all that stuff. Here is the query I need to construct: Find all Things belonging to ...

96. Multiple joins - many to one and one to one

I'm using the criteria api and i'm trying to get hibernate to load a single many to one mapping and a couple of one to one mapping in a single select but this is not working. Is there an easy way to do this? It appears to do the many to one select first then does single selects for the one ...

97. Hibernate and AS/400 : why no join ?

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a J2EE application at my work, that uses a DB2 AS/400 database for the datas. But we are unfortunately managing with some performances problems, dues to the lack of joining when requiring our tables. Example : We have a table named TravelContent, which refers to three anothers tables : Travel, ContainerContent and Article. The problem ...

98. Control how "joins" happen

Hello, I have a table (I will call it T here) and a view (=V) that need to be joined for fetching some data. The class that is stored in the table T contains a list that has the references to the elements in V. The view V is very big and REALLY slow. When Hibernate fetches the data, the following ...

99. Subselect join

Hi everyone, I've got a problem formulating a HSQL query. This query works in normal SQL: SELECT * FROM item, (SELECT id AS sub1,max(version) AS sub2 FROM item GROUP BY id) WHERE id=sub1 AND version=sub2; An item has a composite primary key (id and version). I want to get the most current items, thus items with the highest version. I've tried ...

100. full join error